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작은 마을이고 작은 주민센터이다 보니 업무가 다양합니다.
농업, 회계, 예산, 문화, 정보통신... 등등.
문제의 전직 공무원과의 마찰은 농업 보조금 신청에서 시작되었습니다. (편의상 전직 공무원을 최 씨라고 부르겠습니다.)

첫 만남
최 씨는 남자다. 이 일을 시작한 지 3개월 된 남자다. 그는 "복지부 과장 함 씨와 친하니 전화번호를 알려달라"고 말문을 열었다. 순진하게도 개인정보라 안 된다고 했더니, 일할 때 전화하거나 집에 있을 때 방문하라고.... 저는 여기서 소리쳤습니다. 저는 전... (수없이 많은 자랑) ... 동장님과 친하다고!!! 그래도 안되길래 화를 내며 갔다.

2차 여성농어민 바우처 신청하기
김여사님은 도장도 신분증도 가져오지 않으셨습니다,
바우처 신청서를 대신 작성해드리러 왔습니다.
적어도 도장은 있어야 하는데 도장을 가져오라고 했더니
그는 아내의 이름을 써도 된다고 고집을 부렸다.
"가족이면 대리 신청이니까 이성적으로 생각하세요. ......(멍멍소리 ) 라떼는.... ''시청 민원실에서 일하는데... (강아지)...''입니다.
한참을 실랑이를 벌인 끝에 농정과 담당자와 통화를 하고 도장의 필요성을 재차 확인하며 다시 오라고 했다.

2월 3일 여성농어업인 바우처 신청
도장을 받고 신청서를 작성했는데 아내의 이전 번호를 적으라고 했습니다.
제 거라며 끝까지 안 썼고, 바우처(=돈) 지급이라 아내가 농사짓는 사람인지, 농업에 종사한 기간은 얼마나 되는지 등등... 물어봤습니다. 보조금 지급 조건이 되는지 확인하기 위해 옆에 있는 민원실에서 농업경영체 등록증(변경 이력 포함)을 가져가라고 했습니다.
저는 변경 내역 없이 가져갔습니다.
이때 절친한 친구인 함계장 씨를 만났는데, 함계장 씨는 변경 내역이 있는 확인서를 다시 발급해 주면서 신청 요건을 검토해 주었고, 신청서를 검토하면서 얼마나 가까웠는지 큰 소리로 보여주었습니다....
계 씨와 최 씨 앞에서 저는 최 씨에게 이렇게 말했습니다.
"지금 함 씨 휴대폰 번호가 필요합니다. 저번에 안 줬잖아요"라고 말했다. 두 사람 사이의 친밀감은 사라지고 두 사람 모두 저를 향해 눈을 흘겼습니다. 저도 그렇게 생각했습니다.
중요한 것은 소유권 변동 사항을 확인해보니 김 씨는 농업에 종사한 기간이 요건을 충족하지 못해 신청할 수 없었다는 사실이었다.
함 씨와 최 씨가 서둘러 신청하라고 재촉했습니다.
그래도 바쁘고 열심히 일하고 있었는데 업무 마비로 쪼아대서 신청서를 제출하고 농업 부서에 행사를 적었습니다. 그리고 나중에 알게 된 사실이지만... 작년에 여성농업인 바우처를 받았다는 것을요. 분명히 지급 대상이 아닌데... 현타가 온다.
함씨와 최씨는 큰 소리로 이야기하며 담당자에게 항의하러 간다.

3월 4일자 농민수당 신청,
나 오늘 개자식이다.
최씨가 전화가 와서 온다고 한다.
00원(바우처 나우 카드)을 가져가도 되냐고 물어보시기에 알겠다고 하고 원만하게 이야기를 나눕니다.
신청서를 작성하고 미리 인쇄된 민원인 명단을 드리고, 필요 서류인 노란색으로 칠해진 농업경영체 등록확인서(변경 내역 포함)는 다음 창구에서 발급받으라고 말씀드렸습니다. 그런데 사라져 버렸습니다... 절친인 함계장님이나 동장님을 만나러 가신 줄 알았습니다.
한참을 일하고 있는데 고래고래 소리를 지른다.
변경 내역이 적힌 농업경영체 등록 확인서를 보여주며 어르신 서류를 가져가라고 합니다.
영어를 못 알아듣는 저는 "내가 어디에서 가져가라고 했느냐고 묻습니다. 다음 창구로 가져가라고 했나요?" 라고 물었습니다.
냄새가 나는데... 그는 "넌 거짓말을 하고 있다, 돈을 벌고 있다, 일을 잘못하고 있다, 기타 인신공격성 발언을 했습니다.
농산물품질관리원(그들은 항상 노인들에게 길과 전화번호를 알려줍니다)으로 안내하지 못했을 것 같아요.
어떻게 이곳에서 사업자등록증을 받았는지 모르겠고(물론 전직 공무원이니 저보다 더 잘 알 텐데), 서류를 요구하지 않고 간 것도 의심스럽습니다.
그는 제 질문에 대답하지 않고 기억력이 좋다며 계속 소리를 질렀습니다. 저는 "기억력이 나쁘다고 무시하는 거냐"고 소리쳤고, 그는 "난 사람을 무시하지 않는다"고 대답했습니다. 그는 제 질문에 대해 계속 소리를 질렀습니다.

