거실 베란다 창문에 곰팡이가 많이 생겨서 창문을 열고 락스와 칫솔, 물병과 의자를 들고 들어갔어요.
천장을 닦고 있는데 어떻게 닦아야 할지 몰라서 (냄새에 민감한) 문을 쾅 닫았습니다.
잠시 후 다시 들어와 안방에 빨래 건조기를 놓고 빨래 더미를 말렸는데, 냄새가 날까 봐 걱정이었습니다.
빨래 더미를 거실로 옮기기
마스크도 없이 곰팡이 청소를 열심히 하다가 갑자기 짜증이 나서 대충 끝냈습니다.
착하게 굴어야 하는 게 당연하다고 생각해서 이번엔 싸우고 나서 평소에 하던 일을 하나도 안 하고 있습니다.
주말에는 음식을 다 해먹곤 했는데 지금은 아무것도 안 해요.
다들 각자 알아서 밥을 먹고 자기 구역을 챙기고 있어요.
제가 남편보다 두세 배는 더 많은 일을 하고 있으니 손해 보는 것 같은 기분이 들 수밖에 없어요.
저는 한부모지만 집값도 대주고 편하게 살게 해주는 건 저밖에 없으니까 뿌듯하고 자랑스러워요.
애들만 아니었다면 정말 이혼하고 끝내고 싶을 정도예요.
다른 의견0
[* 익명1 *] 12 4
이런 개자식들을 부모라고 부를 정도로 애들이 좆됐나봐요.
2023-03-19 14:33 | 댓글
[* 익명9 *] 1 1
댓글의 수준으로 판단하면이 곳은 집보다 오래 된 것 같습니다.
2023-03-19 17:46 * | 답글
[* 익명10 *] 0 0
2023-03-19 17:47 * | 댓글
[* 익명12 *] 0 1
가정 생활이 좋지 않은 것 같습니다.
2023-03-19 17:48 * | 댓글
[* 익명15 *] 0 0
아오 나는 맹세하고 싶다
2023-03-19 17:50 * | 댓글
[* 익명2 *] 0 0
우리집하고 똑같네
2023-03-19 14:36 | 댓글
[* 작성자 *] 0 0
여자 아니면 남자?
2023-03-19 14:37 | 댓글
[* 익명6 *] 0 0
내 남편일지도 몰라 ㄷㄷ
2023-03-19 15:49 | 답글
[* 익명2 *] 0 0
2023-03-19 16:02 | 댓글
[* 익명11 *] 0 0
그녀의 남편이 틀림 없습니다.
2023-03-19 17:48 * | 답글
[* 익명3 *] 0 0
와우, 두 분이 만난 지 정말 오랜만이네요.
2023-03-19 14:38 | 답글
[* 작성자 *] 0 0
예전에는 그냥 넘어가고 넘어갔는데 이게 습관이 된 것 같습니다.
좋은 생각인지는 잘 모르겠지만 좋은 생각입니다.
이번에도 일부러 그런 건 아니었지만 수십 번이나 그런 일이 일어났어요.
이혼을 심각하게 고민할 정도에 이르렀는데, 상상도 못했어요.
지금까지는 이혼이라고 생각하지 않았지만 지금은 정말 고려하고 있습니다.
2023-03-19 14:41 | 답글
[* 익명12 *] 0 0
속상한 건 알겠는데 결혼 상담을 받아보시는 게 좋을 것 같아요.
2023-03-19 17:48 * | 답글
[* 익명4 *] 0 0
무슨 일로 싸웠나요?
2023-03-19 14:40 | 답글
[* 저자 *] 0 0
아.. 아이에 대한 결정을 내려야 했어요.
제가 모든 비용을 부담하고 있는데 아내가 저와 먼저 상의하지 않고 결정했어요.
저는 그냥 돈만 내라고 해서 싸웠어요.
남편은 "네가 나보다 낫잖아, 네가 알아내지 못하더라도 알아낸 대로 해"라고 말했어요.
알아낼 시간을 줘야 한다고요. 왜 아내와 상의하지 않고 혼자 결정해서 아내에게 알려주는지 모르겠어요.
따로 알아본다고 했는데 지금 알아낸다고 해서 뭐가 달라지나요? 몇 시간 남았는데 언제 알겠어, 어쩌고 저쩌고.
그럼 왜 진작 말하지 않았어? 왜 이제 와서 알아볼 시간이 없다고 말하는 거예요?
결국 제가 알아본 결과 상대방과 다른 의견이 나왔고 두 번째로 싸웠습니다.
결국 돈을 지불해야 하는 사람은 저입니다.
진행을 원하면 자기 돈으로 진행하면 되는 거고, 그게 끝입니다.
결국 돈 안내를 신청하지 않았습니다.
2023-03-19 14:45 | 답글
[* 익명14 *] 0 0
글을 보니 남편에게 문제가 있는 것 같네요. 싸웠더라도 남편이 창틀을 청소하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있다면 도와주러 갔을 것입니다.
2023-03-19 17:49 * | 답글.
[* 익명5 *] 0 0
나는 한 달 동안 거기에 있었는데 성욕 때문에 잃었습니다. 그게 어떻게 가능합니까?
2023-03-19 14:46 | 답글
[* 작성자 *] 0 0
안해도 그만이라...
2023-03-19 14:47 | 답글
[* 익명7 *] 0 0
아파트를 포함한 순자산이 얼마인가요? 재산분할을 생각해보셔야 할 것 같습니다.
2023-03-19 16:21 | 답글
[* 익명8 *] 0 0
간단히 말해서, 그것은 그들과 아이들에게 나쁩니다.
