남편을 만나서 결혼을 굉장히 빨리 했어요.
원래는 남편과 8살 차이가 나서 1년 정도 교제하고 결혼을 하려고 했는데, 시어머니의 암 진단으로 작년 9월 결혼식이 작년 5월로 미뤄졌어요.
그러다 결혼 날짜를 미루고 아기를 낳았어요.
급하게 결혼을 했고, 남편이 술에 취하면 폭력을 휘두른다는 걸 알았지만 결혼 전에는 폭력을 휘두르지 않았기 때문에 그냥 넘어갔어요.
그런데 결혼식 당일에 무슨 일이 생겼어요. 결혼식을 마치고 집에 돌아와서 돈을 살펴보니
모르는 돈이 잔뜩 있어서 이게 뭐냐고 물었죠. "입덧 때문에 우리 집에 가기 싫다고 했을 때 엄마가 준 돈이야"라고 말했죠. 그게 뭐가 잘못됐나요? 당시 직장을 다니고 있어서 퇴근하고 집에 오기가 너무 힘들었는데, 시댁에서 결혼식 전에 몇 번 오라고 해서 자주 가지 못했고, 차 타고 가면 입덧이 더 심해져서 오늘은 집에 있었어요. 제가 가고 싶다고 했더니 알았어, 포도, 혼자 가겠다고 했어요. 그 날에 대해 이야기하는 것 같아서 "왜 욕을 해?"라고 했어요. 남편이 커피를 던져서 경찰에 신고했고, 남편이 외출하지 않겠다고 해서 경찰이 근처 모텔로 데려가서 당분간 떨어져 있으라고 했어요. 며칠 후 남편은 회사 대표와 함께 노래방에 갔다가 새벽 5시까지 집에 들어오지 않았고, 항상 술을 잘 마시고 연락을 하지 않았어요. 술 마시는 건 상관없지만 담배를 피우고 이사를 갈 때마다 어디로 이사 가는지 알려달라고 하는데 그때마다 연락이 안 돼서 걱정이 많았어요. 전에도 술에 취해 화장실 문을 부수고 길가에서 싸움을 벌인 적이 있었어요. 경찰과 싸워서 경찰이 온 적도 있고, 노래방에 갔다가 여자애랑 시비가 붙어서 너무 화가 나서 "이렇게는 못 살겠다"고 했어요. "너한테 연락 안 오면 병원에 가서 정리하겠다"고 하고 집을 나갔는데 이틀 동안 연락이 없어서 이러면 안 되는데 정말 병원에 가서 수술을 했는데 그 사람이 전화를 해서 너를 고소하겠다고, 변호사를 사서 1억을 받으려고 다 준비해놨다고 하더라고요.
그래서 변호사에게 전화해서 알아보니 폭력 신고 전력이 있고 유책 배우자가 남편이기 때문에 결혼 생활을 유지할 수 없다고 하더군요.
하지만 돈은 돈이고 이번이 처음이라 겁도 나고 병원에 간 것도 제 잘못이라서 사정했습니다. 그래서 남편이 준비했던 모든 것을 취소하고 한 번만 받아주겠다고 해서 반성문을 쓰고 반성문을 쓰고 시부모님께 무릎 꿇고 빌었어요.
시부모님은 제가 그렇게 텅 빈 줄 몰랐어요.
그러던 중 시어머니가 암 진단을 받았습니다.
I met my husband and we got married very quickly.
Originally, I was going to get married after a year of dating, because my husband and I are 8 years apart, so it's a year early, but I was going to do it then, but my wedding in September last year was postponed to May last year due to my mother-in-law's cancer diagnosis.
And then we saved the wedding date and had a baby.
We got married in a hurry, and I knew he was violent when he was drunk, but he wasn't violent before we got married, so we went through with it.
