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오피스 와이프와 남편


우리 팀에는 제 바로 옆과 그 옆에서 일하는 기혼 남녀가 있습니다.
조용한 사무실이라 두 사람은 종종 낄낄거리며 자신이 좋아하는 것에 대해 이야기하곤 합니다.
둘 다 기독교 신자이자 가톨릭 신자라 교회 형제 같아요.......
두 분의 우정에는 문제가 없어요,
하지만 가끔은 너무 다정하고 친해서 업무에 집중할 수 없을 때도 있어서 보기 좋아요.
둘 다 집안일에 지치고 직장에서도 마음이 맞는 동료가 있어서 서로 위로가 되었으면 좋겠어요~.
특히 유부녀가 남자를 더 챙겨주는 것 같아요.
음식.... 선물.... 일할 때 많은 도움이 되는 것 같아요.
힘든 직장생활에 유부남은 큰 버팀목이 되는 것 같아요.
나는 살아야 할 것이 많지 않다고 생각한다. 먹고 살기 위해 일하지만 제 곁에 구세주가 있어서 다행입니다.
가끔 근무 중에 아이에게 학원에 다녀왔다는 전화를 받으면 왜 이렇게 추울까... 싶어요. 좀 슬프다...
월요일에 출근하기 싫지만 둘이 낄낄대며 서로 챙겨주는 것 같아서 지켜보는 재미가 쏠쏠합니다.
가성비 좋은 노이즈 캔슬링 이어폰 추천 부탁드립니다 ^^.
다른 의견0
[* 익명3 *]
| 23 1
그냥 질투하는 것 같아요.
[* 익명4 *]
| 12 0
당신은 분명히 질투하지만 그렇지 않은 것처럼 보이려고 노력하고 있습니다. 하지만 분명히 그 회사에서는 소음 제거 이어폰으로 작업 할 수 있습니다.
[* 익명5 *]
| 10 0
불쌍한 사람.
[* 작성자 *]
| 12 2
[이미지 코멘트]
[* 익명1 *] 0 5
방해받는 것에 지쳤습니다.
다른 방향으로 보기
나중에 발생하면 손절매
2022-12-12 07:20 | 댓글
  [* 작성자 *] 0 3
어이구, 언감생심 입니다.
언감생심 행동으로 인해 인생이 망가질 수도 있을까요?
어디로 갈지 보는 것만으로도 흥미진진합니다.

2022-12-12 10:11 | 댓글
[* 익명2 *] 0 0
2022-12-12 07:58 | 댓글
  [* 저자 *] 0 0
2022-12-12 09:36 | Reply
  [* 익명41 *] 0 0
2022-12-12 12:04 | 댓글
[* 익명3 *] 1 23
나는 당신이 질투하는 것 같아요
2022-12-12 08:38 | 답글
  [* 저자 *] 2 12

2022-12-12 09:44 | 답장하다.
  [* 익명17 *] 0 0
아 아무 생각 없이 내리다가 진짜 빵터짐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2022-12-12 10:36 | 답글
  [* 익명40 *] 0 0
2022-12-12 11:56 | Reply
  [* 익명39 *] 0 0
불륜꿈나무들이 부러움? ㅋㅋ
2022-12-12 11:15 | Reply
  [* 익명3 *] 0 0
글쓴이는 그 여자가 아니라 일반 여자에게 관심을 못받아서 이런 글을 쓰는거죠.
누가 저렇게 옆에서 관찰하고 인터넷에 글을 올리나요?
2022-12-12 11:21 | 댓글
  [* 작성자 *] 0 0
제 아이가 고등학생인데...
2022-12-12 11:26 | 답글
  [* 익명3 *] 0 0
원래 인기없는 애들은 결혼을 ...
댓글 하나하나 반박하시느라 시간이 엄청 많으시겠어요.
그래서 그 애들이 하는 일 하나하나 다 지켜보고 인터넷에 올리고 하루 종일 사람들과 싸우는 거겠죠.
2022-12-12 11:29 | 댓글
  [*저자*] 0 0
오늘은 내 휴가 날입니다.
2022-12-12 11:32 | 답글
  [* 익명3 *] 0 0
아침부터 호화로운 앞에 앉아있을 때 휴가라고 부르는 것이 무엇인지 ㅋㅋ.
밥 먹으러 가세요.
점심 먹으러 갈게요. ㅋㅋ
2022-12-12 11:47 | 댓글
  [* 익명42 *] 0 2
익3 개붕신같네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2022-12-12 12:10 | Reply
  [* 익명39 *] 0 0
개붕신 뿐만 아니라 씨발 개붕신 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2022-12-12 13:08 | Reply
[* 익명4 *] 0 12
질투가 나는 건 분명한데, 아닌 것처럼 보이려고 애쓰고 있네요. 하지만 그 회사는 노이즈 캔슬링 이어폰으로 일할 수 있습니다.
2022-12-12 09:12 | 댓글
  [* 작성자 *] 1 2

