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공무원 월급


누칼쿱!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[* 익명2 *]
| 50 58
문재인이 최저임금을 너무 많이 올렸다. 공무원 최저임금도 못 올리고 있다.
[* 익명3 *]
| 47 1
세상의 모든 문제는 문재인 때문이다.
아란신 | 18 1
19대 대선 주요 후보들이 최저임금을 공약으로 내걸었습니다. 문재인 탓으로 돌리기 어려운 이유.
[* 익명4 *]
| 20 4
그럼 중소기업에 들어가면 되지 뭐가 문제야? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
[* 익명6 *]
| 12 0
이것이 당신이 살고 싶은 세상입니다, 이제 그것을 기대하십시오.
[* 익명2 *]
| 11 2
속도 조절이라고... 실업자가 폭발적으로 늘어나서 다들 포기하고 있는데... 홍준표도 한꺼번에 15%를 올리진 않을 겁니다.
[* 익명1 *] 0 5
이걸 어떻게 봐야할지 모르겠네요.
같은 해 교원 인건비보다.
교행직 인건비가 더 높은데...

공무원 연차가 높을 때와 낮을 때의 비교
교공직이 더 높다는 것은 좀 ㅋㅋ
2022-12-02 17:56 | 댓글
[* 익명2 *] 58 50
문재인이 최저임금을 밀어붙였다.

공무원 해고하는 최저임금도 못 올리네.
2022-12-02 18:35 | 댓글
  [* 익명3 *] 1 47
세상의 모든 문제는 문재인 때문이다.
2022-12-02 20:03 | 답글
  [* 익명2 *] 5 2
좋은 것, 나쁜 것, 나쁜 것만.
2022-12-02 20:45 | 답글
  아란신 1 18
19대 대선 주요 후보들이 최저임금 인상을 공약으로 내걸었습니다.

문재인 전 대통령을 탓하기 어려운 이유입니다.
2022-12-02 20:09 | 답글
  [* 익명2 *] 22 0
그게 그 사람입니다.

괜찮은 사람이었다면 그렇게까지 노력하지 않았을텐데, 그동안 죄송합니다.
2022-12-02 20:46 | 답글
  [* 익명6 *] 0 12
당신이 원하는 세상은 당신이 마땅히 받아야 할 세상입니다.
2022-12-03 07:18 | 답글
  [* 익명2 *] 5 1
네, 함께 기대할 수 있습니다~.
2022-12-03 07:21 | 답글
  [* 익명9 *] 0 7
도대체 뭐야... 약속을 지키지 못하도록 속도조절을 한게 문재인인데....

홍준표는 약속대로 만원이면 더 빨리 올려야 한다.

2022-12-03 13:54 | 답글
  [* 익명2 *] 2 11
처음에 폭발적으로 올렸다가 실업이 폭발하자 포기했으니 속도조절이라고 하는 거죠.
홍준표도 한꺼번에 15%를 올리진 않았을 겁니다.
2022-12-03 14:59 | 댓글
  [* 익명9 *] 0 0
그럼 15%도 안 올리면 어떻게 공약을 이행할 건가요?

그럼 홍준표의 약속이 거짓말이었다는 말씀이신가요?

아니면 1%에서 1%로 1%에서 1%로 40%로 올려서 공약을 이행하려고 했던 건가요?
2022-12-03 15:29 | 답글
  [* 익명2 *] 4 4

이게 바로 문재인이 말하던 공정한 정의의 평등입니다.
2022-12-03 15:30 | 답글
  [* 익명24 *] 0 0
저 사람이야?  
2022-12-03 15:36 | 답글
  [* 익명25 *] 0 0
그는 계속 똥을 말하고 있습니다.
2022-12-03 15:37 | 답글
  [* 익명30 *] 0 0
대통령 공약은 공허한 약속?
약속을 국보처럼 여기고 지키는 계급.
그래서 석열이가 공약을 지키지 않아도 사진을 찍지 않는 거죠.
석열이는 무엇을 잘했나요?

2022-12-03 15:38 | 답글
  [* 익명33 *] 0 0
아 지루한 놈

좀 똑똑해져라.
2022-12-03 15:38 | 답글
  [* 익명37 *] 0 4
문재인 2020년 1만원
홍준표 2022년 1만원
홍준표가 더디게 올라가고 있습니다
2022-12-03 15:43 | Reply
  [* 익명61 *] 0 3
선동과 날조도 전문이네
2022-12-03 16:10 | Reply
  아란신 0 0
하지만 그가 그 플랫폼에서 대통령이 되었다면,
당시에는 국민의 열망이었다고 하는 게 맞을 것 같습니다;
2022-12-04 00:23 | 답글
  [* 익명14 *] 0 1
대가리 우동 사리
2022-12-03 15:32 | 답글
  [* 익명2 *] 2 2
대가리 하면 대깨지
2022-12-03 15:34 | Reply
  [* 익명73 *] 0 0

2022-12-03 18:10 | Reply
  [* 익명20 *] 0 0
2022-12-03 15:35 | 답글
  [* 익명25 *] 0 0
당신이 그것을 게시하지 않았다면
지금 얼마나 많은 돈을 받고 있는지 상상해 본 적이 있습니까?
2022-12-03 15:36 | 답글
  [* 익명26 *] 1 0
최저 임금이 오르면 공무원도 올라갑니다.
2022-12-03 15:37 | 답글
  [* 익명31 *] 0 0
무뇌 무식 세뇌 틀딱 주변 할배할매 못배운사람들이 이럼
2022-12-03 15:38 | Reply
  [* 익명34 *] 0 0
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 백년이 지났는데도 여전히 문재인의 파이다.

