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상대방 결혼 조건에 대하여...


저는 공학 박사로 대기업에서 일하고 있고 아내는 학사 학위를 취득하고 중소기업에서 일하고 있습니다.
아내의 장단점을 나열하겠습니다... 계속 살아야 할지 잘 모르겠어요.
외적인 부분을 채우고 싶지 않지만 궁금해하실까봐 말씀드리자면 아내는 9.5점이고 저는 7.5점입니다.

* 20대 초중반부터 반 동거를 해왔고, 20대 때 이상한 짓 안하고 혼자서 1억을 벌었다.
* 독립적입니다. 남편에게 의존하지 않는 것이 장점일 수도 있고 단점이 될 수도 있습니다.
* 박사 과정 내내 제가 가장이었어요(자녀는 없음). 모든 가계 지출을 아내가 처리했습니다.
* 아내가 저를 졸처럼 대하지 않아요. 필요한 돈은 스스로 벌어야 한다는 태도를 가지고 있습니다. 지금까지는 좋아요.

* 그녀는 삶에 대한 태도가 달라서 제 노력을 무시합니다. 노력의 가치를 전혀 인정하지 않으세요. 2년 전 박사 학위를 받았을 때도 아내는 졸업식장에서 정말 무덤덤했어요. 아내는 내내 휴대폰만 들여다보더니 오늘 화장이 안 어울린다며 저와 사진도 몇 장 찍지 않았어요. 부모님도 그 자리에 계셨는데 아마 많이 울었을 거예요.
* 30대가 되면서 남자를 바라보는 시선이 바뀌었다며 비교적 최근에 저에 대한 사랑이 식었다고 고백했습니다(돈 - 아내의 예쁜 친구들은 모두 사업가입니다.
아내는 현재 이 때문에 심리상담을 받고 있는데, 어느 정도 사랑은 회복되었다고 하지만 행동은 전혀 그렇지 않다고 합니다.
* 저는 가정적인 사람이 아니라 남자다운 사람입니다. 이것 때문에 결혼했지만 결혼하고 보니 가정적인 사람이 정말 좋다는 것을 깨달았습니다.

몇 안되니까 제 장점은 상대적으로 옛날 이야기... 최근 남편이 사랑이 식었다는 말을 해서 제가 상처를 많이 줬던 것 같아요. 저는 이 부분에서 잘 회복이 안되고 있습니다.
보통은 제가 이 부분을 먼저 언급하면 아내가 또 같은 일로 싸우는 거냐고 물어보고 싸움이 시작되거든요.