2022-12-12 09:43 | 댓글
[* 익명5 *] 0 10
ㅋㅋㅋ 불쌍한 사람
2022-12-12 09:17 | 댓글
  [* 저자 *] 0 1

2022-12-12 09:41 | 댓글
[* 익명6 *] 0 2
뽐뿌공식 T13 ANC
2022-12-12 09:51 | 댓글
  [* 저자 *] 0 0
추천 감사합니다^^
좋은 한주 되세요~.
2022-12-12 10:11 | Reply
[* 익명7 *] 0 4
자랑스러워 할 것이 많으시네요.
온갖 질투가 다 날 것 같네요.
빨리 쾌차하세요
2022-12-12 10:11 | 답글
  [* 저자 *] 0 2
이것을 질투로 받아들이는 이유는 당신의 마음입니다^^.
2022-12-12 10:41 | 답글
  [* 익명7 *] 0 0
두 분 모두 집안일에 지치셨을 거고, 직장에도 같은 생각을 가진 동료가 계실 거라 생각합니다.
서로 위로가 될 수 있으면 좋겠네요~.

기사의 이 부분이 질투처럼 느껴집니다.

기사의 사실관계는 다음과 같습니다.
1. 불륜이 아니다
2. 서로에게 힘이 되어주는 것(서로를 챙겨주는 것)
3. 유부남은 아이에게 적합하지 않다.
제 의견을 존중해 주셔서 감사합니다.
2022-12-12 11:25 | 댓글
  [* 작성자 *] 0 0
3 번은 남편이 아니라 여주인입니다...
그것도 당신의 '마음'입니다.
2022-12-12 11:29 | 답글
  [* 익명7 *] 0 0
2022-12-12 11:33 | 답글
[* 익명8 *] 0 0
아니 들을 수 없습니다.
3 미터로 귀를 막으십시오.
2022-12-12 10:31 | 답글
  [* 저자 *] 0 0
생각해 볼게요~.
2022-12-12 10:42 | 답글
[* 익명9 *] 0 0
2023-02-01 21:17 * | 댓글
  [* 저자 *] 0 0
2022-12-12 10:44 | 답글
[* 익명10 *] 0 4
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 고급 스핀오프 개그인 것 같아요.
마지막 노캔 이어버드는 진짜 웃겼어요.
2022-12-12 10:31 | 댓글
  [* 작성자 *] 0 0

