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인터넷에서 모든 아기 용품을 살 수는 없을 것 같아요.

저는 필수품과 불필요한 품목의 목록을 직접 작성하기 위해 열심히 노력했습니다.
필수품과 불필요한 것들.

혹시나 빠진 게 있을까봐 / 살 수 없는 건 없는지 다시 확인하고 싶어서 ㅜㅜ


- 필수템을 잘 샀다
- 괜찮았던 사원

하나하나 적어볼까...?


출산 - 127일차 (23.05.25 업데이트)

초보맘의 마음으로 추천템 업데이트 해볼게요 🫠.

: 추천템

- 수유시트 (만삭아는 시트가 아닌 수유쿠션이 기본 / 수유쿠션이 기본!)

3.4킬로그램이었던 아기가 24일에 4킬로그램으로 자랐어요.
울고 나서 씻기 위해 손목에서 빨리 빠져나오는 것이 매우 쉬웠습니다.
아기가 편안하고 힘이 분산되어서 저에게는 너무 쉬웠습니다.
분유를 먹이는 모든 엄마들에게 꼭 추천하고 싶어요!

- 방수 요가 매트 / 방수 매트

아기 침대에서 생활하다가 어제 거실에 방수 담요를 깔고 처음으로 바닥에서 생활해봤어요.
아기가 침대에서 잘 때보다 더 잘 잤어요.
침대에서 자면 2시간 정도는 계속 콧물이 나서 깼었는데요.
따뜻한 바닥 + 시원한 방수 요가 + 선데이 허그 침대의 조합이 잘 작동했습니다.
4시간 이상 깨어나지 않아서 제가 직접 깨워 젖을 먹여야 했어요. 유레카!

- 픽셀 소독제

초보 엄마로서 젖병을 자주 소독해야 해요.
개인적으로 긴 소독기가 불편해서 가로형 픽셀 소독기를 구입했어요.
가로형 픽셀 소독기를 구입했습니다.
디자인 + 기능 + 편리함 = 만족!
남편도 가로형에 매우 만족한다고 하더라구요~!

- 릴리브

브레자와 둘이서 정말 걱정이 많았던 사람입니다.
브레자를 세탁하는 게 너무 귀찮았거든요.
결국 릴리브 하나만 얻었습니다.
대대는 만족합니다 ~!
밤에 버튼만 눌러서 출력량을 조절하면 되니까 정말 간편해요.
산후도우미도 없고 집안일 할 시간도 별로 없는데 바지 빨래까지 해야 한다면 손목에 무리가 갈 것 같았어요.
수유 직후에 물을 한 번 더 끓이기만 하면 바로 사용할 수 있어요!

* 추가) 여전히 추천합니다
유일한 단점은 미네랄 자국이 닦기가 조금 어렵다는 점입니다!
자국이 건강에 문제가 되진 않아요!
* 추가) 식초 냄새가 퍼질까봐 베이킹소다로 닦았어요.
식초를 사용해보니 힘들이지 않고 깨끗하게 지워졌어요!

- 압타밀 분유

뭔지는 몰랐지만 성분도 좋고 황금 똥 분유라고 해서 주문했습니다.
똥이 정말 황금색입니다.
포장도 문제없이 잘 되어 있어서 개인적으로 추천합니다.

- 트루맘 리퀴드 포뮬러

장시간 차를 타고 이동해야 했어요.
그래서 압타밀을 먹는 아기를 위한 액상 분유를 찾았어요.
트루맘이 가장 마음에 들어서 이번에 구매했습니다.
(압타밀 액상분유 가격도 비싸고요.

I don't think I can buy all the baby stuff on the internet.

I've been working hard to prepare my own list of essentials and unnecessary items
necessities and unnecessary ones.

Just in case there is something missing / I want to check again for things that can't be bought ㅜㅜ


- Well bought essential temple
- Temples that were okay

Can you write down one by one...?


Childbirth - Day 127 (updated 23.05.25)

I'll update my recommended items with the mind of a new mom 🫠

: 추천템

- Feeding seat (full-term babies are the standard / feeding cushion, not the seat!)

My baby, who was 3.4 kilograms, grew to 4 kilograms on the 24th.
It was very easy to get out of the wrist quickly to wash up after crying.
It was so easy for me because the baby was comfortable and the strength was distributed.
I would definitely recommend it to all formula feeding moms!

- Waterproof yoga mat / waterproof mat

I've been living in a crib, but yesterday I tried living on the floor for the first time with a waterproof blanket in the living room.
The baby slept better than ever on the bed.
When sleeping in bed, I kept waking up with a tum for about 2 hours.
The combination of warm floor + cool waterproof yoga + Sunday Hug bed worked well.
He didn't wake up for more than 4 hours, so I had to wake him up myself to feed him. Eureka!

