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주휴수당 폐지 관련



전일제보다 더 취약한 시간제 근로
문제가 있었기 때문에 폐지로 가는 것이 맞습니다.

내수가 아니라 소득 보전입니다.
안 그러면 나라 망하는 겁니다.
석률이가 바보라고 해도 보수가 알아서 할 겁니다.
보수가 알아서 할 겁니다.

하지만 하나를 뺏으면
다른 하나를 줘야 합니다.

한국에서는 점심시간이 휴식시간으로 처리돼서
실제 근무시간이 9시간이 되는 거죠.

다른 나라처럼
4시간 일하고 30분 휴식
그 휴식시간도 근무시간에 포함됐으면 좋겠어요.

8대4 또는 9대5
선진적인 근무 조건.

하지만 임금은 삭감되고
혜택이 없다고요?
그렇다면 저는 극단적인 반대를 할 겁니다.

정직하게 일하지 않더라도, 정직하지 않더라도.
1년차니까 응원하겠다고 했잖아요.
저를 해치기 시작하면 죽여 버릴 것입니다.

[* 익명1 *]
| 51 0
그냥 같이 죽어야 할 것 같아요.
[* 익명2 *]
| 11 0
이 사람들은 평생 금지되어야합니다 ...
[* 익명4 *]
| 14 0
이것은 내가 그것을 볼 때마다 나를 얻는 종류의 똥입니다.
[* 익명5 *]
| 42 0

[*익명6 *]
| 18 55
재향이 최저임금을 터무니없이 올려서 생계비를 파괴하니까 주휴수당을 낮춰서 임금을 정상화한다고 하는데 물 하나만 더 주세요. 문재인이 최저임금 좆나게 올릴 때 사업주들한테 뭐 준 게 있나?
[* 익명5 *]
| 13 0
그는 많은 돈을 벌고 싶어하고 직원들은 그에게 가능한 한 적게주고 싶어합니다.
[* 익명5 *]
| 17 1
고용주가 무능한 것도 아니기 때문에 직원들에게 최저 임금을주고 직원들을 비난하고 있습니다 ㄷㄷㄷ.
[* 익명12 *]
| 18 0
[이미지 댓글]
[* 익명1 *] 0 51
그냥 같이 죽어
2022-12-19 00:02 | 댓글
  [* 익명12 *] 0 18

2022-12-19 03:12 | 댓글
  [* 익명55 *] 0 0
이봐요, 이봐요, 이봐요
2022-12-19 07:21 | 답글
  [* 익명66 *] 3 4

2022-12-19 16:15 | 답글
  [* 익명31 *] 0 3
2chan이 희망으로 돌고있는 꼬리 스핀을보고 있습니다.

2022-12-19 04:02 | Reply
[* 익명2 *] 0 11
이 사람들은 평생 금지되어야합니다 ...
2022-12-19 00:03 | 답글
  [* 익명68 *] 0 0
2023-01-09 15:07 | 댓글
[* 익명3 *] 0 7
당신은 게임을하고 있습니다. ㅋ

2022-12-19 00:03 | 답글
  [* 저자 *] 3 2
풀타임으로 일하고 있나요?
2022-12-19 00:05 | 답글
  [* 익명10 *] 0 1
주휴수당이 폐지되면 받는 돈이 줄어듭니다.
무엇을 더 얻을 것으로 기대하십니까?
2022-12-19 01:50 | 답글
  [* 익명11 *] 0 1
익명3 댓글 알바비 빠지는거 걱정하네?
2022-12-19 02:47 | Reply
  [* 익명57 *] 0 0
2022-12-19 08:11 | 답글
  [* 익명58 *] 0 0
2022-12-19 08:13 | 답글
[* 익명4 *] 0 14
주휴수당이 폐지되어서 아무것도 못받고 월급이 삭감되어야 정신 차릴 것 같습니다.  
2022-12-19 00:05 | 댓글
  [* 작성자 *] 17 0
설마 그럴까?
국내 작살에 대한 국가적 업적이 될 것입니다.
2022-12-19 00:06 | 답글
  [* 익명14 *] 0 0
설마 그럴까?
2022-12-19 03:16 | 답글
  [* 익명13 *] 0 0
내가 그걸 신경 쓸 것 같아?
2022-12-19 03:17 | 답글
  [* 익명65 *] 0 0
ㅋㅋㅋ 정말 이렇게 생각하세요?
2022-12-19 11:47 | 답글
[* 익명5 *] 0 42
말도 안되는 소리.

주휴수당을 폐지하려는 이유는
최저임금이 더 높기 때문이죠.

다른 건 안 하겠다는 거죠.
주휴수당만 폐지하면 됩니다.

이 정부의 노동 정책
적은 직원, 더 많은 일, 더 적은 돈.
정규직 일자리는 줄어들고 임시직 일자리는 늘어납니다.
고용주는 점점 더 많이 가져갑니다.
2022-12-19 00:09 | 댓글.
[*anonymous6*] 55 18
재난은 최저임금을 터무니없이 올려서 생계비를 엿먹이는 것이다.
주휴수당을 낮춰서 임금을 정상화하겠다고 하는데 한 번만 더 생각해 주세요.

