안녕하세요, 저는 두 달 전에 건강한 여아(3.7kg)를 출산한 초보 엄마입니다.
저는 이미 다섯 살짜리 아들이 있고 이번이 두 번째 출산입니다.
하지만 아이를 볼 때마다 제 몸을 보는 것 같아요.
산후 부기와 체중 증가에 대해 이야기하겠습니다.
"출산 후 6개월이 지나면 부기가 빠진다!"는 말이 있잖아요.
저는 이것이 사실인지 정말 궁금했습니다.
좀 더 정확히 말하자면, 약해진 면역 체계가
약화 된 면역 체계는 림프 순환에도 영향을 미칩니다.
이 경우 오랫동안 림프 순환이 제대로 이루어지지 않은 림프가
출산 후에도 여전히 잘 순환되지 않아서
붓기가 오래 지속됩니다.
(쌍둥이를 낳은 것처럼 부어 있었습니다!)
림프를 요약하자면, 림프는 우리 몸의 노폐물을 배출하는 '하수도'입니다.
"몸의 노폐물을 배출하는 하수구이기 때문에 막히면 계속 붓게 됩니다.
제 발은 출산 이틀 전과 출산 후 한 달 동안 게시물 하단에만 붙어 있습니다.
전체 게시물을 읽어주세요 : )
살이 많이 빠졌지만 나이도 많아요.
정말 여러 가지 방법으로 관리하려고 노력했습니다.
그래서 오늘 제가 이야기하고 싶은 것은 림프를 방출하고 체중을 줄이는 방법입니다.
부기와 체중 감량입니다,
작지만 중요한 팁을 공유해드릴게요 : )
출산 할 때 호박 주스를 많이 마 십니다.
저는 어렸을 때 시어머니로부터 호박 주스를 많이 마 셨습니다.
(시어머니들은 다 호박즙을 사서 드시는 것 같아요..ㅋㅋ)
⭐️그런데 첫 번째 팁, 호박 주스를 마시지 마세요!
(호박즙이 듬뿍 들어간 푹신한 차 포함)
호박 주스에는 설탕이 많이 들어 있고 오래 마실수록
더 오래 마실 수 있습니다.
이 문제보다 더 나쁜 것은
이뇨제이기 때문에 부기를 감소시킨다는 것입니다.
처음에는 붓기가 가라앉는 것처럼 보입니다!
그러나 결국 시간이 지나면 다시 부어 오릅니다!
목이 마르면 물을 많이 마시면 다시 붓습니다....
(저는 첫 아기를 낳은 후 정말 긴 튼살이있었습니다.)
또한 한두 달 이상 마시면 신장에 무리를 줄 수 있으므로 피하는 것이 가장 좋습니다.
기본적으로!!! 호박은 이뇨제 일뿐입니다,
림프계 지원 기능이 없습니다.
그렇다면 무엇을 마셔야 할까요?
1. 말도 안되는 양의 물을 마셔라,
아마 더 부풀어 오를 것입니다.
하지만 물을 많이 마실수록 혈액 순환과 림프 순환이 개선되어 부기를 유발하는 노폐물(지방 포함)을 제거하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
혈액순환과 림프순환이 원활해져 부기를 유발하는 노폐물(지방 포함)을 배출하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
2.저는 처음부터 림프 순환 차를 마셔왔습니다.
천궁, 당귀, 율무와 같은 한약재는 림프액을 활성화하고 부기를 줄이는 데 도움이 됩니다.
림프액을 활성화하고 부기를 줄이는 데 도움이 된다고 해서 아침에 따뜻하게 데워서 매일 마셨어요.
(저는 온라인에서 구입했지만 레시피를 알고 있다면 직접 만들 수도 있습니다.)
서클 티를 마신 후 처음에는 의외로 화장실에 잘 갔습니다.
Hi, I'm a new mom who gave birth to a healthy baby girl (3.7kg) two months ago.
I already have a five-year-old son, and this is my second childbirth.
but every time I look at her, she looks at my body.
We're going to talk about postpartum swelling and weight gain.
You know how they say, "Six months after giving birth... the swelling goes away!"
I was really curious if this was true.
Is it true?
Well, to be more precise, your weakened immune system
the weakened immune system also affects the lymphatic circulation.