이번에는 결혼해서 이해받지 못하고 비웃음만 받는다는 게 정말 답답하다는 걸 깨달았어요.
그냥 혼자만 생각하려고 노력해요.
[* 익명2 *]
| 10 0
폼폼 의미 모르겠어요??
[* 익명4 *]
| 23 0
졸업식에서 가장 인기있는 사람이라고 하셨는데 졸업식에서 누가 축하를 받아야하나요?
[* 익명6 *]
| 10 0
당신은 너무 바보입니다. 나는 아내의 졸업을 축하하고 모든 것에 대해 그녀에게 감사했을 것입니다. 생일에 부모님께 당신을 낳아주신 것에 대해 감사하지 않으시죠? 오늘이 제 생일이니 선물 좀 주세요.
[* 익명9 *]
| 16 0
저자의 관점: 마눌은 외모가 좋아요 못생겼지만 저는 평범하다고 생각해요 마눌은 제가 공부할 때 돈을 많이 모아서 지원해줬어요 적극적이고 자기 일을 하고 자신을 먼저 생각하지만 고집이 세서 제 학업 성취를 인정하지 않아요 부모님이 제 박사 졸업식에 오셨는데 마눌의 행동에 많이 화를 내셨어요 박사 학위를 위해 큰 회사에 갔는데 마눌은 어디든 다닌다 어느 날 마눌의 저에 대한 사랑은...
[* 익명6 *]
| 19 0
위의 내용을 바탕으로 드라마 대본을 쓴다면 당신은 나쁜 사람입니다. 여자 입장에서 보면 못생긴 백인 남자를 만나 대학원 졸업할 때까지 뒷바라지했는데, 취업한 지 2년 만에 뒤통수를 친 남편이죠. 부디 반성하고 행복한 가정을 만들기 위해 노력하세요.
[* 익명10 *]
| 15 0
배후에 있지만 호화로운 박사?
[* 익명13 *]
| 10 6
[이미지 댓글은]
[* 익명19 *]
| 9 0
아내가 가치 있다고 생각하지 않는다면 헤어져야합니다. 이것이 당신이 그녀를지지해서는 안되는 이유입니다. 당신은 당신과 당신의 부모님 만이 위대한 사람이라고 생각하고 아내의 지원을 당연하게 생각합니다. 박사 학위 졸업식에서 아내에게 고마워해야 하지만, 아내의 뒷바라지에 화를 내는 시댁 식구들입니다. 시댁 식구들은 자기 중심적인 사람들이기 때문에 잘 지내지 못할 수도 있습니다. 아내는 이해심이 많아요. 이혼하면 아내가 예쁘고 잘 살기 때문에 큰 회사라서 어쨌든 잘 살 것입니다.
[* 익명13 *]
| 8 0
[이미지 댓글]
[* 익명1 *] 12 0
길게 썼지만 한 단어로 줄이면 퐁퐁입니다.
2023-03-04 10:37 | 댓글
  [* 익명2 *] 0 10
폼폼은 무슨 뜻인지 모르는 단어인가요?
2023-03-04 10:41 | 답글
  [* 익명10 *] 0 15
박사가 나를 백업했지만 폼폼?
2023-03-04 11:14 | 답글
  [* 익명2 *] 0 1
나는 이제 거물이기 때문에 당신이 고군분투하는 것에 대해 잘 모르겠지만 이혼을 위해 몇 가지 조각을 움켜 쥐고 있다고 생각합니다.
2023-03-04 11:51 | 댓글
  [* 익명10 *] 1 0
나는 당신이 쓰레기가 쓰레기가되도록 격려하고 있기 때문에 당신이 폼폼이 아닌지 의심 스럽습니다.
2023-03-04 13:36 | 답글
  [* 익명1 *] 3 0
나는 그가 박사 학위 비용을 지불하고 있다고 확신합니다.
당신은 어떤 종류의 고등학생 백업이라고 생각하십니까?
2023-03-04 13:59 | 댓글
  [* 익명10 *] 0 2
졸업생인지 잘 모르겠습니다.

I'm a doctor of engineering and working in a large company, and my wife is a bachelor and working in a small business.
I will list my wife's pros and cons... I'm not sure if I should keep living.
I don't want to fill in the external parts, but in case you're wondering, she's a 9.5 and I'm a 7.5.

* I've been semi-cohabitating since my early to mid 20's, I made 100 million on my own in my 20's without doing anything weird.
* I'm independent. Never dependent on my husband, which can be an advantage or a disadvantage.
* I was the breadwinner throughout my PhD (no kids). She took care of all the household expenses.
* She doesn't treat me like a pawn. She has the attitude that she has to earn the money she needs. So far, so good.

* She has a different attitude towards life, so she puts down my efforts. They don't recognize the value of hard work at all. Even when I graduated with my PhD about 2 years ago, my wife was really dismissive at the graduation ceremony. She was looking at her phone the whole time and didn't even take a few pictures with me because she said her makeup didn't look good today. My parents were there, too, and I'm pretty sure they had a meltdown.
* He confessed that his love for me had cooled off relatively recently, because he said that when he hit his 30s, the way he looked at men changed (Don - all of his wife's friends who are pretty are usually businessmen.
My wife is currently undergoing psychological counseling because of this, and although she says that her love has been restored to some extent, her behavior is not at all like that.
* I'm not a domestic person, I'm a manly person. I married her for this, but when I got married, I realized that a domestic person is really good.