문재인이 최저임금 좆나게 올릴 때 사업주들한테 뭐 준 거 있나?

2022-12-19 00:10 | 답글
  [* 익명5 *] 1 7
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그럼 시간당 5000원 받고 일해야지.
시간당 5000원 받고 일하고 사업주가 그만큼 가져가면 좋겠네요.
2022-12-19 00:14 | 답글
  [* 익명6 *] 13 3
댓글 삭제됨 (규칙 위반)
2022-12-19 00:26 | 답글
  [* 익명5 *] 0 13
ㅋㅋㅋ 당신은 많은 돈을 벌고 싶어합니다.
직원은 가능한 한 적게주고 싶어합니다.

사업주는 직원들 월급을 잘 줄 생각을 해야죠.

노예의 피를 빨아먹을 것처럼 애지중지 하라고만 하네요 ㄷㄷㄷ
2022-12-19 00:31 | 댓글
  [* 익명6 *] 5 7
직원들이 똑같이 일하고 더 많은 돈을 받고 싶다면 상사로부터 더 적게 가져 가야한다는 말입니까?
둘 다 같은 위치에 있습니다.

직원들은 더 열심히 일하고 더 생산적으로 일해야 급여를 올릴 수 있습니다.
최저임금에 대해 징징대면서 같은 일을 하고도 더 많이 받으려고만 하잖아요.
그게 형편없는 태도인가요?

2022-12-19 00:37 | 답글
  [* 익명5 *] 1 17
고용주는 무능해서 직원에게 최저 임금을주고 비난합니다.

Part-time work that is more vulnerable than full-time work
There was a problem, so it is correct to go to abolition.

It's income conservation, not domestic demand.
Or you're going to slash the country.
Even if Seok-ryul is an idiot, the conservatives will take care of it.
the conservatives will take care of it.

But if you take away one.
you have to give them the other one.

In Korea, lunch breaks are treated as breaks.
making the actual working day 9 hours.

Like other countries
4 hours of work and a 30-minute break
I want that break to be included in the working hours.

8to4 or 9to5
advanced working conditions.

But the wages are cut
and no benefits?
Then I'll go to the extreme antis.

Even if you don't work honestly, even if you're not honest.
I said I'd support you because you're a first-year.
If they start hurting me, I'll kill them.

[* Anonymous1 *]
| 51 0
I think we should just die together.
[* 익명2 *]
| 11 0
These guys should be banned for life...
[* Anonymous4 *]
| 14 0
This is the kind of shit that gets me every time I see it.
[* Anonymous5 *]
| 42 0

[*Anonymous6 *]
| 18 55
Jae-hyang raises the minimum wage ridiculously and destroys the cost of living, so he's going to normalize wages by lowering the weekly holiday pay, but give me one more mul. Did he give anything to the business owners when Moon Jae-in fucking raised the minimum wage?
[* Anonymous5 *]
| 13 0
He wants to make a lot of money and the employees want to give him as little as possible.
[* Anonymous5 *]
| 17 1
It's not like the employer is incompetent, so he's giving the employees minimum wage and blaming the employees ㄷㄷㄷ
[* Anonymous12 *]
| 18 0
[Image comment]
[* Anonymous1 *] 0 51
Just die together.
2022-12-19 00:02 | Comment
  [* Anonymous12 *] 0 18

2022-12-19 03:12 | Reply
  [* 익명55 *] 0 0
ë'˜ëŠ" ë'˜ëŠ" ë'˜ëŠ" ë'˜ëŠ" ë'˜ëŠ
2022-12-19 07:21 | Reply
  [* 익명66 *] 3 4

2022-12-19 16:15 | Reply
  [* 익명31 *] 0 3
You're looking at a tailspin that 2chan is spinning into hope.

2022-12-19 04:02 | Reply
[* 익명2 *] 0 11
These guys should be banned for life...
2022-12-19 00:03 | Reply
  [* 익명68 *] 0 0
2023-01-09 15:07 | Reply
[* Anonymous3 *] 0 7
You're playing a game. ㅋ

2022-12-19 00:03 | Reply
  [* Author *] 3 2
Are they working full time?
2022-12-19 00:05 | Reply
  [* 익명10 *] 0 1
If weekly vacation pay is abolished, I'll get less money.
What more do you expect to get?
2022-12-19 01:50 | Reply
  [* 익명11 *] 0 1
익명3 댓글 알바비 빠지는거 걱정하네?
ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ
2022-12-19 02:47 | Reply
  [* 익명57 *] 0 0
ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋ지 ì-"보기 ì-"보기 ì-"보기 ì-"보기 ì-"보기ëŠ"?
2022-12-19 08:11 | Reply
  [* 익명58 *] 0 0
2022-12-19 08:13 | Reply
[* 익명4 *] 0 14
It's not until the weekly allowance is abolished and I get nothing, and my salary is cut, that I'll wake up.  
2022-12-19 00:05 | Reply
  [* Author *] 17 0
설마 그럴까?
It's going to be a national achievement for domestic harpooning.
2022-12-19 00:06 | Reply
  [* 익명14 *] 0 0
ê-¸ë'˜ëŠ" 있습ë'ˆë'¤?
2022-12-19 03:16 | Reply
  [* Anonymous13 *] 0 0
You think I'd care about that, huh?
2022-12-19 03:17 | Reply
  [* 익명65 *] 0 0
ㅋㅋㅋ You really think like this?
2022-12-19 11:47 | Reply
[* 익명5 *] 0 42
That's ridiculous.

