안녕하세요, 출산을 앞두고 있는데 자연분만이 두렵기도 하지만 "모유수유를 잘하자!"라는 생각에 문화센터에서 모유수유 교육도 받고 책도 읽고 "모유수유"에 대해 열심히 공부했어요 ㅋㅋ.
제가 정리한 내용을 블로그에 올릴 예정이니 필요하신 분들은 읽어보시고 함께 마음 준비하세요 하자규요❤️❤️🙈🙉
모유는 출산 후 3~5일이 지나야 모유가 나옵니다.
(모유가 바로 나오지 않더라도 낙심하지 마세요,
모유 수유가 목표라면 아기에게 계속 젖을 물리고 자극을 주어야 합니다.)
모유의 "5가지 등급"
- 이것은 1등급이 최고인 절대적인 순위가 아닙니다,
1에서 5까지의 등급으로, 각자의 상황에 맞게 설정할 수 있습니다!
📍1등급: 전적으로 모유 수유(완전 모유 수유)
완전 모유 수유는 다음을 의미합니다.
아기의 모유 100%
100% "직접" = 직접 수유
기간: 남아는 18개월, 여아는 14개월까지,
남아 및 여아 모두 최대 24개월까지(WHO)
모유/분유는 아이가 생후 12개월이 될 때까지 주식으로 먹여야 합니다,
고형식(이유식)은 6개월부터 시작할 수 있지만, 고형식은 주식이 아닌 간식으로 섭취해야 합니다.
레벨 2: 모유 수유
모유 수유란?
모유를 직접 짜서 젖병으로 아기에게 먹이는 단계입니다.
2-3시간마다 유축
생후 1~2개월에 가장 자주합니다.
직접 수유(모유 수유)의 전 단계입니다.
레벨 3: 다른 엄마에게 모유 수유하기
아기에게 다른 엄마의 젖을 먹여서는 안 됩니다,
먹이거나 권장해서는 안됩니다.
엄마마다 면역 체계와 신체 상태가 다릅니다.
다른 엄마의 모유에 적응한 아이에게 해로울 수 있습니다.
아이의 면역 체계에 해로울 수 있습니다.
아이의 면역력과 건강을 위해 모유가 필요한 경우
경희대학교 모유은행에서 구입하세요.
(모유를 기증받아 멸균 처리)
4단계: 혼합 수유
모유와 분유를 섞어 먹입니다.
처음에는 모유로 시작하지만
하지만 결국 분유의 양(비율)이 늘어납니다.
적어도 처음 2주간은 모유를 먹입니다,
적어도 2 주 동안.
당신이 기꺼이 할 의향이 있다면,
모유 수유를 할 의향이 있다면 집에 돌아온 날부터 모유 수유를 시도해야 합니다.
아기는 이미 젖병에 익숙해져 있습니다.
하지만 계속 젖병을 물면 모유에 다시 적응할 것입니다.
(젖병은 빨기 쉽습니다)
5단계: 완전 분유 수유(완료)
출생부터 12개월까지
출생부터 12개월까지 모유 수유만 하는 것과 마찬가지로 분유를 먹입니다.
고형식(이유식)은 6개월에 도입할 수 있습니다.
❤️모유수유 왜 해야 하나요~?
📍아기에게 좋습니다
--> 감염으로부터 보호: 면역력 강화
특히 초유에는 면역원성 물질이 많이 있습니다.
초유는 생후 3~5일 후부터 시작되는 "맑고 노란 젖"입니다.
"맑고 노란 모유"
초유는 평균 3주 동안 지속됩니다,
흰 모유에도 초유의 흔적이 있습니다.
아기가 35주 이전에 조산한 경우
아기가 35주 이전에 조산한 경우
에 포함되어 있습니다
Hello, I'm about to give birth, and I'm scared to give birth naturally, but I thought, "Let's do a good job with breastfeeding!" so I took a breastfeeding education at a cultural center and read books and studied hard about "breastfeeding" lol.
I will post the contents I summarized on my blog, so if you need it, read it and prepare your mind together 하자규요❤️❤️🙈🙉
Breast milk doesn't come in until 3-5 days after giving birth.
(Don't get discouraged if your milk doesn't come in right away,
If your goal is to breastfeed, you should continue to latch on and stimulate your baby)
The "5 Grades" of Breast Milk
- This is not an absolute ranking with grade 1 being the best,
It's a ranking from 1 to 5, and you can customize it to your own situation!
📍Grade 1: Exclusively Breastfeeding (Full Breast)
Exclusively breastfeeding means
100% of your baby's milk
100% "direct" = direct feeding
Duration: until 18 months for boys and 14 months for girls,
up to 24 months for both boys and girls (WHO)
Breast milk/formula is the staple food until the child is 12 months old,
Solids (baby food) can be started at 6 months, but solids are meant to be a snack, not a staple.
Level 2: Breastfeeding
What it is,
Expressing your own milk and feeding your baby from a bottle.
