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출산율이 낮은 이유에 대하여


2000년대 중반 한 차례 위기를 겪은 후 반등해 10년 넘게 1명을 웃도는 출산율을 유지했습니다.

2017년부터 출산율이 급감하기 시작했는데, 이는 페미시대도 아니고, 부동산 상승기에도 아니고, 문재인 정부 이전에도 아니었습니다.

이때부터 갑자기 여성들의 눈높이가 우주로 올라갔다고 생각하니 이상하다.

정말 뭐죠? 주변에 결혼도 안 하고 애도 없는 사람이 없어서 인터넷에 떠도는 이야기 말고는 아는 게 없고 그냥 궁금할 뿐입니다.
기타 의견1
[*익명2 *]
| 18 0
페미니스트를 때리는 것이 아니라 페미니즘이 자리를 잡기 시작했다는 것뿐입니다.
[* 익명3 *]
| 8 0
페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아니라 페미니스트가 아닙니다.
[* 익명4 *]
| 79 59
남성과 여성은 다음과 같이 구분됩니다: 문재인
[* 익명6 *]
| 69 2
이번 대선 성별 득표율 보면 젠더갈라치기로 덕 본 놈은 윤두창
[* 익명2 *]
| 30 15
만진당이 선거에서 졌기 때문이지 문재인 지지층이 분열되어서가 아니다.
[* 익명6 *]
| 11 0
이게 뭐야? 2030 이번 대선은 남성과 여성이 확연히 갈린 최초의 대선이다.
[* 익명6 *]
| 35 1
윤두창이 선거를 훔친 사람이라고 말하기는 어렵습니다.
[* 익명2 *]
| 10 5
하지만 큰 문제가 뭐야, 큰 문제가 뭐야, 큰 문제가 뭐야, 큰 문제가 뭐야, 큰 문제가 뭐야, 큰 문제가 뭐야, 큰 문제가 뭐야, 큰 문제가 뭐야, 큰 문제가 뭐야, 큰 문제가 뭐야, 큰 문제가 뭐야, 큰 문제가 뭐야?
[* 익명12 *]
| 10 2
문재인은 남성과 여성을 분리하고 페미니즘을 사용하여 지지를 얻었지만 결국 그는 한국을 재앙으로 가져 왔습니다 ...
[* 익명13 *]
| 24 0
1찍이 해놓고 2찍이 했다? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[* 익명15 *]
| 9 2
문재인이 팜므파탈로 한국 남성을 유혹하고 있지만 부동산은 폭등했습니다. 김대중은 인정 못하지만 전문가들이 그렇게 말하더라.
[* 익명19 *]
| 8 0
출산율이 계속 떨어지고 있는 것은 사실이지만 문재인이 불에 기름을 부은 것뿐이다.
[* 익명23 *]
| 13 0
[이미지 댓글은]
[* 익명24 *]
| 41 44
[* 익명67 *]
| 11 0
[이미지 댓글입니다].
[* 익명1 *] 2 1

2023-02-25 16:07 | 댓글.
  [* 익명24 *] 44 41

2023-02-25 21:08 | 답글
  [* 익명67 *] 0 11

2023-02-25 23:06 | 답장하다
  [* 익명86 *] 0 0

그들은 좋은 쌍처럼 보입니다.
2023-02-26 00:45 | 답장하다
[* 익명2 *] 0 18
페미갈라치기는 아니구 페미가 득세하게 시작한건 맞을듯
2023-02-25 16:09 | 댓글
  [* 익명57 *] 4 3
페미 vs 한남 구도에서
연습이 본격적으로 갈라치기 들어가면서
이 구도가 나왔네요
2023-02-25 22:52 | Reply to
  [* 익명61 *] 0 0
준석이 본격적으로 분열을 시작한 건 아닙니다.
故 성재기님이 페미에 문제가 있다고 이야기하기 시작했을 때부터 그랬죠.
2023-02-25 22:59 | Reply to.
  [* 익명62 *] 1 3
와, 이건 믿음과 같습니다.
재향이 쪼개지기 시작하네.
2023-02-25 23:01 | Reply to
  [* 익명27 *] 0 2
정준영은 민주당이 여성화하던 2019년부터 정반대의 입장을 취하고 있을 뿐입니다.
사실관계를 바로잡고 대의에 대해 이야기하세요.