In this case, the lymph that has been circulating poorly for a long time
still doesn't work well even after giving birth
so the puffiness lingers for a long time.
(I was swollen as if I had given birth to twins!)
To summarize lymph, it's the "sewer" that drains the body of waste
"that drains the body of waste, so if it's clogged, you're constantly swelling.
My feet are only attached at the bottom of the post two days before I gave birth and one month after I gave birth.
Please read the whole post : )
I've lost a lot of weight, but I'm also old.
I tried to manage it in many ways, really.
So what I want to talk about today is how to release lymph and lose weight
swelling and weight loss,
I'm going to share my small but important tips : )
When you give birth, you drink a lot of pumpkin juice.
I drank a lot of pumpkin juice from my mother-in-law when I was a baby.
(I think all moms-in-law buy pumpkin juice..lol)
⭐️그런데 First tip, don't drink the pumpkin juice!
(including puffy teas with tons of pumpkin juice)
because pumpkin juice contains a lot of sugar and the longer you drink it
the longer you drink it.
Worse than this problem
because it's a diuretic, which means it reduces swelling.
At first, the swelling seems to go down!
But eventually, after some time, it swells again!
If you are thirsty and drink a lot of water, it will swell again....
(I had a really long stretch mark after having my first baby.)
Also, if you drink it for more than a month or two, it can strain your kidneys, so it's best to avoid it.
Basically!!! Pumpkin is only a diuretic,
it doesn't have any lymphatic support.
So what should you drink?
1.Drink a ridiculous amount of water,
and you'll probably feel more bloated because of it.
but the more water you drink, the better your blood circulation and lymphatic circulation, which helps to eliminate waste (including fat) that causes swelling.
and lymphatic circulation to flush out waste products (including fat) that cause swelling.
2.I've been drinking lymphatic circulation teas since the beginning.
Chinese herbs like tian gung, dang gui, and yul mu help to activate lymphatic fluid and reduce swelling.
lymphatic fluid and help reduce swelling, so I warmed it up in the morning and drank it every day.
(I bought mine online, but you can make your own if you know the recipe)
After drinking the circle tea, I went to the bathroom surprisingly well at first,
and later, the swelling went down enough that I didn't have to wear my husband's slippers!
After I left the cooking center, I did a lot of foam rolling and drank hot water every morning.
I lost an additional 9 kilograms (drinking water helps me sweat better when exercising).
⭐️두번 The second tip is to start foam rolling as soon as you leave the cooking center.
As soon as I got home from cooking school
I did a foam roller massage every single day.
The important thing here is not to do it randomly.
I googled foam roller "lymphatic" massage.
and start massaging my underarms, arms, legs, and abdomen.
You should feel like a slobbery squid.
(If you're pregnant, don't do the abdomen!)
⭐️우리 The lymph in the body is a very weak and thin channel.
so if you do it too hard, it will be damaged, so you need to do it gently and without force.
That's all my superficial information after reading several books on lymph.
But to summarize, the lymph is an important and valuable vessel
it's a precious, precious pathway for fat loss.
If it's not circulating well, if it's blocked.
it can cause not only weight gain,
or bruising.
That's why it's so important to keep it open after giving birth!
My swelling is almost all gone now,
and I've lost all of my pregnancy weight.
I also started doing yoga last month and feel lighter.
If you're expecting a baby, be prepared for the swelling and get your pre-pregnancy body back.
and get your pre-pregnancy body back soon!
Just in case, the foam roller and lymphatic circulation tea product names can be easily found by googling.
so I won't disclose them because it could be an advertisement!!!
The tip is that foam rollers are good with hard edges, and lymphatic circulation tea is good with celestial gourd and danggui.
It was effective in helping me lose weight and sweat well during yoga.
I would like you to take at least lymphatic circulation tea to the kitchen after giving birth and drink it every morning!
It's a great way to reduce swelling.
Thank you for reading this long post and if it was helpful to you
좋아요 눌러주시겠어요? I'll be so proud...
All moms struggle with various body changes during pregnancy.
It's been a long time coming, but I'm writing this while finishing my last birth.
(No third!!!!!!!!!!😭😭😭😭)
I hope you all have a smooth delivery and lose the swelling and weight!
궁금한 사항은 댓글로 얼마든 달아주세세용ㅎㅎ
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