Pumping every 2-3 hours
most often in the first one to two months of life
It is a precursor to direct feeding (breastfeeding).
Level 3: Breastfeeding Another Mother
You should not feed your baby another mother's milk,
should not be fed or encouraged.
Each mother's immune system and physical condition are different.
It may be harmful to the child who is acclimatized to the
the child's immune system.
If you need breast milk for your child's immunity and health
Purchase from Kyung Hee University Breast Milk Bank
(Breast milk is donated and sterilized)
Level 4: Mixed feeding
A mixture of breast milk and formula.
It started with breast milk,
but eventually the amount (proportion) of formula increased.
At least for the first two weeks in the kitchen,
for at least two weeks.
If you are willing to do it,
If you are willing to do so, you should try to do so from the day you get home.
Your baby is already used to the bottle.
but will readjust to breast milk if you continue to latch on.
(bottles are easy to suck on)
Level 5: Full formula feeding (complete)
From birth to 12 months
formula from birth to 12 months, and just like exclusively breastfeeding.
Solids (baby food) can be introduced at 6 months.
❤️모유수유 Why should I do it~?
📍Good for your baby
--> Protection against infections: immunity
Especially, there are many immunogenic substances in colostrum.
Colostrum is the "clear, yellowish milk" that begins 3-5 days after birth.
"clear and yellowish breast milk"
Colostrum lasts an average of 3 weeks,
Even white breast milk has traces of colostrum.
If your baby is born prematurely before 35 weeks
if your baby is born prematurely before 35 weeks
are contained in the colostrum itself
--> Increased digestion and disease resistance
The human ear, nose, and mouth are all connected,
newborns with small organs
inflammatory response to feeding, resulting in frequent middle ear infections.
Newborns have little inflammatory response to breast milk.
so the chance of getting otitis media is very low
--> Emotional and intellectual development
Breastfeeding increases the child's emotional EQ and intelligence IQ through natural touch and eye contact with the mother.
--> Prevention of sudden infant death
Infants are often found to have airway obstruction due to spitting up or poor digestion of formula, leading to sudden infant death in the worst cases.
Breast milk has smaller protein particles that are easier to digest and absorb.
It is definitely less gagging than formula
📍Good for mom
--> Prevents postpartum hemorrhage
Persistent postpartum bleeding is a problem
Breastfeeding stimulates the breasts, releases oxytocin, and
and uterine contractions occur spontaneously
= Preventing excessive postpartum bleeding through uterine contractions
--> Reduced risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, etc.
Reduced incidence of gynecological diseases when breastfeeding for more than 1 year
--> Prevention of osteoporosis
When breastfeeding, the child takes the mother's calcium.
Immediately afterward, bone density is weak, but it has its own components to protect/store calcium.
If you check the bone density of menopausal women with their own components to protect/store calcium.
Higher bone density when breastfeeding
--> Weight control
Milk is made, calories are burned while nursing.
Definitely more hungry when breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding mothers burn about 300 calories more than non-breastfeeding mothers.
than non-breastfeeding mothers, and this is not a significant number.
If you eat to your heart's content because you're breastfeeding... you'll gain weight.
❤️모유수유와 Related Questions
📍How is breast milk made?
Will I get breast milk if I have a c-section?
When the placenta is expelled from the mother's body, the hormone secretion changes.
your breasts naturally within 3-5 days.
Successful breastfeeding is independent of cesarean section.
Lactation hormone: prolactin
Lactation hormone: oxytocin (= uterine contraction hormone)
📍To succeed in breastfeeding?
Latch on within 30 minutes of birth
Let your baby latch on when he wants and as much as he wants
In the beginning, it's best to keep feeding every 20-30 minutes because the amount is small.
Once your baby is eating enough, they will come to the breast once an hour
Once he's had enough, he'll come to the breast once an hour.
10 feedings a day, including night feedings.
Night feedings are essential for full growth. ->Mom's lactation hormones are twice as active at night
Since there is no day and night for babies, it's natural for them to be hungry at night.
Within the first 3 to 4 weeks of life, you should try not to bite the pacifier or bottle
or bottles within the first 3-4 weeks of life
📍How to breastfeed successfully at home?
Even if your milk doesn't come in between 3-5 days,
continue to latch on to your baby to keep the hormonal stimulation going.
Frequent latching is not practical in the kitchen.
Pump and feed your baby every 2-3 hours (try to pump at least 4 times).
Back home, your baby may be used to the bottle and refuse to latch on to your breast.
bottle and may refuse to latch on to your breast, but be patient and let them readjust.
📍Is it necessary to have a lot of milk?
It is good to produce as much milk as your baby needs,
less is better than more in the beginning.
(breast stimulation makes it easier to control the amount needed)
Only pump 10-30 ml at first.
📍What if your milk supply is low?
Keep stimulating your mammary glands to increase them
1, Baby feeding
2, Pumping
3, Breast massage
📍I have a lot of milk?
Don't keep pumping,
to interfere with milk production
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