The reason they want to abolish weekly vacation pay
is because the minimum wage is higher.

They don't want to do anything else.
Just abolish weekly vacation pay.

This government's labor policy
Fewer employees, more work, less money.
Fewer regular jobs and more temporary jobs
employers take more and more
It is a labor policy.
2022-12-19 00:09 | Comment.
[*anonymous6*] 55 18
Disaster raises the minimum wage ridiculously to fuck with the cost of living.
He says he's going to normalize wages by lowering weekly vacation pay, but give me one more mull.

Did you give anything to business owners when Moon Jae-in fucking raised the minimum wage?

2022-12-19 00:10 | Reply
  [* Anonymous5 *] 1 7
ㅋㅋㅋ Then you should work for 5000 won per hour.
I hope you work for 5000 won per hour and the business owner takes that much.
2022-12-19 00:14 | Reply
  [* Anonymous6 *] 13 3
Comment deleted (rule violation)
2022-12-19 00:26 | Reply
  [* 익명5 *] 0 13
ㅋㅋㅋ You want to make a lot of money
The employee wants to give as little as possible.

The business owner should think about paying his employees well.

They just say to pamper them like they're going to suck the blood of slaves ㄷㄷㄷ
2022-12-19 00:31 | Reply
  [* Anonymous6 *] 5 7
Are you saying that the employees work the same and if they want to get paid more, they should take less from the boss?
They're both in the same position lol.

The employees should work harder and be more productive so they can get a raise.
You're just whining about minimum wage and trying to get more for the same work.
Is that a shitty attitude?

2022-12-19 00:37 | Reply
  [* Anonymous5 *] 1 17
Employers are incompetent, so they give their employees minimum wage and blame the employees ㄷㄷㄷ
2022-12-19 00:40 | Reply
  [* Anonymous6 *] 1 1
Comment deleted (rule violation)
2022-12-19 01:57 | Reply
  [* Anonymous22 *] 3 4
Comment deleted (rule violation)
2022-12-19 03:24 | Reply
  [* Anonymous26 *] 0 5
You're acting like you're going to get paid more if you're more productive.
They always blame the workers for not doing a good job and giving them minimum wage.
They say they're saving money on labor so they can eat more.
They can't even take a shot at the landlord.
2022-12-19 03:39 | Comment
  [* Anonymous19 *] 0 0
The ones who are thinking and improving in their place stand out and should be treated as such.


If you're a jerk, you can do business too. I don't have the ability or courage to do business, but the blame goes to others...

2022-12-19 03:50 | Comment
  [* Anonymous36 *] 0 0
Ik5님ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ That's why workers don't have the ability either, so at least they work for minimum wage thanks to the law.
2022-12-19 04:16 | Reply
  [* 익명62 *] 0 0
Employees are paid minimum wage because they have no ability.
꼬우면 대기업 가든가 ㅋㅋ
2022-12-19 10:13 | Reply
  [* Anonymous26 *] 0 0
Comment deleted (rule violation)
2022-12-19 13:38 | Reply
  [* Author*] 7 2
Comment deleted (rule violation)
2022-12-19 00:15 | Reply
  [*anonymous6*] 7 4
What happened to the birth rate after the disaster that is the minimum wage?

A bowl of soup costs 5,000 won, but now that it's full, people are having tons of kids? ㅋㅋ
2022-12-19 00:28 | 댓글
  [* Author *] 0 1
ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋ
If you don't have the ability, fold your business
Gini coefficient stabilized, etc.
Effect was good

If the disaster was that bad.
you would have donated all the money to the disaster fund?
You didn't take out a loan.

And the birth rate was a coronavirus problem.
If we can't save them now, there is no answer.
2022-12-19 00:35 | Reply
  [* Anonymous6 *] 2 2
You're over 30 and still believe in minimum wage and income driven growth.

It's a disaster, and the people under him don't even believe in it.

2022-12-19 00:41 | 댓글
  [* Author *] 0 1
아 넵
I'm still in my mid-thirties, Mr.
Please go to 60+ for teachers

Ah. I don't know if there is such a thing, haha
2022-12-19 00:42 | Reply
  [* Anonymous8 *] 0 2
Thirty-something munchkin minimum wage? ㄷㄷ
2022-12-19 01:28 | Reply
  [* Author *] 0 1
I'm living well, so don't worry.
Minimum wage should be higher
the local economy will be revitalized.
2022-12-19 01:50 | Reply
  [* Anonymous19 *] 1 3
I'm sorry you're over 30 and choking on minimum wage.. ㅠㅠ
If you don't have the ability, fold your business... ㅋㅋ
Workers should also receive less if they don't have the ability ^^ Why does anyone in that position take so much without the ability to replace it?
2022-12-19 03:20


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