2022-12-12 10:44 | 댓글
[* 익명

Our team includes a married man and woman who work exactly next to me and next to them.
It's a quiet office, and they often giggle and talk about what they enjoy.
They both say they're Christian and Catholic, so they're like church brothers....
I don't have a problem with their friendship,
but sometimes I can't concentrate on my work because they are so sweet and so close, so it's nice to see.
I hope they're both tired of housework and have like-minded coworkers at work so they can comfort each other~.
Especially, I think married women take care of men more.
Food.... Gifts.... I think they help me a lot at work.
A married man must be a great support in a difficult work life.
I don't think I have much to live for. I work to make ends meet, but I'm glad I have a savior by my side.
Once in a while, I get a call from my child about a hagwon during the workday, and I wonder why he's so cold... It's a little sad...
I don't want to go to work on Monday, but I think the two of them are giggling and taking care of each other, so it's fun to watch how things go.
Please recommend a good cost-effective noise canceling earphone ^^.
Other opinions0
[* Anonymous3 *]
| 23 1
I guess you're just jealous.
[* Anonymous4 *]
| 12 0
You're obviously jealous, but you're trying to look like you're not. But apparently that company lets you work with noise-canceling earphones.
[* Anonymous5 *]
| 10 0
Poor guy.
[* Author *]
| 12 2
[Image comment]
[* Anonymous1 *] 0 5
I'm tired of being interrupted.
Look the other way
Stop loss if it happens later
2022-12-12 07:20 | Comments
  [* Author *] 0 3
어이구, 언감생심 입니다.
Is it possible that your life will be ruined by your tongue-in-cheek behavior?
It's exciting just to see where it goes

2022-12-12 10:11 | Reply
[* Anonymous2 *] 0 0
It's pretty
2022-12-12 07:58 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0
2022-12-12 09:36 | Reply
  [* Anonymous41 *] 0 0
qcy t13 anc
2022-12-12 12:04 | Reply
[* Anonymous3 *] 1 23
I think you're jealous
2022-12-12 08:38 | Reply
  [* Author *] 2 12

2022-12-12 09:44 | Reply to.
  [* 익명17 *] 0 0
아 아무 생각 없이 내리다가 진짜 빵터짐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2022-12-12 10:36 | Reply
  [* 익명40 *] 0 0
2022-12-12 11:56 | Reply
  [* 익명39 *] 0 0
불륜꿈나무들이 부러움? ㅋㅋ
2022-12-12 11:15 | Reply
  [* 익명3 *] 0 0
The writer is writing this because he can't get attention from a regular girl, not that one.
Who's observing from the side like that and posting on the internet?
2022-12-12 11:21 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0
My kid is a high school student...
2022-12-12 11:26 | Reply
  [* 익명3 *] 0 0
Originally, unpopular kids get married...
You must have tons of time on your hands because you're refuting every single comment.
So I guess you watch every single thing they do and post it on the internet and fight with people all day long.
2022-12-12 11:29 | Reply
  [*Author*] 0 0
Today is my vacation day.
2022-12-12 11:32 | Reply
  [* Anonymous3 *] 0 0
Lol what's called a vacation when you're sitting in front of pompous since morning lol.
You go to eat.
I'm going to lunch. ㅋㅋ
2022-12-12 11:47 | Reply
  [* 익명42 *] 0 2
Ik3 개붕신같네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2022-12-12 12:10 | Reply
  [* 익명39 *] 0 0
Not only is it a bunghsin, but it's also a fucking bunghsin ㅋㅋ
2022-12-12 13:08 | Reply
[* 익명4 *] 0 12
You're obviously jealous, but you're trying to look like you're not. But that company allows you to work with noise-canceling earphones.
2022-12-12 09:12 | Reply
  [* Author *] 1 2

2022-12-12 09:43 | Reply
[* Anonymous5 *] 0 10
ㅋㅋㅋ Poor guy
2022-12-12 09:17 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 1

2022-12-12 09:41 | Reply
[* Anonymous6 *] 0 2
뽐뿌공식 t13 anc
2022-12-12 09:51 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0
추천 감사합니다^^
좋은 한주 되세요~.
2022-12-12 10:11 | Reply
[* 익명7 *] 0 4
You've got a lot to be proud of.
It looks like all kinds of jealousy.
Get well soon
2022-12-12 10:11 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 2
The reason you take this as jealousy is your mind^^.
2022-12-12 10:41 | Reply
  [* Anonymous7 *] 0 0
I'm sure you're both tired of housework and have like-minded coworkers at work.
It would be nice if they could comfort each other~.