Because there are few, my advantages are relatively old stories... I think I must have hurt him a lot since he recently told me that his love had cooled down. I'm not recovering well from this.
Usually, I mention this part first, and my wife asks if we're fighting about the same thing again, and the fight starts.

This time, I realized that it's very frustrating to be married and not be understood and just be laughed at.
I just try to keep it to myself.
[* Anonymous2 *]
| 10 0
pom pom meaning don't know??
[* Anonymous4 *]
| 23 0
You said you were the most popular person at graduation, then who should be celebrated at graduation??
[* Anonymous6 *]
| 10 0
You're so stupid. I would have congratulated my wife on graduating and thanked her for everything. You don't thank your parents for giving birth to you on your birthday, do you? It's my birthday today, so give me a present.
[* Anonymous9 *]
| 16 0
Author's point of view: Manul has a good look I'm ugly but I think I'm normal Manul collected a lot of money and supported me when I was studying He's proactive, does his own work and puts himself first but he's stubborn and doesn't recognize my academic success My parents came to my PhD graduation but they were very upset with Manul's behavior I go to a big company for my PhD but Manul goes everywhere One day Manul's love for me...
[* Anonymous6 *]
| 19 0
If you're writing a drama script based on the above, you're the bad guy. From a woman's point of view, I met an ugly white guy and supported him until he graduated from graduate school, but he's a husband who backstabbed me 2 years after I got a job. Please think back and try to make a happy family.
[* Anonymous10 *]
| 15 0
Dr. Behind the scenes, but pompous?
[* Anonymous13 *]
| 10 6
[Image comment is]
[* Anonymous19 *]
| 9 0
If you don't think your wife is valuable, you should break up. This is why you shouldn't support her. You think you and your parents are the only ones who are great, and you take your wife's support for granted. You should be thanking your wife at your doctorate graduation ceremony, but you're the in-laws who are mad at your wife for supporting you. They're very self-centered people, so you may not be able to get along. My wife is understanding. If you get divorced, your wife is pretty and has a good living, so you'll live well anyway because it's a big company. bo
[* Anonymous13 *]
| 8 0
[Image comment]
[* Anonymous1 *] 12 0
I wrote it long, but if you shorten it to a single word, it's pom-pom.
2023-03-04 10:37 | Comments
  [* 익명2 *] 0 10
Pompom is a word like you don't know what it means?
2023-03-04 10:41 | Reply
  [* 익명10 *] 0 15
Dr. backed me up, but pom-pom?
2023-03-04 11:14 | Reply to
  [* Anonymous2 *] 0 1
I don't know about you struggling because I'm now a big shot, but I think you're just grabbing a few bits and pieces to get a divorce.
2023-03-04 11:51 | Reply
  [* Anonymous10 *] 1 0
I doubt you're a pom-pom because you're encouraging trash to be a pom-pom.
2023-03-04 13:36 | Reply to
  [* Anonymous1 *] 3 0
I'm sure he's paying for his doctorate.
What kind of high school student backup do you think you are?
2023-03-04 13:59 | Reply
  [* 익명10 *] 0 2
I'm not sure if it's a graduate labor fee or not.
Besides coursework and thesis, you get paid to do the professor's project.
The wife was the main support and responsible for all the expenses, so it's like she was paid at the level of tuition + allowance.
If such a person spent 20 years in a halfway house and got married, that's support, what's support?
2023-03-04 15:22 | 댓글
  [* Author *] 0 0
It's not like I was supported by a 200k salary.
It's not like I'm supported by a 200k salary. I just help and support when I'm struggling. And she pays a lot of the bills.
2023-03-04 15:42 | Reply
  [* Anonymous55 *] 0 1
인건비는 개뿔...
The cost of labor for graduate researchers is not stable.
나라에서 걸어둔 상한선걸려있는데 얼만지는 알고?
Even if you get the maximum, it's not enough to pay tuition, rent a room, and pay for utilities.
It's often not enough.

