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친정 어머니랑 싸우는 와이프


저는 다음 달 중순에 출산 예정일이 있는 임산부입니다.
작년에 결혼했을 때 남편이 일을 하지 말라고 했어요.
쉬고 싶어서 일을 그만뒀습니다.
하지만 지금은 아기가 있고 빈털터리입니다.

엄마가 큰 가게를 운영하시는데 어렸을 때부터 엄마를 도와왔어요.
힘든 일이고 피곤해요.

결혼하고 임신한 후에는 엄마를 자주 보지 못했어요.
저는 그녀를 걱정했어요.
착한 남편이 도와주고 싶어해서 매주 금요일과 토요일에 도와주고 있어요.
왕복 2 시간 이상 걸립니다.
저는 4-6 시간 일합니다. 반년이 지났어요.
그는 단지 도와주는 저를 싫어합니다.
용돈을 달라고 하셔서 돈을 모을 수 있도록 용돈을 받고 있어요.
자원봉사가 아니에요.

하지만 전 임산부예요
남편은 회사원이고
저는 피곤해서 월요일부터 금요일까지 뻗어 있습니다.
남편은 주말도 없이 일하고...
정말 미안하고 고마워요.

하지만 새로 온 홀 아줌마의 일은 마음에 들지 않았어요.
테이블도 지저분하고 손님한테 인사도 안 하고
서비스 마인드도 없었어요.
제가 인사를 부탁해도 대답도 안 하셨어요.
엄마는 지금 일손이 부족하다고 이해하라고 말씀하셨어요.
그녀는 더 이상 아무 말도 하지 않았습니다.

그때부터 엄마, 아빠, 이모, 삼촌이 모두 아팠어요.
그래서 오늘도 일손을 도우러 갔어요.

서빙할 테이블 두 개를 세팅하고 있었는데
접시 하나가 막혀서 제가 음식을 들고 있었어요.

'아줌마~ 접시 좀 이쪽으로 옮겨주세요'라고 말했지만 아줌마는 제 말을 듣지 않았어요.
그냥 저만 쳐다보셨어요.
저는 "아니요, 이건 접시예요, 비켜주세요"라고 말했죠. 분명히 말했죠.
두 번째로 말했을 때는 엄마가 제 말을 들으셨어요.

하지만 그때부터 엄마는 저를 쫓아다니며 화를 냈어요.
처음에는 엄마가 왜 화를 내는지도 몰랐어요.
엄마는 제가 못되게 굴었다고 했어요.
하... 엄마의 성격을 잘 알아요.
저는 그림을 그리고 일을 하려고 했어요.

엄마를 아래층으로 불러서 계속 이래라 저래라 했어요.
내가 일하기 싫어도 일 시키지 말고 잔소리하지 말라고요.
그러자 그녀는 내가 알아서 할게요라고 소리쳤어요.

오해가 있는 것 같아서 답답해서 말을 걸었어요.

아뇨, 일 때문이 아니었어요. 쟁반을 제 앞에 놓아달라고 부탁했어요.
저는 서빙을 하는 거였지 일을 하는 게 아니었어요.
주문을 받고, 준비하고, 서빙을 했어요.
제 성격도 모르면서 어떻게 거절할 수 있겠어요?
그리고 몇 번이나 같은 말을 했어요?
일하지 말고 지하실로 끌고 내려가서 나중에 얘기하는 게 어때요?
저도 그렇게 말했어요.

그때부터 엄마가 말하기 시작했어요.
제가 대답할 틈도 없이 소리를 지르셨어요.

