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두 가지 방법밖에 없는 것 같습니다.
첫째 아이가 자랄 때까지 지원하고, 육아휴직을 늘리는 등 육아 대책을 강화하는 것입니다.
둘째, 미국이나 유럽처럼 이민자 수를 늘리는 것입니다.

하지만 사람들은 돈 때문에 아이를 낳지 않습니다.
부모에게 가장 큰 지출은 교육비입니다.
교육은 좋은 대학에 가는 것입니다.
좋은 대학에 가면 좋은 직장을 얻을 가능성이 높습니다.
그래서 그들은 학원과 강좌에 많은 돈을 씁니다.
근본적인 문제는 임금 격차, 직업 인식입니다.
정규직과 비정규직, 대기업과 중소기업 간의 임금 격차가 매우 큽니다.
독일에서는 광부와 의사의 임금이 거의 차이가 없는데, 우리나라는 격차가 크고 인식이 좋지 않습니다.

1. 피임 대책과 경제 시스템을 결합하지 않으면 출산율은 그대로 유지될 것이다.
2. 이민자 증가로 다인종, 다민족 국가가 될 것이다. 사회 갈등과 범죄가 지금보다 증가할 것이다.  제2의 미국이 될 것이다.  
기타 의견2
[* 익명4 *]
| 55 23
공은 무의미한 놈, 그는 무슨 생각을하고 있었습니까?
[* 익명1 *]
| 10 1
애를 낳는 게 문제가 아니라 애를 많이 낳는 게 문제고, 빨리 결혼하는 게 문제고, 사람들의 인식이 문제야 이미 오래전부터 살기 힘든 사회였어, 그래프에서 볼 수 있듯이 베이비붐 세대 이후의 아이들은 내가 그렇게 살지 않을 거라고 생각하는데 문제고 금방 사라지지 않을 인식이야.
[* 익명4 *]
| 19 5
그럼 경이는 생각이 없었고 재향이는 생각이 없었다는 말씀이신가요?
[* 익명4 *]
| 12 2
물론 네 말이 맞다고 생각하는데 재향이가 뭔가를 느리게 진행했다는 말이야? 50년 후를 대비해서 5년 동안 아무것도 하지 않았다고????
[* 익명11 *]
| 12 0
천천히 정말 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아니 출산율이 5년만에 0.3명이나 폭락했는데 그게 천천히 간다고? 급락했다고?
[* 익명11 *]
| 9 1

| 63 11

[* 익명1 *] 0 2
우리나라를 끌어내리는 집단에 대한 일반적인 인식은 다음과 같습니다.
부자는 더 부자가 된다
나만 잘 살면 끝인 것 같다.
그래서 개선될 거라고 기대하지 않아요.
정책이고 지원이지 어차피 피부로 느낄 수 있는 게 아니니까요.
2022-12-07 19:45 | 댓글
  [* 익명62 *] 3 1
모든 것은 부자와 재벌로부터 시작됩니다.

평생 써보지도 못한 재산을 가진 재벌들은 더 많은 것을 원합니다.
그들은 최소한의 인력으로 최대한의 성과를 내기 위해 노력합니다.
직원들은 야근과 주말 근무에 시달려 가정생활을 제대로 하지 못합니다.
육아휴직을 쓰더라도 복귀 후에도 업무를 계속할 수 없습니다.
승진 경로가 막혀서 제대로 활용하지도 못합니다.
하청업체는 더 많은 돈을 벌기 위해 단가를 낮춥니다.
중소기업 직원들의 현실은 대기업보다 훨씬 더 열악합니다.

이를 경험한 부모들은 자녀에게 중소기업이 아닌 대기업 근처에서 살라고 말합니다.
그들은 학교에 돈을 쏟아붓고 있습니다.

부동산 부자들은 큰돈을 들여 집을 사서 폭리를 취하고 있습니다.
상가 임대료는 매번 오르고 자영업자들은 하루 종일 가게에 갇혀 돈을 아끼려고 애쓰고 있습니다.

아이가 있어도 어떻게 키우나요?
아이를 돌볼 시간도 없고 비용도 많이 듭니다.

가진 사람들은 충분히 가지고 있습니다.
주머니 사정이 가벼운 사람들이 감당할 수 있도록요.
아이를 낳고 키우며 살아갈 수 있는 여유가 생깁니다.
그러면 미래의 소비자와 임차인이 늘어납니다.
그래서 가진 자들이 지속적으로 빨아먹을(?) 수 있도록 말이죠.

늑대는 그런 생각은 하지 않고 오늘 배가 터져도 남김없이 다 먹어치우려고 합니다.
토끼는 남을까...