- Pixel Sanitizer

As a new mom, I need to sterilize my bottles frequently.
I personally feel uncomfortable with a long sterilizer, so I bought a horizontal pixel sterilizer
I bought a horizontal pixel sterilizer
Design + Function + Convenience = Satisfaction!
My husband also said that he was very satisfied with the horizontal type ~!

- Lilib

This is a guy who was really worried about Brezza and the two of them.
I couldn't bear to wash the Brezza.
In the end, I got only one Relieve
Battalion is satisfied ~!
It's really easy because you just need to press the button at night to adjust the amount of output.
I don't have a postpartum doula and don't have much time to do housework, but if I had to wash my breeches, my wrists would be gone.
I just boil another pot of water right after feeding and it's ready to go!

* added) I still recommend it
The only downside is that the mineralized marks are a little hard to clean!
The marks are not a health issue!
* Addition) I cleaned it with baking soda because I was afraid of spreading the vinegar smell.
I tried using vinegar and it came off completely clean without any effort!

- Aptamil milk powder

I didn't know what it was, but I ordered it because it was said to have good ingredients and golden poop milk powder.
The poop is really golden.
It's a very personal recommendation because it's well packed without any problems.

- TruMom Liquid Formula

I had to take a long car ride.
so I searched for a liquid formula for babies who eat aptamil.
TruMom looks the most, so I bought it this time.
(The price of aptamil liquid milk is also expensive and overseas shipping is a bit burdensome)
There must be some babies who refuse, but my baby eats so well.
I thought it would be helpful for other aptamil babies!

- Monchouche Head Pillow

I have a baby Sadhu.
He was sleeping on one side and it got really bad.
It was over 60 days old and I thought the correction would be quick.
Seriously, I slept with it for a day, but it's not perfect, but it's noticeably gone.
Kebake but I was so satisfied that I added it to my recommended items!
S.M.L size is available so I think it can be used for bigger kids too!

*added) I changed it from S to M and am still using it.
It really improved a lot and I'm thinking of flipping it soon so I can graduate to a pillow!
I call it peanuts these days because it's almost gone and rounded lol.
Still, there are a few reviews that say it's a guillotine, so if you're sensitive, please pass!

- Tiny Love Mobile

I bought it because I thought there were too many things for my child to see and enjoy.
It makes him look less bored because his eyes keep following the doll haha.
I'm a quiet mom at home, so I couldn't keep him entertained.
I'm grateful that the mobile relieves my guilt...

- Ear muffs (ear protection tape)

When I was a newborn, I couldn't wash my ears properly because I was afraid they would get colored.
After buying this, I could spray water on my head without worrying.
I highly recommend it.
There are probably many other companies, but the one I bought is this one, so I wrote the name as it is~!
I recommend buying it for price comparison~!

- Hoodie Biotamine (Lactobacillus)

I used liquid lactic acid bacteria, but the response was diluted, so I changed to powder from Hudis.
효과봐서 ×애바애× 템이지만 개인적으로 추가했어요 !

- Steam bag

In an ambiguous situation where you can't carry a sterilizer or boil it
It was convenient to use a steam bag
The product I used was 20 times × 5 sheets per sheet, so I could use it 100 times in total.
I went to play and used one sheet for 10 days of use twice a day, but I think the cost-effectiveness is good!

- Baby bottle warmer

This was a temp that I bought at some point after hearing the people next to me talking about it while using a massage chair in the cooking center.
It keeps the house cold, so if you put the formula on the table for a while, it will cool down quickly.
It cools down between soothing her when she's not eating and crying.
It was really nice to keep it warm just by placing it here.
I personally recommend it because I feel uncomfortable if I eat cold milk powder!

: Non-recommended item / Not sure about it
(I won't write the product name because I don't want to get into trouble!)

- Swadlmi

비추천이라ather 반반이에요 !
The baby is using it with a probability of comfort 3 uncomfortable 7
And because he's getting bigger, he doesn't like to wrap his legs anymore.
It's a good idea to buy a couple of these!

* added) I thought my baby was frustrated and hated the swaddle.
After finding out what the baby was uncomfortable with, I realized that the swaddle wasn't the problem.
I'm using it again, and he actually slept better after using it and got 7 hours of sleep!

- Reflux Relief

I don't know if it sleeps well or if it prevents reflux!
There are many babies who sleep well here.
but I've only slept here twice...? Three times...?
Other than that, it was just a matter of putting him down.
Even if I put them down after a toddler bath, they still get some milk out.

* 추가) When he was over 50 days old, he was less likely to gulp it down.
If you put it on top and shake it with a cushion, it sleeps well ^^;
It's not the way the cushion company intended, but I'm using it anyway ..!
* added) I found out later that there is a possibility of head flattening if you continue to sleep on the backrest. If you have a baby with a brachycephaly/sadhu, I recommend using it after researching well before purchasing!


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