처음부터 당신은 항상 사람들을 화나게 하는 말을 하잖아요. 당신만 그걸 모르죠.
당신이 틀렸다면 인정하세요. 반박하지 마세요.
그녀를 친구나 직원처럼 대하면 안됩니다.
누가 와서 문제를 일으키라고 했나요?
도와주러 왔다면 매장 직원들을 건드리지 마세요.
당신과 일하고 싶지 않아요. 그만두면 책임지실 건가요?
나 짜증나서 더 이상 일 안 할래요.
너 정말 싫어

너무 짜증나고, 소리 지르고, 문 쾅 닫고.
너무 답답해서 울기 시작했어요.
8시간 넘게 울었어요.
누가 거기 있었다고 해도
"손이 없으니까 보드 좀 떼어주세요"라고 말했을 거예요.
제가 그렇게 말했어도
저에게 소리를 지르고 문을 쾅 닫았을 거예요.
제가 뭘 잘못했길래 저한테 소리를 지르고 화를 내며 문을 쾅 닫았는지 모르겠어요.
작년 겨울부터 시댁 식구들 생일을 제외하고는요.
아침에 병원에 갔다가 저녁에 일했습니다.
정말 연초도 없이 계속 일만 했어요...

남편은 상황을 알고 저를 달래서 속상해했습니다.
그는 내 얼굴색이 너무 나쁘다고 계속 걱정합니다.
나는 전에 그에게 같은 상황을 보여 주었다.
너무 부끄러워서 괜찮은 척을 했어요.
아빠는 처음에는 엄마를 지지하는 척했어요.
엄마의 성격을 잘 알아요. 그냥 참아야 해 해

아픈 엄마 아빠랑 일하기 싫어
넌 아빠한테 맞설 수도 없고
일 년에 한두 번씩 엄마 화풀이 대상이 되는 것도 싫고
욕먹는 것도 싫고요.
(그녀는 그만두고 싶다고 말했지만 저에게 화풀이하는 것 같았습니다).
어렸을 때부터 항상 같은 상황에 처해 있었고 그게 당연하다고 생각했어요.
그러다 온순하고 잠이 많은 남편을 만났어요.
누군가 저에게 화가 났을 때 소리를 지르는 것은 자연스럽지 않다는 것을 배웠어요.

저는 살면서 누구에게도 욕을 하거나 때린 적이 없어요.
저는 항상 남을 도왔어요.
엄마는 제가 말을 듣지 않으면 나쁜 년이라고 생각해요.

나쁜 일들이 생각나서 엄마를 다시 만나고 싶지 않아요.
하지만 저를 키우느라 고생하신 걸 생각하면 엄마를 끊을 수가 없어요.
그 생각을 멈출 수가 없어요.
저는 매우 밝고 쾌활한 사람입니다.
하지만 엄마와 안 좋은 대화를 나누면 복용을 중단했던 우울증 약을 먹어야 해요. 약을 먹지 않으면 두 달 동안 외출을 할 수 없습니다. (입원 추천)
임신 중인데 약을 못 먹어서 정말 죽고 싶어요.....

임신 중에 저주를 받은 것은 이번이 세 번째입니다. (아기에게 미안합니다.)

당신은 무엇을 했습니까?

I am a pregnant woman with a due date in the middle of next month.
When I got married last year, my husband told me not to work.
I wanted to rest, so I stopped working
But now I have a baby and I'm broke.

My mom owns a big store and I've been helping her since I was a kid.
It's hard work and I'm tired.

I don't see her often after we got married and got pregnant.
I cared about her.
My good husband wants to help, so I help him every Friday and Saturday.
It takes more than 2 hours round trip
I work 4-6 hours. It's been half a year.
He hates me for just helping out.
He asks me for pocket money so we can save money, so I get paid.
It's not volunteer work.

But I'm a pregnant woman
My husband is an office worker
I'm tired, so I'm stretched out Monday through Friday.
and my husband works without weekends...
I'm very sorry and grateful.

But I didn't like the new aunt Hall's work.
The tables are dirty, she doesn't say hello to customers,
she doesn't have a service mindset.
When I asked her to say hello, she didn't even answer.
My mom told her to understand that they are short-staffed right now.
She didn't say anything more.

From then on, my mom, dad, aunts and uncles all got sick.
so I went to help out again today.