저는 부자와 권력자를 미워하지 않습니다.
그들이 사회를 작동시키고 많은 사람들을 먹여 살린다는 것을 알고 있습니다.
하지만 그들이 앞으로 오랫동안 그곳에 있기를 원한다면 적당히 먹고 나머지는 남겨 두었으면 좋겠습니다.
2022-12-07 21:58 | 답장하다.
[*anonymous2*] 0 2
당연히 2로 간다.
자본주의는 원래 저임금 노동자의 착취 위에 세워졌습니다.
저임금 노동자를 착취하여.
2022-12-07 19:50 | Reply
[* 익명3 *] 0 1
걱정하지 마세요.
동남아 애들 수입하면 되니까.
그냥 다문화로 만드세요.
2022-12-07 19:48 | 답글
[* 익명4 *] 23 55
공, 당신은 생각없는 개자식입니다.

대체 무슨 생각으로 그런 짓을 한 거야?
2022-12-07 19:51 | 답글
  [* 익명1 *] 1 10
제발 하나만 낳지 말고 아기를 낳아주세요.
인식의 문제입니다.
당신의 인식에 달려 있습니다.
우리는 이미 오래전부터 인구 과잉 사회였습니다.
베이비붐 세대 이후의 아이들은 '나는 그렇게 살지 않겠다'고 생각하는 것 같아요.
'라는 인식이 금방 사라지지는 않을 것 같아요.
2022-12-07 19:57 | 답글
  [* 익명4 *] 5 19
그래서 공은 아무것도 모르는 것 같습니다.

If we go with the current fertility rate and it's this high, and it falls further, Korea has no answer.
There seem to be only two ways
Supporting the first child until they grow up, increasing parental leave, and other childcare measures.
Second, increase the number of immigrants like in the U.S. and Europe.

But people don't have children because of money.
The biggest expense for parents is education.
Education is to go to a good university.
If you go to a good university, you are more likely to get a good job.
So they spend a lot of money on cram schools and courses.
The fundamental problem is the wage gap, job perception.
There is a huge wage gap between full-time and part-time workers and between large and small companies.
In Germany, there is almost no difference between the wages of a miner and a doctor, but in Korea, there is a wide gap and poor perception.

1. The fertility rate will remain the same if we do not combine birth control measures with the economic system.
2. Multiracial and multiethnic country by increasing the number of immigrants. Social conflict and crime will increase from now.  It will become a second America.  
Other opinions2
[* Anonymous4 *]
| 55 23
Gong is a mindless bastard, what was he thinking?
[* Anonymous1 *]
| 10 1
It's not about having kids, it's about having a lot of kids, it's about getting married sooner rather than later It's about people's perceptions It's already been a society that's been hard to live in for a long time, you can see it in the graphs, the kids after the baby boomers think I'm not going to live like that It's a problem and it's a perception that's not going to go away anytime soon.
[* Anonymous4 *]
| 19 5
So you're saying that Gyong was unthinking and Jaehyang was unthinking?
[* 익명4 *]
| 12 2
I think you're right, of course, and you're saying that Jae-hyang went slow on something? Didn't he do anything for 5 years in preparation for 50 years later???
[* Anonymous11 *]
| 12 0
Slowly really ㅋㅋㅋ No the fertility rate blew up by 0.3 in 5 years, is that slow going? It plummeted?
[* 익명11 *]
| 9 1

| 63 11

[* Anonymous1 *] 0 2
The common perception of the group dragging our country down is
The rich get richer
If I live well, it looks like I'm done.
So I don't expect any improvement.
It's a policy, it's a support, it's not something I can feel on my skin anyway.
2022-12-07 19:45 | Comment
  [* Anonymous62 *] 3 1
It all starts with the rich and the chaebol.

The chaebols who have a fortune that they haven't even spent in their lifetime want more.
They try to get the most out of the least amount of people.
Employees work late nights and weekends, so they don't have a good family life.
Even if you take a parental leave, you can't continue your work when you return.
They can't even use it properly because their promotion path is blocked.
Subcontractors undercut the unit price to make more money.
The reality of SME employees is much worse than that of large companies.

Parents who have experienced it tell their kids to go live near a large company instead of a small one.
They're pouring money into schools.

The rich real estate guys buy a bunch of houses with big bullets and sell them at a profit.
The rent for commercial space goes up every time, and self-employed people are stuck in the shop all day trying to save money.

Even if you have a child, how do you raise it?
There's no time for babysitting and it's expensive.

The people who have enough have enough.
so that those with lighter pockets can afford it.
to have kids and raise kids and live.
which in turn creates more future consumers and renters.
so that the people who have will suck(?) sustainably.

Without thinking about such things, the wolf is trying to eat all of them without any leftovers even if his stomach bursts today.
Will the rabbit be left...

I don't hate the rich and powerful.
I recognize that they make society work and feed a lot of people.
But if they want to be there for a long time to come, I wish they would eat in moderation and leave the rest behind.
2022-12-07 21:58 | Reply to.
[*anonymous2*] 0 2
Of course it goes to 2.
Capitalism was originally built on the exploitation of underpaid workers.
by underpaying workers.
2022-12-07 19:50 | Reply
[* Anonymous3 *] 0 1
No worries.
We'll import southeast Asian kids.
Just make it multicultural.
2022-12-07 19:48 | Reply
[* Anonymous4 *] 23 55
Gong, you're a thoughtless bastard.

