현재 일반 대기업 SI에서 운영개발을 하고 있는 30세 직장인입니다.
제작 당시부터 작년까지 실제 개발자 채용이 활발하게 이루어졌고, 그 결과 일반 대기업의 연봉 인상폭이 좌석에서 1000 이상 증가했습니다.
이런 현상으로 인해 실제로 주변에서 많은 분들이 관심을 가졌고, 저는 매번 크게 반대했습니다.
많은 분들이 네카라쿠바에 가면 정부 지원금이나 적어도 대기업에 취직할 수 있다고 오해하고 계십니다.
그건 정말 잘못된 생각입니다.
우선 네카라쿠배보다 한 단계 낮다고 생각하는 대기업은 전공자도 아닌 경우 애초에 서류에서 걸러집니다.
어떻게든 서류를 통과하고 코테를 치른다고 해도 6개월밖에 안 배운 사람이 전공자나 경력자를 이길 확률은 제로에 가깝습니다.
그래도 직장을 그만두고 IT를 목표로 생각하고 있다면 많이 생각해보셨으면 좋겠습니다.
국비 지원으로 갈 수 있는 IT기업은 초봉 3000이 안 되는 중소, 중견기업입니다.
[* 익명1 *] 0 0
원래 호황기였던 지난해
올해 초만 해도 사회초년생이 들어갈 수 있는 일자리가 많지 않았습니다.
일반적으로 신입의 문턱이 높기 때문입니다.
게다가 내년에 불황이 오면
신입은 더 힘들어 질 것입니다.
2022-12-28 15:39 | 댓글
[* 저자 *] 0 0
예, 중소기업을 제외하고는 IT에서 낮은 진입 수준이란 것은 없습니다.
2022-12-28 15:41 | 댓글
[* 익명1 *] 0 0
IT 쪽은 바로 실무 투입하는데가
거의 다 중소기업입니다.
중소기업으로 취업하기도 어렵고요.
2022-12-28 15:45 | Reply
[* 익명2 *] 0 0
일할 사람이 없어서 최저임금을 주는 곳도 많은데...
우선 초보자도 머리를 채워야 사업을 할 수 있습니다.
2022-12-28 16:52 | 댓글
[* 저자 *] 0 0
네, 20대 첫 직장이 중소 SI였는데, 중소 SI도 6개월 국가 지원 완료를 우선시합니다.
경우에 따라서는 대리까지 속여서 투입하는 경우도 있습니다.
2022-12-29 07:58 | Reply
[* 익명37 *] 0 0
52시간은 불황기에 큰 문제입니다.
경기 침체기에 52시간이 풀린다는 것은 큰 문제입니다.
2022-12-29 15:32 | 댓글
[* 익명2 *] 0 0
올해 코로나로 인해 IT가 각광을 받았고 괜찮은 개발자의 임금이 뛰었습니다.
어디든 가는 국비 지원 및 아카데미 졸업생의 임금이 아닙니다.
국비나 학원에서 6개월만 배우면 네카라쿠호에 입항할 수 있다고 광고하는 것도 한몫했습니다.
개발자를 너무 쉽게 생각했기 때문이기도 합니다.
대학 4년을 나와도 개발자보다 코더가 더 많아요.
개발자는 정부 지원금을 받는 기술 회사나 학원을 다니면서 실력을 키우는 게 좋다고 생각해요.
대부분은 똥을 맞습니다....
2022-12-28 16:50 | 댓글
[* 저자 *] 0 0
예, 중소기업을 타는 것이 가장 이상적이지만 현실적으로 중소 SI에서 살아남는 것도 큰 능력입니다.
2022-12-29 07:59 | 댓글
[* 익명3 *] 0 3
위에 댓글을 단 사람들은 IT에서 일하지 않는 것 같네요...
근데 웃긴게, 돌아이도 국비지원 교육으로 네카라쿠배에 들어갈 수 있다고 생각하시나요?
그 정도 실력이면 네카라쿠바에라는 단어도 모를텐데...
2022-12-28 17:06 | 댓글
[* 저자 *] 0 0
사실 있습니다.... 익3처럼 말도 안된다고 생각했는데 그 말을 듣고 머리가 돌고있었습니다.
2022-12-29 07:59 | 댓글
[* 익명9 *] 0 0
학원 끝나고 네카쿠라에 갔다고 하면 애초에 머리가 좋거나 파견이나 SI가 아니면 들어가기 쉬운데 왜 사람들이 귀찮게 하겠어?
2022-12-29 14:33 | 댓글
[*저자*] 0 0
적어도 제 주변 IT 지인들을 다 합쳐도 학원 끝나고 네카라쿠배 간 사람은 없는 건 확실하네요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2022-12-29 14:34 | 댓글
[* 익명2 *] 0 0
음...저는 공기업에서 IT를 담당하고 있어서 업계 사정을 잘 알고 있습니다.