2023-02-25 23:07 | Reply to.
  [* 익명57 *] 0 0

착한 페미 어리둥절
2023-02-25 23:48 | Reply to
  [* 익명57 *] 0 0
넌 개자식이야.
누구의 믿음인지 보자
아아 아아 아아 아아 아아 아아 아아 아아 아아 아아 아아 아아
2023-02-25 23:49 | Reply to
  [* 익명57 *] 0 0
처음은 그럴 수 있습니다.
갈러치기 심화단계는 준습이죠
2023-02-25 23:52 | 답글
[* 익명3 *] 0 8
남과 비교하는 문화가 우리를 이렇게 빨리 성장할 수 있게 해주었습니다.
당신은 나보다 더 잘 살고 있고, 조금만 노력하면 나도 그렇게 될 수 있다고 생각합니다. 나는 질 수 없다는 마음가짐으로 빠르게 성장하고 발전했습니다.

하지만 어느 순간 남과 비교하다 보면 내가 따라갈 수 없는 세상이 되어버려서 바로 포기하게 되더라고요.
2023-02-25 16:10 | 댓글
  [*저자*] 0 0
이 의견에 동의합니다. 그런데 2017년부터 갑자기 심각해진 이유가 있을까요?

비교하는 문화는 오래전부터 있어왔고, 리먼브라더스 사태 때 헬리콥터 얘기하던 이명박 시절에도 이렇게 심하지 않았는데요.
2023-02-25 16:13 | Reply.
  [* 익명5 *] 0 1
급진 페미니즘이 언제 대중의 눈에 들어 왔는지 살펴볼 필요가 있습니다.
좌파 사상 중 가장 극단적 인 것은 급진적 페미니즘입니다.
(본격적으로 거리로 나와 정치 전반에 등장했습니다.
이전 정권 때였습니다)
저는 여성학이라는 과목을 들었는데요

There was a crisis once in the mid-2000s, then it rebounded and stayed above 1 for over a decade.

From 2017, the birth rate started to plummet, and this was not during the Femi Gala, not during the real estate upswing, and not before the Moon Jae-in administration.

It's weird to think that suddenly, from this time, women's eye level ascended to space.

What is it, really. I don't know anyone around me who isn't married or has kids, so I don't know anything about it other than the stories that go around the internet, and I'm just curious.
Other opinions1
[*Anonymous2 *]
| 18 0
It's not a feminist bashing, it's just that feminism is starting to take over.
[* Anonymous3 *]
| 8 0
It's not a feminist thing, it's just that it's not a feminist thing, it's a feminist thing, it's a feminist thing, it's a feminist thing, it's a feminist thing, it's a feminist thing, it's a feminist thing, it's a feminist thing, it's a feminist thing, it's a feminist thing, it's a feminist thing, it's a feminist thing, and it's a feminist thing.
[* Anonymous4 *]
| 79 59
Men and women separated by: Moon Jae-in
[* Anonymous6 *]
| 69 2
이번 대선 성별득표율 보면 젠더갈라치기로 덕 본 놈은 윤두창
[* Anonymous2 *]
| 30 15
It's because the Manjin Party lost the election, not because Moon Jae-in's supporters are divided.
[* Anonymous6 *]
| 11 0
What is this? 2030 This is the first presidential election where there is a clear split between men and women.
[* Anonymous6 *]
| 35 1
It's hard to say that Yunduchang is the one who stole the election.
[* Anonymous2 *]
| 10 5
But what's the big deal, what's the big deal, what's the big deal, what's the big deal, what's the big deal, what's the big deal, what's the big deal, what's the big deal, what's the big deal?
[* Anonymous12 *]
| 10 2
Moon Jae-in gained support by separating men and women and using feminazis, but in the end he brought Korea into disaster...
[* Anonymous13 *]
| 24 0
1찍이 해놓고 2찍이 했다? ㅋㅋㅋ
[* Anonymous15 *]
| 9 2
Moon Jae-in has been hitting on Korean men with femme fatales, but real estate has skyrocketed. Daehae can't admit it, but it's what the experts said.
[* Anonymous19 *]
| 8 0
It's true that the birth rate has been falling all along, but Moon Jae-in just poured oil on the fire.
[* Anonymous23 *]
| 13 0
[Image comment is]
[* Anonymous24 *]
| 41 44
[* Anonymous67 *]
| 11 0
[This is an image comment].
[* Anonymous1 *] 2 1

