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40대 50대 임신 가능성에 대하여


저도 남자인데 임신은 여자 나이도 중요하지만 남자 나이도 상당히 중요하고 둘 다 궁합이 중요하고 저는 의료인이라 여자 나이만 단정적으로 말하면 더 말하기 어렵네요 여자도 사람 나이에 따라 케바케가 있거든요.
롤러코스터와2023-03-06 12:01IP: 114.204.*.20케베이크 20대 20대 50대 50대
50대 50대
닉네임172023-03-06 12:02IP: 223.39.*.58최지우 함소원 김가연 등등 남자가 어릴수록 임신 확률이 높다고 합니다.
신포도2023-03-06 12:04IP: 219.248.*.14상대방 남성의 나이도 중요하다고 알고 있습니다.

남자의 정자가 80세라면 여자는 40대 중반일 수도 있습니다.
헤라클레스2023-03-06 12:05IP: 118.221.*.23양경자// 양경자// 남녀 수태율 그래프 보면 알아요, 남자는 크게 영향없지만 여자나이는 훨씬 더 중요해요,,,, 물론 남자도 완전영향이 없는 건 아니지만..... 남자 출산율은 40대부터 서서히 감소하고 여자 출산율은 20대 중반부터 감소합니다. 잘못된 것일까요? 애초에 출산율 그래프와 출산율 정점은 같은 게 아니고, 오히려 남성의 출산율은 40세까지는 연령에 따라 증가하지만 40세 이후에는 정점을 찍고 서서히 감소하는 것이 맞습니다.
니다2023-03-06 12:07IP: 39.7.*.130생식력은 여성의 나이에 절대적으로 영향을 받습니다.
남성의 나이가 많아질수록 기형아를 가질 확률이 높아집니다.
밴드2023-03-06 12:07IP: 223.38.*.141불펜에는 여성이 많아서 남성의 나이가 중요한 것은 사실이지만, 임신에 있어서는 여성의 나이>>>남성의 나이입니다.
비야레알2023-03-06 12:07IP: 106.101.*.68개인차가 너무 커서 말씀드리기 어렵네요.
헤라클레스2023-03-06 12:08IP: 118.221.*.23비야레알// 개인차가 있긴 하지만 평균을 말씀드리는 겁니다.
럼펜2023-03-06 12:08IP: 182.172.*.189여성의 나이가 중요한 요소인 것은 맞지만 남성 불임도 상당히 심각합니다. 40 세가 되었으니 불임 클리닉에서 정자 검사를 받아야합니다. 아마 충격을 받을 것입니다. 인기 댓글 의료 전문가의 말을 믿지 않으시나요?
헤라클레스2023-03-06 12:08IP: 118.221.*.23biyareal// 보편적으로 여성이 50세가 되면 갱년기라는 것은 과학적 사실인데 개인차라는 핑계는 통하지 않아요.
양경자2023-03-06 12:09IP: 121.143.*.210헤라클레스// 남성은 40대가 되면 성욕이 급격히 떨어지고 여성은 올라가는데, 횟수가 임신 확률을 높이기 때문에 상당히 중요하고, 소위 정자 수 역시 감소하는데 여성은 거의 변하지 않아서 단순 임신율 그래프만 보면 알기 어렵습니다.
헤라클레스2023-03-06 12:09IP: 118.221.*.23룸펜// 여자라고는 하지만 스스로를 비참하게 만들고 있을 뿐이죠. 과학은 이미 나와 있고... 그리고 그것은 추악합니다... 남성의 생식력은 실제로 40 세까지 올라간 다음 정점을 찍고 거기서부터 천천히 내려갑니다. 여성의 생식력은 20대 중반만 되어도 급감합니다. 꼭 짐을 챙겨야 할까요? 현실을 부정하기 때문에 짐을 싸는 것입니다.

I'm also a man, but pregnancy is quite important for women's age, but men's age is also quite important.Both compatibility is important.I'm a medical worker, so this is more difficult to say if you say only women's age conclusively Women are also kebake according to people's age.
Roller coaster and2023-03-06 12:01IP: 114.204.*.20Kebake 20something 20something 50something
50ë..."ì˜ëŠ" ë'˜ëŠ" ë'˜ëŠ
Nick Nickname172023-03-06 12:02IP: 223.39.*.58Choi Ji Woo Ham So Won Kim Gah Yeon And so on, the younger the man, the higher the chance of pregnancy.
Shinpodo2023-03-06 12:04IP: 219.248.*.14I know that the age of the other man is also important.