예를 들어 아래 링크에 가시면 국비지원 학원에서 과감하게 네이버 취업을 홍보하고 있습니다.
2022-12-29 09:21 | 댓글
[* 작성자 *] 0 0
네이버/롯데/현대오토에버 등, 탄탄한 채용 정보 공개
=> 공개하겠다고 했지, 채용하겠다고 한 게 아닙니다.
매달 70여 개 기업에서 300건 이상의 구인 요청이 들어옵니다.
-> 우리나라에는 정말 많은 작은 IT기업들이 있습니다.
이렇게 해석할 수 있습니다.
2022-12-29 09:25 | 댓글
[* 익명3 *] 0 0
저도 지금 사람 뽑는 사업을 하고 있습니다.
지금 IT가 최대 호황인가요?
달라졌어요. 사람들은 잘 모르지만 일반 똥 회사와 IT 똥은 수준이 다릅니다.
우리 회사에 있던 매니저가 있는데
Currently, I am a 30-year-old employee who is doing operational development in a general large company SI.
From the time of production until last year, the recruitment of real developers has been flourishing, and as a result, the annual salary increase of general large companies has increased by more than 1000 from the seat.
Because of this phenomenon, many people around me were actually interested in it, and I was greatly opposed to it every time.
Many people misunderstand that IT workers can get a job in Nekarakubae just by learning government funding, or at least a large company.
You're very wrong, really wrong.
First of all, large companies that you see as lower than Nekarakubae are weeded out from the documents in the first place if they are not even majors.
Even if you can somehow pass the documents and take the cote, the probability of someone who has only learned for 6 months beating a major or experienced person is just zero.
If you are still thinking about quitting your job and aiming for IT, I hope you think about it a lot.
The IT companies that can go to the completion of state funding are small and medium-sized SMEs that do not have a starting salary of 3000.
[* Anonymous1 *] 0 0
Last year, which was originally a boom period
Even at the beginning of this year, there weren't many jobs for newbies.
This is where the threshold for entry level is usually high.
Besides, if there is a recession next year
it will be even more difficult for newcomers.
2022-12-28 15:39 | Reply
[* Author *] 0 0
Yes, there is no such thing as a low entry level in IT except for SMEs.
2022-12-28 15:41 | Reply
[* Anonymous1 *] 0 0
IT 쪽은 바로 실무 투입하는데가
Almost all of them are small and medium-sized
It is also difficult to get a job as a small business
2022-12-28 15:45 | Reply
[* Anonymous2 *] 0 0
There are many places that give minimum wage to work because there are no people...
First of all, even beginners need to fill their heads to get business
2022-12-28 16:52 | Reply
[* Author *] 0 0
Yes, my first job in my 20s was a small and medium-sized SI, but small and medium-sized SIs also prioritize the completion of 6 months of state support.
In some cases, even deputies are put in by faking it.
2022-12-29 07:58 | Reply
[* Anonymous37 *] 0 0
The 52 hours is a big deal in a recession.
It's a big deal that 52 hours is released in an economic downturn.
2022-12-29 15:32 | Reply
[* Anonymous2 *] 0 0
This year's corona has put IT in the spotlight, and the wages of decent developers have jumped.
Not the wages of state-funded and academy graduates who go to everywhere.
It's one thing to advertise that you can enter the Nekaraku ship with only 6 months of learning at a government funded or academy.
but it's also because we thought developers were too easy.
There are more coders than developers even after 4 years of college.
For developers, it's good to go to a tech company that uses government funding or a cram school to improve their skills.
Most of them are beaten in the shit....
2022-12-28 16:50 | Comments
[* Author *] 0 0
Yes, it is most ideal to ride a small to medium-sized company, but in reality, it is also a great ability to survive in a small to medium-sized SI.
2022-12-29 07:59 | Reply
[* Anonymous3 *] 0 3
The people who commented above don't seem to work in IT...
But it's funny, do you think any stone child can join Nekarakubae with state-funded training?
If you're that good, you probably don't even know the word nekarakubae...
2022-12-28 17:06 | Reply
[* Author *] 0 0
There is, actually.... I thought it was nonsense like Ik3, but then I heard that and my head was spinning.
2022-12-29 07:59 | Reply
[* Anonymous9 *] 0 0
If you say you went to Nekakura after the academy, you must have a good head in the first place, or you must be a dispatcher or SI, and it's easy to get in there, so why would people bother?