This part of the article feels like jealousy.

The facts from the article are
1. not an affair
2. being a strength to each other (taking care of each other)
3. a married man is not right for a child
Thank you for respecting my opinion.
2022-12-12 11:25 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0
No. 3 is a mistress, not a husband...
That is also your 'heart'.
2022-12-12 11:29 | Reply
  [* Anonymous7 *] 0 0
2022-12-12 11:33 | Reply
[* Anonymous8 *] 0 0
NoCan can't hear you.
Just block your ears with 3 meters.
2022-12-12 10:31 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0
I'll think about it~.
2022-12-12 10:42 | Reply
[* Anonymous9 *] 0 0
2023-02-01 21:17 * | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0
2022-12-12 10:44 | Reply
[* 익명10 *] 0 4
ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ I think it's an advanced spin-off gag.
The last no-can earbuds cracked me up.
2022-12-12 10:31 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0

2022-12-12 10:44 | Reply
[* Anonymous11 *] 0 4
Why are you jealous of the affair?
Are they people who want to have an affair
2022-12-12 10:33 | Reply
  [* 익명16 *] 0 4
That's not an affair, that's an affair.
The author is just jealous because they're only friendly with each other.
2022-12-12 10:36 | Reply
  [* Anonymous21 *] 0 1
ðŸ™' Just being friendly with each other, I can clearly see that they're making a fuss over each other.
2022-12-12 10:41 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0
Isn't that what you want to do?
2022-12-12 10:45 | Reply
  [* Anonymous34 *] 0 0
You're doing that to your wife, think about it, is it an affair or not?
2022-12-12 10:56 | Reply
  [* Anonymous34 *] 0 0
You think I'll be grateful because you're all over me.
2022-12-12 13:55 | Reply
  [* Anonymous16 *] 0 0
You can think what you want, but getting along with your coworkers is trolling and an affair is an affair.
2022-12-12 14:24 | Reply
  [* Anonymous16 *] 0 0
Ah don't you have any colleagues to get along with?
2022-12-12 14:25 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0
It may not be an affair, but it's the people around you who are the worst.
2022-12-12 10:46 | Reply
[* Anonymous12 *] 0 3
It's not jealousy, it's just ugly.
Where is the jealousy in that;;
2022-12-12 10:34 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0
The people who commented that they were jealous want to be the guy in that situation.
2022-12-12 10:57 | Reply
[* Anonymous13 *] 0 0
버즈프로 1세대 당근 4~5만원 심심하더군요
2022-12-12 10:34 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0
2022-12-12 10:57 | Reply
[* Anonymous14 *] 0 0
It's just that I'm envious that you saw it in detail and wrote about it.
ë'˜ëŠ" ë'˜ëŠ" ë'˜ëŠ" ë'˜ëŠ" ë'¤.
2022-12-12 10:35 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0
남이사 그러거나 말거나
2022-12-12 10:57 | Reply
[* Anonymous15 *] 0 0
I can see you're jealous because you can't fit in. Mind your own business. Or make an effort to get to know her.
2022-12-12 10:36 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0
Not really
2022-12-12 10:58 | Reply
[* 익명18 *] 0 0
If you record it, you can use it later
2022-12-12 10:36 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0
I don't want to be a criminal
2022-12-12 10:59 | Reply
[* Anonymous19 *] 0 0
It's best to be a bitch when it comes to chicken.
2022-12-12 10:38 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0
ㅎㅎ I will try my best
2022-12-12 10:59 | Reply
잠시빌린세상 0 0
Such a thing gives me a little energy in my company life. I think I just need to stay within the lines.
2022-12-12 10:39 | Reply
  [* author *] 0 0
2022-12-12 11:01 | Reply
[* 익명20 *] 0 0
I'm not even interested unless I'm jealous.
나도 하고 싶은데... 아 짜증나
2022-12-12 10:39 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 0


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