Our lab's married Ph.D. brother lived so hard...
He has a kid, and he's running and delivering at night.
At least his wife was a resident center official, so it's a shame...
In the meantime, I suggest to the professor to give the labor costs to the children first, saying that I am worried about living alone on the low labor costs of the master's students...
2023-03-04 21:20 | 댓글
  [* Anonymous20 *] 0 0
Any marriage is all pomp and circumstance ㅋㅋㅋ I did all the backup until I was a doctoral student.
2023-03-04 13:01 | Reply
  [* 익명48 *] 0 1
Yesterday, the Chinese made fun of me for not being able to write Chinese characters,
Our country has a serious problem of not understanding even though we read everything.
2023-03-04 21:04 | Reply to
  [* Anonymous51 *] 0 0
아무대도 퐁퐁이 붙이는 댁이 퐁퐁이 아니오?
2023-03-04 21:10 | Reply to
[* 익명3 *] 0 0
Similar people, is it personality or education?
2023-03-04 10:43 | Reply
  [* Author *] 6 0
Please leave out the title.
2023-03-04 11:00 | Reply to
  [* Anonymous28 *] 0 5
이게 말이야 방구야 ㅋ
Even if I just read it, it's not attractive.
2023-03-04 20:50 | Reply to
  [* 익명30 *] 0 2
Then change the title.
2023-03-04 20:52 | Reply to
  [* Anonymous58 *] 0 0
ㅋㅋㅋ You're a doctor, but you're humorous, except for the title of the post.
2023-03-04 21:31 | Reply to
[* 익명4 *] 0 23
ê-¸ë¦¬ê°€ 있ëŠ" 있ëŠ" 있ëŠ" 있ëŠ" 있ëŠ" 있ëŠ" 있ëŠ" 있ëŠ" 있ëŠ" 있습ë'ˆë'¤?
2023-03-04 10:44 | Reply to
  [* Anonymous66 *] 0 0
Dr. is the only one who made it big on his own, and he's the one who beat up the most naked person next to him like it was something else, but his wife acted like that at the graduation ceremony?

She's a 9.5 in looks and earns money on her own... A strong person in her life supported her, but she always thanked me, apologized, and tried to do well with me... Has her love cooled?

My wife seems wise.
2023-03-04 21:44 | Reply
[* Anonymous5 *] 0 0
I think it's a way of saying pay more attention to yourself.
2023-03-04 10:45 | Reply
  [* 익명83 *] 0 0
Not really
2023-03-06 00:02 | Reply
[* 익명7 *] 0 0
What are you saying is not similar enough to make it a good fit?
Is it that your spouse is a bachelor & small business owner?
I don't think it flows well from your post to the title.
2023-03-04 10:47 | Reply to.
  [*author*] 2 0
Actually, I wrote the post once and then deleted it and rewrote it.
I left the title as it is, so it doesn't connect well.
I would appreciate it if you could remove the title.
2023-03-04 10:58 | Reply to.
  [* Anonymous40 *] 0 0
If you wrote the title and then edited the body...
If you modified the body after writing the title, it seems like you should have modified the title again to fit there.
2023-03-04 20:59 | Reply to
  [* Anonymous79 *] 0 0
Dr. What is this?
어케 박사됨??
2023-03-05 10:20 | Reply to
[* 익명8 *] 0 4
외도엔딩날거 같군
2023-03-04 10:55 | Reply
[* 익명6 *] 0 10
You're so stupid. I would have congratulated my wife on graduating and thanked her for everything. You don't thank your parents for giving you birth on your birthday, do you? It's my birthday today, so give me a gift.
2023-03-04 10:57 | Reply
  [* author *] 4 0
It was really hard for me to finish my Ph.D. I actually thought it was harder for me than for my parents and wife. Actually, that's true. I'm not the type of person to thank my parents for raising me.
2023-03-04 10:59 | Reply to.
  [* Anonymous6 *] 0 19
If I were writing a drama script based on your post above, you'd be the villain. woman's mouth.
