임신. 그리고 실업급여 신청.
원래 저는 재택근무를 했고 주말부부였습니다.
하지만 임신 사실을 알고 출산 후에도 출근을 해야 한다는 생각에 고속도로 왕복 1시간이 넘는 직장과 신혼집을 출퇴근하는 것이 피곤하고 남편의 수입도 나쁘지 않아 어차피 아기는 남에게 맡기지 않고 제가 키울 생각이었기에 3월 임신 후 입덧이 심하고 몸이 많이 피곤했지만 육아휴직이나 병가 신청 없이 바로 회사를 퇴사했습니다.
퇴사 당시 지인으로부터 일정 조건을 충족하면 실업급여를 받을 수 있다는 이야기를 들었지만, 인터넷을 검색해도 '출퇴근 거리가 왕복 3시간 이상이어야 한다', '회사에 휴가나 휴직을 신청해야 한다' 등의 조건이 해당되지 않아 더 이상 알아보지 않았습니다.
문제는 실직한 지 1년이 다 되어가는데 시댁 식구들이 자꾸 실업급여를 신청하라고 하네요.
이전 회사에서 7년 정도 근무했고, 월급도 적지 않았기 때문에 회사에서 일을 잘하면 실업급여를 받을 수 있을 거고, 금액이 많으면 받아야 한다고 계속 말씀하십니다.
저에게는 해당되지 않는다고, 회사도 크지 않고, 사직 사유가 자발적 사직으로 처리되면 정부에서 지원하는 혜택도 못 받는데 그러면 회사도 힘들어지고 저도 그러고 싶지 않다고 했더니 자발적 사직이 아니라 다른 이유, 임신하고 몸이 안 좋아서 어쩔 수 없이 퇴사하게 되었다는 등의 이유를 대면서 실업급여를 받을 수 없다고 하더군요. 거절하면 그만두는 게 맞는지 물어봐주세요...".
아버지가 최근 권고사직을 하시고 현재 실업급여를 받고 계시는데, 주기적으로 고용보험센터에 들러 "며느리가 임신을 하고 몸이 안 좋아져서 부득이하게 회사를 그만두게 되었는데, 자진퇴사를 해도 실업급여를 받을 수 있는지, 현재 출산 중이고 취업할 의사가 있는지" 한번 물어본 것 같습니다.
센터에서는 "자발적으로 퇴사하더라도 임신으로 인한 질병(입덧, 조기진통, 유산, 조산 등)에 대해서는 실업급여를 받을 수 있다"는 답변을 받았다고 합니다.
그날 엄마가 전화해서 "자궁 수축으로 입원했는데 그게 사유가 될 수 있지 않느냐?"고 물으셨어요. 저는 "4월에 회사를 그만뒀어요.
8월에 입원했어요. 저는 "아니요, 해당되지 않습니다."라고 대답했습니다. 그녀는 "회사 측에 물어봐도 된다"고 했어요. 그래서 "제가 관할 고용보험센터 담당자 전화번호를 알고 있으니 전화해 보시라"고 했죠. 하하.
전화를 끊고 한숨을 쉬며 인터넷을 검색해보니 역시 해당 사항이 없었습니다.
(1) 임신 중 조기진통으로 입원한 것은 사실이지만, 이는 퇴사 후의 일이고 진단서는 '퇴사 전'에 필요한 것이었습니다.
(2) 8주 이상 입원했습니다(저는 4일간 입원했습니다).
(3) 휴직을 신청했지만 직장 사정으로 인해 휴직이 허가되지 않았습니다(휴직을 신청하지 않고 바로 퇴사했습니다).
그래서 다음에 시댁 식구들을 만나면 보여드려야겠다고 생각해서 인터넷에서 찾은 기사를 캡처해 두었는데, 오늘 시댁 식구들이 아기를 보러 오셨어요.
캡쳐본을 보여드리기 전에 고용보험센터 담당자로부터 받았다는 서류를 주셨어요.
지역마다 조건이 조금씩 다릅니다.
(1) 퇴사 당시의 진단서 (앞서 말씀드린 조기진통 사유가 아닌 2월 유산에 해당되는 것 같습니다).
(2) 치료 확인 서류 + 치료 후 의사 소견서 (가능)
(3) 임신으로 인한 퇴사 사유 확인서(휴직을 신청했으나 직장에서 인정하지 않은 경우, 부득이하게 퇴사했다는 내용의 회사 인감도장이 있어야 함 - 실무상 해당되지 않음).
이야기가 좀 길어지네요...
사실 출산하고 집에만 있다보니 다시 일자리를 찾고 싶은 마음도 조금 있고, 돌봐줄 사람도 있어서 일해도 괜찮지만, 어쨌든 재취업/구직 의사가 지금 실업급여를 받을 수 있는 조건은 아닌 것 같은데 시댁에서 계속 전 회사에 연락하라고 하는 게 싫어서요.
어린 나이에 입사했고, 여자는 저밖에 없어서 관심도 많이 받았고, 어른들도 저보다 10살 이상 많았지만 잘 어울리고 재미있게 일했어요. 평생 거기서 일하고 싶다는 생각이 들었지만, 정말
I'll try to keep it as short as possible.