2022-12-29 14:33 | 댓글
[*Author*] 0 0
At least it's clear that there are no people who have gone to Necaracubae after the academy after all the IT acquaintances around me combined ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋ
2022-12-29 14:34 | Reply
[* Anonymous2 *] 0 0
Um...I'm in charge of IT at a public company, so I know what's going on in the industry.
For example, if you go to the link below, the government-funded academy is daringly promoting NAVER employment.
2022-12-29 09:21 | Comments
[* Author *] 0 0
NAVER / Lotte / Hyundai Autoever, etc. disclose solid job opportunities
=> I said I would disclose it, not hire you.
We receive more than 300 job requests every month from more than 70 companies.
-> There are so many small IT companies in Korea.
It can be interpreted as
2022-12-29 09:25 | Comment
[* Anonymous3 *] 0 0
I'm also in the business of recruiting people right now.
Now IT is the biggest boom??
It's changed. People don't know much, but general shit companies and IT shit are different levels.
There is a manager who was in our company and left earlier this year, and he said that he is now working for a huge salary.
It's a shitty job, but how many jobs with huge salaries are there other than IT?
It's really hellish to find people these days
2022-12-29 10:35 | 댓글
[* Author *] 0 0
I am also a regular large company SI employee, but
I'm sorry, but I haven't seen a position with a huge salary.
If there is such a position, I think I will move from me immediately
2022-12-29 12:55 | Reply
[* Anonymous3 *] 0 0
There seems to be a site that shares information about job hunting for developers.
That's a rumor, so our business outsourcing employees are a little shaken up.
2022-12-29 13:03 | 댓글
[* Anonymous2 *] 0 0
Some startups.
In recent years, IT-related startups have started hiring people with 10+ years of experience at huge salaries.
Of course, I think it's natural to get a huge salary because you're capable.
But you shouldn't think that IT is easily overpaid.
2022-12-29 13:14 | Reply
[* Author *] 0 0
Anonymous3, I have a question for you since you said you're doing a job that involves hiring people!
Since you are an actual recruiter, would you be willing to hire or have experience hiring someone who has completed 6 months of government funding?
If you do, I remember reading somewhere that you're looking for a starting salary in the mid-3000s, even if the people who are currently completing the training are not.
somewhere (sorry for the lack of detail).
What do you think the chances are of those people actually getting the salary they're looking for?
2022-12-29 13:31 | Reply to.
[*anonymous3*] 0 0
I don't intend to hire, but I have a lot of experience with hiring.
It's funny because I've heard from outsourcers that there are a lot of people who lie about their experience when they come in.
In particular, they said that it's been a long-standing practice to cheat in connection with government-funded schools and sourcing companies.
An employee I know also said that the first company she entered in the past tried to hire her as a 5-year employee by falsely saying that she had only graduated from the academy, so she said no because she thought this was not right and entered another company.
When I listened to the story, it seemed that especially those who said they were in their third year were usually graduates of the academy.
He asked me if I was really in my third year, saying that I knew very little even if I asked him to work.
2022-12-29 13:38 | Comment
[* Anonymous2 *] 0 0
진짜 it인사담당 맞아요??
It's not normal to attach it to your resume because it's common to register your technical experience at the Software Industry Association?
When public organizations contract with companies, they are required to submit career certificates for all employees, and IT is important for their careers, so they will do it unless they are idiots.
What kind of greeting did you give me...
2022-12-29 13:47 | Comment
[* Anonymous3 *] 0 0
And now the situation is a little weird, because in big companies, everyone is a full-time employee, so they are paid within the set salary.
In the case of shitty cases, even if you are a full-time employee, it feels like a half-free or bad contractor, so the salary growth rate varies greatly.
If you don't like it, you can just change jobs right away.
Honestly, when I looked at my resume, I was surprised to see such a gutsy situation even though I didn't know the name of the place well.
2022-12-29 13:50 | Reply
[* Anonymous3 *] 1 0
It's a public organization, not a private company.
I'm sure you're working in the public sector, but have you ever asked for a certificate of experience from a private company?
You must just be a developer because you don't know anything about it?
And there are quite a few public institutions that don't even ask for a career certificate properly....
2022-12-29 13:54 | Reply
[* Anonymous2 *] 0 0
ㅋㅋㅋ Hansohyeop=Kosa.
It's funny that you pretend to be an IT HR person.
2022-12-29 13:55 | Reply
[* 익명2 *] 0 0
저기요....좀 기가차는데ㅋㅋㅋ
I work for a public company.
2022-12-29 14:01 | Reply
[* Author *] 0 0
Anonymous2, Anonymous3, I think you know that Hansohyo=Cosa...? 기보기를 있습ë'ˆë'¤...
And I was also in a small and medium-sized SI and then moved to a large company by jumping, but I haven't registered my technical career in Kosa yet...
2022-12-29 14:05 | 댓글
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