But then the day of the wedding, something happened. I came home from the wedding, and I was going through the money.
and there was a bunch of money I didn't recognize, so I said, "What is this? I said, "This is the money my mom gave me when you didn't want to go to my house because of morning sickness." What's wrong with that? I was working at the time, and it was so hard to come home from work, but my in-laws asked me to come over a few times before the wedding, but I didn't go very often, and the car ride made the sickness worse, so I stayed home today. When I said I wanted to, I said okay, grapes, and said I was going to go alone. It was like we were talking about that day, so I said, "Why are you swearing?" He threw coffee at me, so I called the police, and my husband said I wasn't going out, so the police took me to a nearby motel and said you should stay away for a while. A few days later, my husband went to karaoke with the head of the company at work and didn't come home until 5 a.m. He's always been good at drinking and not contacting me. I don't mind him drinking and stuff, but every time he smokes and moves, I ask him to tell me where he's moving to, but every time he doesn't contact me, so I've been worried about him. He's been drunk before, smashing bathroom doors, fighting on the side of the road. I was even more worried because I had a fight with the police and the police came, and then I went to a karaoke bar and got involved with a girl, so I was so angry that I said, "I can't live like this." I said, "If I don't hear from you, I'll go to the hospital, and I'll organize it," and I left the house, but I didn't hear from you for two days, so I shouldn't have done this, but I really went to the hospital and had surgery, and then he called me and said he was going to sue you, and he bought a lawyer and had everything ready to get 100 million from you.
So I called a lawyer and found out, and they said I can't stay married because I have a history of reporting violence, and the culpable spouse is my husband, so I can't sue him.
But money is money, and this is my first time, so I'm scared, and it's my fault that I went to the hospital, so I begged. So my husband canceled everything he had prepared and said he would accept it only once, so I wrote a reflection and wrote a reflection and begged my parents-in-law on my knees.
My in-laws didn't realize I was so empty.
Then my mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer.
She was fighting with my father-in-law, fighting with my husband, and my husband said he couldn't leave her with my father-in-law and mother-in-law, so he asked her to live with us in our new house.
So I said yes, and we lived together from June to December after we got married.
My father-in-law quickly reconciled and moved in with us.
Even then, we often fought when my husband came home drunk.
But at that time, I thought my husband was sensitive because my mother-in-law was sick, so I tolerated it to a certain extent.
When I called the police for assault, my in-laws cursed and said something.
I tried to be strong, so I took a medical certificate and gave it to the police, but it was settled because of the sick mother-in-law, but it went to personal injury, and the family court told my husband and me to go to marriage counseling, so we went to marriage counseling.
I thought it would be better, but after my mother-in-law passed away, my husband calmed down, and we lived separately with my in-laws, so we didn't fight so much, and after a while, it happened again.
He just called me on the phone and asked me what I was going to do about it, and I said I just live here, and he asked me if I had a conscience, and I was on speaker phone and everyone here was sighing, so I said, "What are you doing?" and hung up embarrassed.
He said he's going to go back to the lawyer who tried to sue me for the previous hospitalization and threatened me. Then I'll have to buy a lawyer, but I don't have the money, and if I do, I'll find a way to pay for one, but as my husband said, I'm at a disadvantage, and I'm scared and afraid.
Hello, I'm an early 30's expectant mom, 38 weeks, 3 days pregnant, due to give birth the day after tomorrow.
I usually see anonymous posts often, but I'm going through this too, so I thought of Mamitok.
I write to get some help from Ha So Yeon...
I'm about to give birth and was diagnosed with corona last Friday.
My body and mind are in a state of anxiety...
From the day of confirmation, I had a fever and felt unwell, but luckily my husband
I took a company break for the Golden Week holiday, so I cooked a meal, so my body has improved a lot since yesterday.
Yesterday evening, while eating bibimyeon, we were talking about this and that, and I said, "Oh, but I felt sorry for the puppy when he screamed when he was surprised yesterday." (When my husband ran to scold the puppy for barking and scared him, the puppy was surprised and screamed and hid behind the couch).
When I told him that, he was lying on the couch and hit me with the cushion and said, "If you say something annoying, you should be punished." I was eating and I felt so bad, so I put down my chopsticks and said, "I'm not eating," and I put away the bibimbap noodles I was eating.
Then I went to the sink to clean it up, and I heard him say, "I ate it quickly on the couch," so I just answered him back and went into my room and laid down, and I started crying.
I don't know if I'm more sensitive because I'm sick, but I was just crying and I didn't say anything and I slept.
He woke me up in the morning, and when I woke up, he had made me a meal.
So there I was, feeling sorry for myself, thinking that I had gone to sleep in my room yesterday, so I didn't talk about yesterday's work and ate casually.
Then I said, "Don't you think your stomach is a little forward?" He joked and said, "No, I can only think of a gorilla." So I just laughed and said, "It's because of your belly button." It was nice.
Then my husband asked me to do something, so I just went to the bathroom and was doing my business, but my husband put a picture of Psa on a gorilla t-shirt and said that she was pregnant, so I said.
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