2023-02-25 16:07 | Comment.
  [* Anonymous24 *] 44 41

2023-02-25 21:08 | Reply to
  [* Anonymous67 *] 0 11

2023-02-25 23:06 | Reply to
  [* Anonymous86 *] 0 0

They look like a good pair.
2023-02-26 00:45 | Reply to
[* 익명2 *] 0 18
페미갈라치기는 아니구 페미가 득세하게 시작한건 맞을듯
2023-02-25 16:09 | Reply
  [* 익명57 *] 4 3
페미 vs 한남 구도에서
준습이 본격적으로 갈라치기 들어가면서
This division came out
2023-02-25 22:52 | Reply to
  [* Anonymous61 *] 0 0
Junsuk didn't start the split in earnest.
It's the same since the late Sung Jae Ki started talking about what's wrong with Femi.
2023-02-25 22:59 | Reply to.
  [* Anonymous62 *] 1 3
Wow, this is like faith.
Jaehyang is starting to split.
2023-02-25 23:01 | Reply to
  [* 익명27 *] 0 2
Junyun is just taking the opposite position since 2019 when the Democrats were doing the feminization.
Get your facts straight and talk about the cause.

2023-02-25 23:07 | Reply to.
  [* Anonymous57 *] 0 0

착한 페미 어리둥절
2023-02-25 23:48 | Reply to
  [* Anonymous57 *] 0 0
You're an asshole.
Let's see who's faith is
2023-02-25 23:49 | Reply to
  [* Anonymous57 *] 0 0
The beginning may be so.
갈러치기 심화단계는 준습이죠
2023-02-25 23:52 | Reply
[* 익명3 *] 0 8
The culture of comparing ourselves to others has allowed us to grow so fast.
I'm sure you're better off than me, and with a little effort, I can be too... I grew and developed quickly with the mindset that I can't lose.

But at some point, when you compare yourself to others, it becomes a world you can't afford to keep up with, so you just give up right away.
2023-02-25 16:10 | Comments
  [*Author*] 0 0
I agree with this opinion. But is there a reason why it suddenly became serious since 2017 ?

The culture of comparison has been around for a long time, and it wasn't this bad during Lee Myung-bak's time when he was talking about helicopters during the Lehman Brothers debacle.
2023-02-25 16:13 | Reply.
  [* Anonymous5 *] 0 1
You need to look at when radical feminism came into the public eye.
The most extreme of the leftist ideas is radical feminism.
(It came out in earnest to the streets and appeared in politics as a whole
It was during the previous regime)
I used to take a course called Women's Studies as a liberal arts program.
For a while, the humanities were popular, but you can think about whether it is dull these days
2023-02-25 16:22 | Reply
  [* Anonymous5 *] 0 0
Politics feeds on conflict, but
There are those who encourage conflict
Political engineering says it's a gain
There is no such thing as consultation, cooperation, or conflict resolution.