What was he thinking?
2022-12-07 19:51 | Reply
  [* 익명1 *] 1 10
Please have a baby, not just one.
It's a matter of perception.
depends on your perception.
We've already been a society that's been overpopulated for a long time.
I think the post-baby boomer kids are thinking, "I'm not gonna live like that.
It's a door, it's a dragon, and it's not a perception that's going to go away anytime soon.
2022-12-07 19:57 | Reply
  [* Anonymous4 *] 5 19
That's why Gong seems to have no idea.

Are you saying that Jae-hyang also had no idea?
2022-12-07 20:02 | Reply
  [* Anonymous1 *] 2 0
You don't read well.
I wrote that long-standing perceptions appear.

If you're asking my personal thoughts
I think the door is going too slowly.
and I don't know what the president is doing.

If you think I'm wrong, you're right.
Don't talk back.
It's annoying
2022-12-07 20:06 | Reply
  [*anonymous4*] 2 12
My opinion, of course.

What's the point of going slow?

Didn't do anything for 5 years to prepare for 50 years down the road???
2022-12-07 20:11 | Reply to.
  [* Anonymous11 *] 0 12
Slowly really ㅋㅋㅋ
No the fertility rate went down 0.3 in 5 years.
그게 천천히 간건가요?
폭락 한거지?
2022-12-07 20:59 | Reply to.
  [* Anonymous4 *] 11 63
Daehaes are really bad.

They know they're destroying the country with low birthrates.

so they have to shield themselves from the disaster.

They were saying that low birthrate is a blessing and desirable.

These are real national service
2022-12-07 21:19 | Reply
  [*anonymous32*] 0 2
Comment deleted (rule violation)
2022-12-07 21:33 | Reply
  [* 익명33 *] 0 0
대깨윤 종특
2022-12-07 21:33 | Reply
  [* Anonymous60 *] 1 2
대깨, 악질, 나라존망, 재앙, 매국노.
It's like they're not trying to make their thoughts resonate or be understood by the target audience.
It's just a purpose to hurt those with different political tendencies...
Conservative supporters almost always do this because...
2022-12-07 21:52 | Reply
  [* Anonymous71 *] 0 2
Muntong did something slow.
개박살린게 문통인데

This is a shield.
2022-12-07 22:13 | Reply
  [* 익명54 *] 0 4
ë... 문까는 애들은 윤도 같이 까는데
윤까는 애들은 문까면 발작한다니깐ㅋㅋㅋ
이정도면 종굨ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 신천지 욕할게 못됨ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2022-12-07 22:15 | 댓글
  [* Anonymous80 *] 0 0
Moon Jae-in is worse than that.
2022-12-08 00:00 | Reply
  [* 익명81 *] 0 0
I think it's a blessing to the world that they don't get married.
Non-competitive kids are degenerating themselves
The right young men are all doing well.

But why doesn't she have children? Doesn't she have any?
Your sisters have a high fertility rate.
2022-12-08 00:25 | Reply
  [* Anonymous2 *] 0 1
The direction of the vested capitalists
Let's exploit them as soon as possible
Later, it's either that or immigrate.
It will be as it should be.

That's the problem with local public universities.
Enrollment is down, morale is down.
They're taking in foreign students to make up for it.

I think the fact that you recognized this as a problem.
and challenged the vested interests.
Moon Jae-in just put it in neutral gear.
2022-12-07 20:11 | Reply
  [* Anonymous4 *] 2 2
Capitalists, even if they do.

Jae-hyang and other politicians shouldn't have done that.
2022-12-07 20:13 | Reply
  [* 익명2 *] 2 0
Roh Moo-hyun died because of that.

Moon Jae-in, like Roh Moo-hyun, turned the entire vested interests
like Roh and didn't want to get hurt and die.
Or maybe it was choice and focus.

Anyway, he only aimed for one thing, prosecution reform.
But failed..... ㅋㅋ
2022-12-07 20:41 | Reply
  [* Anonymous24 *] 0 0
2022-12-14 00:00 * | Reply
  [* Anonymous26 *] 1 3
He left it to the country to reform the prosecution and failed, but when it was his turn to put a knife to his throat after losing the presidential election, he did it. From real estate to fertility, he's ruined the country. 문재앙 진짜...
2022-12-07 21:30 | Reply
  [* Anonymous59 *] 1 5
The asshole he brought with him is on a different line than G.
Chu Mi Ae and I were fighting and applauding and it backfired.
저런 병신이 대가리되는 상황 만든
Moon Jae-ang and the rest of the dumbasses are the reason this country is in this mess.
because of them?
You lost to 2 people and got killed by 2 people.
You idiots are the reason why Yoon Byung-shin was killed in the first place.
because of you guys.

The country is falling apart, and Yoon Byung-shin is now Moon Jae-ang.
and he's taking him down one by one.
You know what?
Chu Mi-ae, the last person who will save the country is Moon Jae-ang.
Anyway, 30 years of regime stability
I could have gone to the Democratic Party for 30 years.

At that time, the KPA was divided within itself.
even among themselves.
Dancing with Yoon Byeong.


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