If a man's sperm is eighty, a woman can be in her mid-40s.
Heracles2023-03-06 12:05IP: 118.221.*.23양경자// 양경자// 남녀 수태율 그래프 보면 알아요, 남자는 크게 영향없지만 여자나이는 훨씬 더 중요해요,,,, 물론 남자도 완전영향이 없는 건 아니지만.... .men's fertility rate gradually decreases from 40 and women's fertility rate decreases from the middle of the 20s. Is it wrong? In the first place, fertility graphs and fertility peaks are not the same thing. .rather, men's fertility increases with age up to 40, but after 40 it peaks and gradually drops.
Nida2023-03-06 12:07IP: 39.7.*.130Fertility is absolutely affected by the age of the woman.
As the man's age increases, the probability of a malformed child increases.
Band2023-03-06 12:07IP: 223.38.*.141There are a lot of women in the bullpen, so it's true that men's age is important, but when it comes to pregnancy, it's women's age>>>men's age.
Viyareal2023-03-06 12:07IP: 106.101.*.68It's hard to tell because there are so many individual differences.
Hercules2023-03-06 12:08IP: 118.221.*.23비야레알// There are individual differences, but I'm talking about the average.
Rumpen2023-03-06 12:08IP: 182.172.*.189It's true that female age is an important factor, but male infertility is also quite serious. Since you're 40, you should get a sperm test done at a fertility clinic. You'll probably be shocked. Top comment You don't believe medical professionals when they tell you?
Hercules2023-03-06 12:08IP: 118.221.*.23biyareal// It's a scientific fact that universally women are menopausal when they are 50, but the excuse of individual differences doesn't work.
YangKyungJa2023-03-06 12:09IP: 121.143.*.210Heracles// Men's sex drive drops dramatically in their 40s, while women's goes up.The number of times is quite important because it increases the chances of getting pregnant.And the so-called sperm count also decreases.Women's remains almost unchanged.It's hard to tell if you just look at a simple graph of pregnancy rates.
Hercules2023-03-06 12:09IP: 118.221.*.23Roompen// I assume you're a woman, but you're only making yourself miserable. The science is already out there...and it's ugly...men's fertility actually goes up until 40, then it peaks and slowly goes down from there. Women's fertility plummets even if they are only in their mid-20s. Do you really need to be packed? Packed because you are denying reality.
Yang Kyung-ja2023-03-06 12:10IP: 121.143.*.210So when you're over 40, men are trying to freeze their sperm, just like women.
You really need to get your facts straight.
Hercules2023-03-06 12:10IP: 118.221.*.23Haven't you heard that men get horny when they have the power to widen their thresholds? It's a fact that fertility rates continue to rise for men up to 40. Women's fertility starts to decline in the mid-20s.
YangKyungJa2023-03-06 12:11IP: 121.143.*.210And if you look at my last post, it says I'm a man in numerous posts, so check it out^^.
Hercules2023-03-06 12:11IP: 118.221.*.23YangKyungJa// I don't know what you're talking about. Do you want me to post a link to a graph of fertility rates? It's a fact that men's fertility rate continues to rise until 40, while women's fertility rate rises until the mid-20s and then drops. Do you want me to post the data, auntie?
YangKyungJa2023-03-06 12:11IP: 121.143.*.210Hercules// Enjoy your lunch, I don't think you'll be able to talk much.
Rumpen2023-03-06 12:12IP: 182.172.*.189[Ripple Edit]I'm being turned into a woman when I tell you the truth lol This is a story I've heard from a married couple around me who are struggling with infertility. As men get older, their sperm count goes up and their sperm activity drops significantly. Don't regret it later, do sperm freezing or Hashem.
YangKyungJa2023-03-06 12:13IP: 121.143.*.210Hercules// ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋ님아 I've been in the bullpen for almost 20 years and I hear you for the first time YangKyungJa You don't know where this Nick came from.
Yang Kyung-ja2023-03-06 12:14IP: 121.143.*.210It's going to be a bit of a hassle, but look at my last post and drive to this guy's wife.Have a good lunch and I'm going to feed you.
Hercules2023-03-06 12:15IP: 118.221.*.23There's scientific medical data,,, and you're casting a peripheral, lol. You're arguing against science because it's truth and science, when there are already medical statistics available?
Hercules2023-03-06 12:15IP: 118.221.*.23Not around you, not around me!!!!
Roompen2023-03-06 12:16IP: 182.172.*.189[Ripple Edit]So don't write every day that you want to marry a 20-year-old woman, just get married and have kids and prove it.
I'm curious how old is the blind date girl, why don't you post a review?
Hercules2023-03-06 12:19IP: 118.221.*.23Cast Peripheral Defense ㅋㅋㅋ I'm not a cultist, and you're denying reality with Peripheral Defense? There are already scientific facts... You're denying civilization and science, and you're not around me!!! ㅋㅋㅋ It's ridiculous.
Hercules2023-03-06 12:19IP: 118.221.*.23Auntie, that's how you win in reality, and you win in the mind.


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