I was setting up the two tables to serve.
one of the plates got in the way and I was holding the food.

'Auntie~ I need you to move the plate over here,' but she didn't hear me.
She just looked at me.
I said, "No, this is the plate, please move it." I said it clearly.
The second time I said it, my mom heard me.

But from then on, my mom was really chasing me around and getting angry.
At first, I didn't even know why she was mad.
She said I was being mean to her.
Ha... I know my mom's personality.
I was trying to draw and work.

I called her downstairs and kept telling her what to do.
Even if I don't like working, don't make me work and don't nag me.
She screamed, "I'll take care of it.

I think there's a misunderstanding, and I talked to him because I was frustrated.

No, it wasn't about work. I asked him to put the tray in front of me.
I was serving, not working.
I took the order, I prepared it, and I served it.
Who am I to say no, you don't know my personality.
And how many times have you said the same thing?
Why don't you drag me down to the basement instead of working, and we can talk about it later.
I said something too.

From then on, my mom started talking.
She'd yell at me before I had time to answer.

From the beginning, you always say things that make people angry. Only you don't know that.
If you're wrong, admit it. Don't argue back.
You shouldn't treat her like your friend or your employee.
Who told you to come and cause trouble?
If you're here to help, don't mess with the people in the store.
I don't want to work with you. If she quits, will you be responsible?
I'm not going to work here anymore because I'm annoying.
I hate you.

You're so annoying, you're screaming, you're slamming the door.
I was so frustrated that I started crying.
I've been crying for over eight hours.
Even if someone was there.
I'd have said, "I don't have any hands, take the board off me.
Even if I had said that.
they would have yelled at me, and they would have slammed the door.
I don't know what I did wrong that they would yell at me, get upset, and slam the door.
Since last winter, except for my in-laws' birthday.
I went to the hospital in the morning and worked in the evening
I really worked all the time without the beginning of the year...

My husband was upset because he knew the situation and soothed me.
He keeps worrying that my face color is too bad.
I've shown him the same situation before
I was so embarrassed that I pretended to be fine.
My dad pretended to support my mom at first.
I know your mom's personality. You have to suck it up. Do it.

I don't want to work with a sick mom and dad.
and you can't stand up to him.
and I don't like being the target of her anger once or twice a year
I hate being called names.
(She said she wanted to quit, but I felt like she was taking it out on me).
I've always been in the same situation since I was a kid and thought it was natural.
I met my husband, who is a meek and sleepy man.
I learned that it's not natural to yell when someone is angry with me.

I've never cursed or hit anyone in my life.
I've always been helpful.
My mom thinks I'm a bitch if I don't obey her.

I don't want to see her again because I think about the bad things.
but when I think of all the trouble she went through to raise me, I can't cut her off.
I can't stop thinking about it.
I'm a very bright and cheerful person.
But if I have a bad conversation with my mom, I have to take my depression medication that I stopped taking. If I don't take it, I won't be able to go out for two months. (Recommendation for hospitalization)
I'm pregnant and I can't take my medication, so I really want to die....

This is the third time I've been cursed during my pregnancy. (I'm sorry for the baby.)

What did you do when there were no customers?
Did you help mom when she was sick? We fought twice and this is the third time.

When there were no customers due to corona, I left the company and became an examinee.
When my mom was sick, I was out of town for a year, 3 hours each way, for exams.
Honestly, I didn't even know she was sick, and that was two years ago.
With this, I fought in the early/mid pregnancy and then again in the late pregnancy.

What should a mom do when she can't quit and can't carry on?
When I think of my mom, who is still sleeping sleeplessly with a sick body.
I feel angry and sorry for her.
But I don't want to call her first to apologize...

A bad daughter to her mother
A bad mother to her baby
I'm a bad wife to my husband.

I'm a bad mom to my baby and a bad wife to my husband.
It's painful...

I can't even feel my baby's heartbeat.
is struggling without sleep...


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