January 22nd Pregnancy
22.Feb Miscarriage
22.March Pregnant again
22.April Leaving the company
(22.August hospitalized for preterm labor)
22.November Delivery
Originally, I worked from home and we were a weekend couple.
However, when I found out I was pregnant and thought that I would have to go to work even after giving birth, it would be tiring to commute to and from work and my newlywed home, which is more than an hour round trip on the highway, and my husband's income was not bad, so I was going to raise the baby anyway, not leave it to someone else, so after I got pregnant in March, I had severe morning sickness and my body was very tired, but I left the company immediately without applying for parental leave or sick leave.
At the time of my resignation, my acquaintances told me that I could receive unemployment benefits if I met certain conditions, but even when I searched the Internet, the conditions such as 'commuting distance must be more than 3 hours round trip' and 'applying for vacation or leave from the employer' did not apply, so I did not look further.
The problem is, I've been out of work for almost a year now, and my in-laws keep telling me to apply for unemployment.
I worked for my previous company for about 7 years, and my salary was not small, so they keep telling me that I should be able to get unemployment benefits if I do a good job at the company, and if I can get a large amount of money, I should get it.
I said that it doesn't apply to me, that the company is not large, and if the reason for my resignation is treated as a voluntary resignation, the company will not receive the benefits supported by the government, but then the company will suffer and I don't want to do that, but I said that it was not a voluntary resignation, but something else, that I was pregnant and unwell, so I was forced to leave the company, etc. If you say no, ask me if it's enough...".
My father was recently advised to resign and is currently receiving unemployment benefits, and he periodically stops by the Employment Insurance Center, and I think he asked once, "My daughter-in-law got pregnant and became unwell, so I had to leave the company, but can I receive unemployment benefits even if I voluntarily resign, and I am currently giving birth and have the intention of finding a job."
She said that the center told her, "Even if you leave voluntarily, you can receive unemployment benefits for illnesses caused by pregnancy (morning sickness, preterm labor, miscarriage, premature labor, etc.)."
My mom called me that day and said, "Weren't you hospitalized for uterine contractions and that could be a reason?" I said, "I left the company in April.
I was hospitalized in August. I said, "No, it doesn't apply." She said, "You can ask them." I said, "I have the number of the person in charge of the Employment Insurance Center in my district, so you can call them." Haha.
After hanging up the phone, I sighed and searched the internet, and it was also not applicable.
(1) It's true that I was hospitalized for preterm labor during pregnancy, but that was after I left the company and the medical certificate was required 'before leaving the company'.
(2) I was hospitalized for more than 8 weeks (I was hospitalized for 4 days).
(3) I requested a leave of absence from work, but it was not granted due to workplace conditions (I did not request a leave of absence and left immediately).
So I thought I'd show my in-laws the next time I saw them, so I captured the article I found online, and today they came over to see the baby.
Before I showed them the capture, they gave me a document saying they received it from the Employment Insurance Center representative.
The conditions are a little different in different regions.
(1) A medical certificate at the time of leaving the company (I think this applies to the miscarriage in February, not the reason for the premature labor I mentioned earlier).
(2) Documents confirming medical treatment + doctor's note after treatment (possible)
(3) A letter confirming the reason for leaving the company due to pregnancy (if you applied for a leave of absence, but the workplace did not recognize it, you must have the company's seal stamp stating that you left the company unavoidably - not applicable in practice).
This is getting a little long...
Actually, since I gave birth and stayed at home, I have a little desire to look for a job again, and I have someone to take care of me, so I don't mind working, but anyway, it seems that the intention of reemployment/job search is not a condition to receive unemployment benefits now, but I hate that my in-laws keep telling me to contact my former company.
I joined the company at a young age, and I was the only girl, so I got a lot of attention, and all the adults were at least 10 years older than me, but I got along well and had a lot of fun. I wanted to work there for the rest of my life, but I was really disappointed that it wasn't possible.
I got along really well with the CEO, who is the oldest person in the company, and he took good care of me, but I left the company and didn't contact him, and now, a year later, I have to fill out false documents for unemployment benefits (I never asked for a leave of absence and left voluntarily), and I'm honestly embarrassed to contact you like that. If there is a high chance of getting it, it's not a small amount, so I would rather contact you and look for a job and get it, but that's not the case, so I just don't want to contact you at all. I feel like I'm reaching out to a former employer with whom I have fun and fond memories (?) and I've been there long enough that everyone there knows my personality and I'm not really into that kind of thing and I don't like to buy people things and I don't like to be embarrassed and I've said many times that I'm not going back to work after having a baby, so I'm reaching out to you because at first I just said, "My in-laws keep telling me to reach out to see if I can get unemployment benefits," so I'm reaching out to you. I know that's not the case, so if there's anything I can do to avoid having the paperwork filled out at work, let me know. I was going to say, "I need to tell my in-laws exactly why the company can't fill out the documents, so they won't say anything more. But before I do, I thought I'd ask Mamitok, what would be the reason I could tell my in-laws without asking the CEO? I think she'll give up if I tell her the reason for the rejection, like it might cause something unfair to the company when filling out the paperwork... I'm a person who says everything I need to say, but my in-laws are difficult.