2023-02-25 16:21 | 댓글
  [* Anonymous6 *] 0 0
페미니즘이 흥한건 이명박때인데...
2023-02-25 16:18 | Reply
  [* 익명14 *] 0 1
It was just a bunch of feminists running around, and then the next administration used it as a good divide and conquer tool, supporting feminists.
So the conflict got worse.
It's like the old regime really wanted to ruin the country.
2023-02-25 16:36 | Comments
  [* Anonymous17 *] 0 2
The birthrate started to decline in 2014, not 2017.
It's weird to think about it now, because that was before the kolpes even had a voice...

My personal opinion is that Shudolini's dad started broadcasting parenting content like this.
I wonder if this put it in my head that men and women are like X when they get married.
In addition, the general public who can't help but compare with others when they see parenting items that go into ppl feel even more disparate.
2023-02-25 17:08 | 댓글
  [* Anonymous3 *] 0 0
In 17 years, coins and other hantangism were widespread... At that time, coins were treated like pom-poms.

In addition, there were fewer people to have children.
2023-02-25 17:11 | Reply to.
  [* Anonymous31 *] 0 0
sns, 스마트폰의 보급

: Yusin's 100 years of world history in reverse would lead me to this conclusion.
2023-02-25 22:38 | Reply to.
  [* Anonymous33 *] 0 1
No matter how much we talk about gender equality and co-parenting, it's been instinctively divided since the beginning of time.
It's also a part of the reason why women started entering society in the first place, because it was difficult for men to maintain a family by earning alone.
If women can do everything they want to do and enjoy everything they want to enjoy while earning money, they don't have to rely on men to make a living, so I wonder if they don't see much point in marriage and want to have children.
(Plus social media makes it easy to brag and compare)
The poor countries that don't do that still have tons of kids.
It's the social structure that makes people go against their instincts.
2023-02-25 22:41 | Reply to.
  [* 익명90 *] 0 3
After the IMF, the era of foreign earnings came to an end and childcare became an issue for the entire society, and from this point on, the children of the baby boomers, whose way of thinking is much different from before, entered the society in earnest and emerged as the core of the marriage market.
The fertility rate rises only when dual-income families disappear.
The only reason for a stay-at-home mom is to raise children.
However, the transitional problem of women having no outside income and living in a dual-income household intensified, leading to a declining birthrate.
In addition, there are many cases of pregnancy failure due to old age due to employment difficulties, etc.

A world where only one person earns enough to eat, raise a child, and buy a house when they save up enough will solve the problem.
In a world where only one person earns money, Femi loses power.
It hasn't changed much from prehistoric times to the present.
2023-02-26 10:42 | Reply to.
  [*Anonymous33*] 0 0
I can totally relate to this.
I've talked to elderly people who've been through IMF and they can relate to this.
2023-02-26 16:41 | Reply
  [* 익명90 *] 0 0
.that's right, the difficulty level is too low if you just live at home.
Then, naturally, childbirth and childcare are a plus.
2023-02-26 17:17 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0
I think this is the closest to the truth, thank you for your thoughts.
2023-02-26 17:25 | Reply to.
[* Anonymous4 *] 59 79
가리가 ì-°ê³µê°€ ì-°ê³µê°€ 있습ë'ˆë'¤: ì-°ê³µê°€ 있습ë'ˆë'¤.
2023-02-25 16:11 | Reply to.
  [* Anonymous6 *] 2 69
이번 대선 성별득표율 보면 젠더갈라치기로 덕 본 놈은 윤두창
2023-02-25 16:16 | Reply to.
  [* Anonymous2 *] 15 30
That's because the Manjin Party lost the election, not the other way around.
2023-02-25 16:15 | Reply to
  [* 익명6 *] 0 11
What the hell are you talking about? 2030 This is the first presidential election in which there was a clear split between men and women.
2023-02-25 16:16 | Reply to
  [* Anonymous2 *] 6 4
They lost votes because of the divide.

Is this hard to understand?
2023-02-25 16:18 | Reply to
  [* 익명6 *] 1 35
갈치기로 표 쳐먹은게 윤두창이라고


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