I'm a civil servant at the end of the community center.
Please excuse the typos as I am writing on my cell phone. I also wrote it on the worry board, but it is a duplicate.
I signed up to write because the post became newsworthy.
It's a small community and a small community center, so my work is diverse.
Agriculture, accounting, budget, culture, information and communication... etc.
The friction with the ex-government official in question starts with an application for an agricultural subsidy. (For convenience, I'll call the ex-government official Mr. Choi)

The first meeting
Mr. Choi is a man. I've been on the job for 3 months. He starts by saying, "I'm close to Mr. Ham, the head of the welfare department, so give me your cell phone number." Naively, I said no because it's personal information, and he told me to call him for work or visit him when he's at home... I'm shouting here. I'm a former ... ( countless bragging ) ... I'm close to Dongjang!!! Still, it didn't work, so I got angry and went.

Applying for the 2nd Women Farmers Voucher
Mrs. Kim did not bring any stamp or ID,
I came to fill out the voucher application for her.
At least she should have a stamp. I asked her to bring it.
He insisted that he could use his wife's name.
"If it's a family member, it's a proxy application, think rationally. ......(멍멍소리 ) Latte is.... ''I work in the civil affairs office of the city hall ... (puppy) ...''
After arguing for a while, I talked to the person in charge of the Agriculture Department and reaffirmed the need for the stamp and told him to come back.

3rd February Application for Women Farmers Voucher
I got the stamp and filled out the application form, but I told her to write her wife's previous number.
I didn't write it until the end, saying that it was mine, and it was a voucher (= money) payment, so I asked if my wife was a farmer, how long she worked in agriculture, etc... To see if it was a condition for the subsidy payment, I told them to take the agricultural business registration certificate from the complaint center next to me, including the change history.
I took it off without any change history.
At this time, I met my best friend, Mr. Ham Gye-jang, who re-issued me the confirmation with the change history to review the application requirements and loudly showed me how close they were while reviewing the application...
In front of Mr. Kye and Mr. Choi, I said to Mr. Choi
"I need Mr. Ham's cell phone number now. I didn't give it to you the other day." The rapport between the two of them disappeared and they both rolled their eyes at me. Or so I thought.
Importantly, when I checked the change of ownership, I found that Mr. Kim's time in agriculture didn't meet the requirements, so he couldn't apply.
Mr. Ham and Mr. Choi rushed her to apply.
Even so, I was busy and working super hard, but I pecked with work paralysis, so I submitted the application and wrote down the event in the agricultural department. And later, I found out... I received a female farmer voucher last year. It's obviously not eligible for payment... Hyunta is coming.
Ham and Choi talk loudly and go to protest to the director.

Applying for the 4th March agricultural allowance,
I'm an asshole today.
Mr. Choi calls and says he's coming.
He asks me if I can take 00 won ( voucher now card ), I say yes, and we talk smoothly.
I tell him to prepare the application form, give him the pre-printed list of complainants, and ask him to issue the required document, the yellow-painted agricultural business registration confirmation (including change history), at the next window. But it disappeared... I thought he had gone to see his best friend, Captain Hamgyejang or Dongjang.
I work for a long time, and they yell at me.
I show him the agricultural business registration confirmation with the change history and ask him to take the old man's documents away from me.
I don't understand English, so I ask, "Where did I tell you to take it from? I told you to take it to the next window?"
The smell is in the air... He said, "You're lying, you're making a living, you're doing a bad job, and other personal attacks.
I don't think I could have directed her to the Agricultural Quality Control Center (they always give the elderly the directions and phone number).
I don't know how he got a business registration certificate from this place (of course, he's a former government employee, so he should know better than me), and it's suspicious that he went without asking for the documents.
He doesn't answer my questions, but keeps yelling at me, saying he has a good memory. I screamed at him that I'm ignoring him, "I have a bad memory, I don't ignore people." He kept screaming at me about my qualities, age, attitude, demeaning me, and that people like you will be punished.

My life is miserable, I have an incurable disease.
My child has an incurable disease. I live in guilt every day.

