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모유 수유 장단점


여러 가지 이유로 믹스 헤어와 풀 헤어 사이에서 고민하다가
고민하다가 결국 풀 헤어로 결정했습니다.
아래의 장단점은 한 사람의 개인적인 경험을 바탕으로 한 것이므로 모든 엄마와 아이는 저마다의 케밥을 가지고 있을 것이며, 어떤 사람들은 공감할 수도 있고 공감하지 못할 수도 있습니다.
신중하게 받아들이시기 바랍니다.

모유가 분유보다 낫다는 연구 결과가 있지만 직접적인 이점으로 느낄 수 없기 때문에 포함하지 않았습니다. (저는 모유로 자랐고 매우 건강합니다)

<모유 수유의 장점
1. 분유 비용이 들지 않음
2. 외출 시 휴대가 간편함
3. 젖병을 씻거나 소독할 필요가 없음 > 모유 생산 시간 단축
4. 물을 끓이거나 분유를 부을 시간이 없습니다> 모유 수유 시간
5. 청소가 쉽고 분수 흙이 없습니다.
6. 짧은 트림 시간
7. 배앓이, 토하지 않음
8. 아이와 상호 작용
9. 수유 중 핸즈프리. TV 리모컨, 휴대폰 사용, 물 마시기, 손수건 사용, 아기 만지기, 얼굴에 로션 바르기, 아기 손톱 자르기 등이 가능합니다.
10. 아기 변 감소
11. 천연 고형물을 사용할 수 있습니다.
12. 매 끼니 건강하게 먹기
13. 젖병과 분유 유목민 필요 없음
14. 아기는 먹는 것에 지치면 잠이 듭니다. 아기는 먹이고 내려놓자마자 잠이 듭니다.
15. 울음이 진정되지 않을 때 긴급하게 달랠 수 있습니다.
16. 아기가 정말 배가 고프기 전에 항상 가장 신선하고 최적의 온도로 빨리 먹이십시오.
17. 배가 고픈지 알고 싶을 때 한 입만 먹을 수 있습니다.
18. 늦은 시간
19. 손님이 집에 자주 오지 않거나 오래 머물지 않습니다.
20. 모유 수유에 대한 어른들의 잔소리가 줄어듭니다.
21. 익숙해지면 졸면서 침대에서 수유 할 수 있습니다.

가장 공감이 가는 장점: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8번

<모유 수유의 단점
1. 자연유두(짧은 유두)의 어려움으로 인해 진입장벽이 높았다.
2. 주방에서 바빠서 연습 + 손으로 유축해야 함
3. 초기 유방 관리 마사지는 비용이 많이 들었다
4. 모유량이 적어 모유 자극제(맘라테모아, 락타티 등)를 한동안 복용해야 했다.
5. 관리가 좋지 않으면 유방염으로 이어질 수 있습니다.....(미친 통증...)
6. 아기가 잘못 물면 젖꼭지를 다칠 수 있습니다.
7. 다른 사람이 아기에게 먹이를 줄 수 없습니다.
8. 처음에 아이와 조정하기 어려움 (수유 위치, 래칭)
9. 식단을 조정합니다 (매운 음식과 기름진 음식을 피하고 가능한 한 건강한 식단을 섭취하십시오).
10. 알코올 없음
11. 엄격한 식단 없음
12. 수유 시간은 아이의 상태에 따라 다릅니다 (짧으면 10분, 길면 30분).
13. 방문객이 집에 올 때 수유가 어려움 (부모님이 딸과 손자를 보러 오셨는데 아기와 함께 방에 3-40 분 동안 머물 렀습니다...)
14. 수유실 없이 외출할 때의 어려움
15. 신생아는 수유 중에 쉽게 잠들고 깨워야합니다.
16. 옷이 젖을 수 있으므로 집에서 브래지어를 착용하십시오.
17. 수유 브래지어, 수유 패드 및 수유복이 필요합니다.
18. 아기와 함께 외출할 때는 수유복만 착용합니다.
19. 외출이 어려운 경우

Torn between mixed and full hair for a variety of reasons
and finally settled on full hair.
The pros and cons below are based on one person's very personal experience, so every mother and every child will have their own kebabs, and some people may or may not be able to relate.
Please take this with a grain of salt.