서로에 대한 배려가 부족합니다.
2023-03-19 17:46 * | 답글
[* 익명16 *] 0 0
이해가 안 돼요, 둘 다 즉각적인 만족을 추구하는 사람이라서 정말 이해가 안 돼요, 2 시간이 지나도 입에 물이 마르고 있는데 진지하게 생각해보세요.
I've got a lot of mold on my living room veranda window, so I opened the window and went in with Lax and a toothbrush and a water bottle and a chair.
I'm wiping the ceiling, but I don't know how to wipe it and slam the door (sensitive to odors).
And after a while, he came back in and put the clothes dryer in the master bedroom to dry the pile of laundry, but he was afraid that it would cut the smell.
Carrying a pile of laundry to the living room
I was working hard cleaning the mold without a mask, but suddenly I got annoyed and finished it roughly.
I thought it was natural to be nice, so this time, after the fight, I'm not doing any of the things I usually do.
I used to cook all the food on the weekends, but now I don't do anything.
We're all eating on our own and taking care of our own areas.
I can't help but feel like I'm losing out because I'm doing two or three times more than him.
I'm a single parent, but I'm the only one who pays for the house and lets them live comfortably, so I'm proud and proud.
If it weren't for the kids, I'd really want to divorce and be done with it.
Other opinions0
[* Anonymous1 *] 12 4
The kids must be so fucked up that these assholes are called parents.
2023-03-19 14:33 | Reply
[* Anonymous9 *] 1 1
Judging by the level of comments, this place looks older than your house.
2023-03-19 17:46 * | Reply
[* Anonymous10 *] 0 0
2023-03-19 17:47 * | Reply
[* Anonymous12 *] 0 1
Sounds like you had a bad home life.
2023-03-19 17:48 * | Reply
[* Anonymous15 *] 0 0
Aao I want to swear
2023-03-19 17:50 * | Reply
[* 익명2 *] 0 0
우리집하고 똑같네
2023-03-19 14:36 | Reply
[* Author *] 0 0
Woman or man?
2023-03-19 14:37 | Reply
[* Anonymous6 *] 0 0
Maybe it's my husband ㄷㄷ
2023-03-19 15:49 | Reply
[* Anonymous2 *] 0 0
2023-03-19 16:02 | Reply
[* Anonymous11 *] 0 0
It must be her husband.
2023-03-19 17:48 * | Reply
[* 익명3 *] 0 0
Wow, it's been a long time since you two met.
2023-03-19 14:38 | Reply
[* Author *] 0 0
Previously, I just let it go and moved on, but this seems to have become a habit.
I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.
This time, I didn't mean to do it, but it happened dozens of times.
to the point where I'm seriously thinking about divorce, which I never imagined.
Until now, I didn't think it was a divorce, but now I'm really considering it.
2023-03-19 14:41 | Reply
[* 익명12 *] 0 0
I know you're upset, but I'd recommend marriage counseling.
2023-03-19 17:48 * | Reply
[* Anonymous4 *] 0 0
What were you fighting about?
2023-03-19 14:40 | Reply
[* Author *] 0 0
아.. I had to make a decision about my child.
I'm paying for everything, but she decided to do it without consulting me first.
I was told to just pay the money, so we fought about it.
He said, "You're better than me, even if you can't figure it out, do what you figure out.
I need to give myself time to figure it out. I don't understand why you don't discuss it with your wife, but just decide on your own and inform her.
I said I'll find out separately, but what difference does it make if I find out now? I have a few hours left, when will I find out, blah, blah, blah.
So no, then why didn't you tell me before? Why are you telling me now and saying you don't have time to find out?
In the end, I looked into it and came up with a different opinion than the other party, and we fought a second time.
In the end, I'm the one who has to pay the money.
If you want to proceed, you can proceed with your own money, and that's it.
In the end, I didn't apply for money guidance
2023-03-19 14:45 | Reply
[* Anonymous14 *] 0 0
From the way you write, it sounds like your husband has a problem. Even if you had a fight, you'd still go help him out if he was having a hard time cleaning the window sill.
2023-03-19 17:49 * | Reply to.
[* Anonymous5 *] 0 0
I've been there for up to a month and I lost because of my sex drive. How is that even possible?
2023-03-19 14:46 | Reply
[* Author *] 0 0
안해도 그만이라...
2023-03-19 14:47 | Reply
[* 익명7 *] 0 0
How much is your net worth including the apartment? I think you should think about property division.
2023-03-19 16:21 | Reply
[* Anonymous8 *] 0 0
Long story short, it's bad for them and the kids.
They lack consideration for each other.
2023-03-19 17:46 * | Reply
[* Anonymous16 *] 0 0
I don't get it, they're both instant gratification stalwarts, so I really don't get it, even after 2 hours, their mouths are watering, but you should seriously think about it.
2023-03-19 17:50 * | Reply to.
[* Anonymous17 *] 0 0
Newlywed quarrels are normal.
4개월이면 풀거나 이혼하던가하세요
The kids' brains aren't developing from the stress.
Then you'll get bad grades and get pushed around by the kids.
Nowadays, I can see why the head of the family has to be harmonious.
2023-03-19 17:51 * | Reply to.
[* Anonymous18 *] 0 0
Don't be a dick, you gave birth to her, take responsibility.
2023-03-19 17:51 * | Reply
[* Anonymous19 *] 0 0
It's a good time. That's when there's affection, not when you've been married for a long time and you're tired of fighting, or you can't remember fighting because you're trying to draw.
2023-03-19 17:52 * | Reply
Please refrain from swearing, hurtful comments.
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