So I shouted back that I'm already being punished too

Then the bastard shouted threateningly that I can't beat you up. The staff around me grabbed Mr. Choi and stopped him, and our account manager got the documents instead of me. He raised his hands and screamed like he was going to hit me... I think I can't even breathe thanks to this person.

Our accounting manager (my boss) is not much older than me, but he's great in many ways. The public office is a place where you can escape if it's noisy, and I'm trying to do that, but the only reason I don't want to cause trouble is because I don't want to bother him.

There are two ways to interpret Mr. Choi's behavior
1. she was deliberately trying to get me to give her a hard time for not giving her preferential treatment (she does the same as everyone else).
2. As she applied for and received the female farmer's voucher last year even though she was not eligible, she is trying to get the farmer's allowance this time (she received 700,000 won last year) even though she is not eligible for something.

Trouble here,
I want to sue Mr. Choi criminally & civilly. Is it possible?
I hate this kind of behavior from government officials. I just have to put up with it.
When I look at our account manager, I want to put up with it.
Just like it hurts to be called an idiot.
I don't even want to forgive them because they're cursing my life when I'm already suffering from a disability.
They say Song Sa dries people's blood.
I don't think it's wise to press charges against someone like that.
He's a former 00. What kind of respect does he want?
Doesn't he have the wisdom to stop Mr. Choi's bullying and domination?

I don't understand why we're giving out subsidies to people.
If you have the data, if you qualify, can't you just pay it into an account like collecting taxes? Give me a hard time if you want me to fill out an application for an elderly person and just put my name on it.
This year, the list of grants I looked at was 180, and I didn't count them, and they keep telling me to apply for grants.
There are more types of grants than applications.
And I'm the only one doing small grants. It's crazy.

Citizens are telling the last level of government that they want you to change the law.
I want to change it if I can.

Other opinions0
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| 8 0
It's not just about the money, it's about the people. If you just go to court, you'll have to weave in the accounts that were on his side and it'll be a pain in the ass. You can charge him with fraudulent receipt, but he'll just come back and bullshit you again. Make sure you record his rants every time he comes over so you have a solid case and consider filing a lawsuit. This kind of behavior makes government employees look bad. Half-witted assholes shouldn't receive complaints.
If you keep doing it, it becomes a habit
| 1.
1. buy a go-pro 2. buy a chest harness 3. wear it on your chest pak 4. write a sign in front of the window that says you are recording 5. start filming the video from the moment Mr. Choi comes 6. call the police 7. hand over the video and finish.
djjdjds 0 8
The bastards should really be beaten. If you go to court, you'll have to go through the accounts that were on the side of the guy, and it'll be a pain in the ass. You can charge him with fraudulent receipt, but he'll come back to bite you.
You should record his rants every time he comes, so that you have some evidence and consider suing him.

This kind of behavior makes government employees look bad.
They shouldn't take complaints.
2023-03-07 05:11 | Comments
  Blackback 0 0
The accountant who took sides is also the king of ping pong. I was told to set up a welfare care center in the building with the volunteer center budget, and to prepare a place, so (the general manager) removed all the gym stuff. I didn't even look at where they were going to dispose of the gym stuff while the two women were taking the massage chairs, sofas, and other exercise equipment out of the building. When they were done, they asked me where the treadmill was... ㅡㅡ
More problematic was the situation where the gymnasium had an interior partition wall dividing the space into two, and the fire detectors needed to be repositioned and installed. Previously, the volunteer center said that it was an item and that they would install it and take care of everything, and we (the general manager) only needed to remove the exercise equipment. However, it was pointed out that the location of the fire detector was wrong, and I solved this... I asked to speak with the volunteer center and asked for the person in charge, but they said they didn't know the person in charge and told me to call the main number. When I talked to the person in charge, I got a bunch of curses about how we didn't talk about this in the design phase and now we're talking about it, why is the end of the general affairs team talking and not the welfare accountant?
What's the design... I'm making a care center a week before I move out... That's all I said... This is the kind of person she is.
I can still see her rolling her eyes up and down, telling Mr. Choi that she hates her sister-in-law more than she hates him, and that she's going to write a grant for him.
2023-03-07 06:25 | Comments
  waited 1 0
@blackwhale 따리아서 그럼

2023-03-07 22:31 | Reply
눈팅족2년만에가입 0 0
This much stress if you are,
인사이동 요청하시는것도 나쁘지 않아 보입니다.


take a sick leave to rest for a while.

Such malicious complaints
there's no solution,
Avoiding them seems like a smart way to go.
2023-03-07 05:58 | Comments
  Blackback 0 1
I used up my entire 2 years of sick leave due to a terminal illness...I just got back to work and it's a disaster. The list of farm subsidies alone dropped by 180 at the beginning of the year due to the mayor's promise and is still dropping.


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