There are studies that breast milk is better than formula, but I didn't include it because it can't be felt as a direct advantage. (I grew up on my own and am very healthy)

<Breastfeeding Advantages
1. No formula costs
2. Easy to pack when going out
3. no need to wash or sterilize bottles > time for milk production
4. no time to boil water or pour formula > time to breastfeed
5. easy to clean and no fountain soil
6. short burping time
7. no colic, no spitting up
8. interacting with the child
9. hands free during feeding. Can use TV remote, cell phone, drink water, use handkerchief, touch baby, put lotion on face, cut baby's nails, etc.
10. Fewer baby stools
11. Natural solids are available
12. Eat healthy at every meal
13. No need for bottle and formula nomadism
14. Baby falls asleep when he/she is tired of eating. They fall asleep as soon as they are fed and put down.
15. can be soothed urgently when crying is not soothed
16. feed your baby quickly before they get really hungry, always with the freshest + optimal temperature.
17. can just take a bite when you want to know if they're hungry
18. late periods
19. guests come home infrequently or don't stay for long
20. less nagging from elders to breastfeed
21. once I got the hang of it, I could nurse in bed while dozing off

Advantages that resonated with me the most: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

<Breastfeeding Disadvantages
1. There was a high barrier to entry due to the difficulty of natural nipples (short nipples)
2. Busy in the kitchen practicing + pumping by hand
3. Initial breast care massage was expensive
4. had to take breast milk stimulants for a while due to low milk volume (Mamlatemoa, Lactati, etc.)
5. poor management can lead to mastitis.....(crazy pain..)
6. babies can hurt their nipples if they bite incorrectly
7. you can't have someone else feed your baby for you
8. Difficult to coordinate with the child in the beginning (feeding position, latching)
9. Adjust your diet (avoid spicy and fatty foods, and eat a healthy diet as much as possible.)
10. no alcohol
11. no strict diets
12. Feeding time varies depending on the child's condition (10 minutes if short, 30 minutes if long)
13. Difficulty feeding when visitors come to the house (My parents came to visit my daughter and grandchildren, and I stayed in the room with my baby for 3-40 minutes..)
14. Difficulties when going out without a nursing room
15. Newborns fall asleep easily during feedings and need to be woken up.
16. Wearing a bra at home because clothes can get wet
17. Nursing bras, nursing pads, and nursing homewear are necessary
18. Wear only nursing clothes when you go out with your baby.
19. Difficult to go out for a long time without your baby
20. difficult to know exactly how much your baby is eating
21. Breast pump needed (rented)
22. Unfamiliarity with the pacifier or strong rejection of the pacifier
23. Need to self-pump a little in the early morning for longer feedings
24. misunderstandings around me (breastfeeding moms eat like that, should I eat like that, should I eat only that, is my milk enough, is my baby latching on, can I eat that, is formula good, what's the point of going through the trouble, etc.)

The three biggest disadvantages: 1, 5, 7, 16, 23

Until the second month of breastfeeding, I was generally satisfied with my milk supply.
I thought my milk supply was low, so I ate a lot of mom latte and pumped, but the amount became too much and the baby's feeding time became longer.
Mastitis came and it was really really hard...
Mastitis is really a pain like a knife... ㅠ

I was really thinking of sweet milk
During the treatment period of mastitis, formula feeding was too difficult while mixing, and the baby was often hungry, and because of colic, I couldn't sleep longer than before, and I often woke up and wrote evil...
Eventually, after the treatment was over, I started breastfeeding again semi-forcibly.

Breastfeeding had as many disadvantages as advantages for me...!
There were a few bumps in the road, but I kept thinking about the parts that were comfortable and kept going.

I think the best thing is for mothers, whether they are fully breastfeeding or fully breastfeeding, to have as little stress as possible and to do it the way they want.
I hope it will be helpful to those who are worried about breastfeeding and breastfeeding...


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