Low-ranking public servants retire in droves Concerned about whether 'official response allowance' will be established Next year's semiconductor chain base school designated to foster 4,000 semiconductor workers with high school diplomas The Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education will reorganize the curriculum centered on the semiconductor base school from next year and converge with artificial intelligence (AI).

Nukalcoop !! ㅋㅋㅋ
[* Anonymous2 *]
| 50 58
Moon Jae-in raised the minimum wage too much. He can't even raise the minimum wage for the government workers.
[* Anonymous3 *]
| 47 1
All the world's problems are due to Moon Jae-in.
aransin | 18 1
The main candidates for the 19th presidential election pledged minimum wage. Why is it hard to blame it on Moon Jae-in.
[* Anonymous4 *]
| 20 4
Then you can go into a small business, what's the problem? ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ
[* Anonymous6 *]
| 12 0
This is the world you want to live in, now look forward to it.
[* Anonymous2 *]
| 11 2
It's called pace control... They're giving up because of the unemployment explosion... Even Hong Joon-pyo wouldn't raise 15% at a time.
[* Anonymous1 *] 0 5
I'm not sure what to make of this.
than the same year's teacher labor costs.
교행직 인건비가 더 높은데...

Higher years of public service vs lower years of public service
교공직이 더 높다는 것은 좀 ㅋㅋ
2022-12-02 17:56 | 댓글
[* Anonymous2 *] 58 50
Moon Jae-in pushed for minimum wage.

He can't even raise the minimum wage of losing public servants.
2022-12-02 18:35 | Reply
  [* Anonymous3 *] 1 47
All the world's problems are due to Moon Jae-in.
2022-12-02 20:03 | Reply
  [* 익명2 *] 5 2
Good stuff, not bad stuff, just bad stuff.
2022-12-02 20:45 | Reply
  aransin 1 18
The main candidates for the 19th presidential election pledged to raise the minimum wage.

Why is it hard to blame former President Moon Jae-in.
2022-12-02 20:09 | Reply
  [* Anonymous2 *] 22 0
That's who he is.

If I had been a decent person, I wouldn't have tried so hard, but in the meantime, I'm sorry.
2022-12-02 20:46 | Reply
  [* Anonymous6 *] 0 12
The world you want is the world you deserve.
2022-12-03 07:18 | Reply
  [* Anonymous2 *] 5 1
Yes we can look forward to it together~.
2022-12-03 07:21 | Reply
  [* 익명9 *] 0 7
What the hell... It's Moon Jae-in who adjusted the speed so that the promise would not be fulfilled...

Hong Jun-pyo should raise it faster if it's full as promised.

2022-12-03 13:54 | Reply
  [* Anonymous2 *] 2 11
It's called pace control because he exploded at the beginning and then gave up when unemployment exploded.
Even Hong Jun-pyo wouldn't have raised 15% at once.
2022-12-03 14:59 | Reply
  [* Anonymous9 *] 0 0
Then how are you going to fulfill your promise if you don't raise it by 15%?

So you're just saying that Hong Junpyo's promise was a lie?

Or was he trying to fulfill his promise by raising it by 1 percent to 1 percent to 1 percent to 40 percent?
2022-12-03 15:29 | Reply
  [* Anonymous2 *] 4 4
It's a lie.

This is the same fair justice equality that Moon Jae-in was talking about.
2022-12-03 15:30 | Reply
  [* Anonymous24 *] 0 0
That's him?  
2022-12-03 15:36 | Reply
  [* Anonymous25 *] 0 0
He keeps talking shit.
2022-12-03 15:37 | Reply
  [* 익명30 *] 0 0
Presidential promises are empty promises?
A class that makes promises like national treasures and keeps them.
This is why Seok-yeol doesn't take pictures even if he doesn't keep his promises.
What did Seokyeol do well?

2022-12-03 15:38 | Reply
  [* Anonymous33 *] 0 0
Ah boring that guy

Get some intelligence.
2022-12-03 15:38 | Reply
  [* Anonymous37 *] 0 4
Moon Jae-in 2020 1만원
홍준표 2022년 1만원
Hong Jun-pyo is going up slower
2022-12-03 15:43 | Reply
  [* Anonymous61 *] 0 3
I'm also specialized in incitement and falsification
2022-12-03 16:10 | Reply
  aransin 0 0
But if he became president on that platform,
At the time, it would be correct to say that it was the people's desire;
2022-12-04 00:23 | Reply
  [* Anonymous14 *] 0 1
Daegari Udon Sari
2022-12-03 15:32 | Reply
  [* Anonymous2 *] 2 2
대가리 하면 대깨지
2022-12-03 15:34 | Reply
  [* 익명73 *] 0 0

2022-12-03 18:10 | Reply
  [* 익명20 *] 0 0
2022-12-03 15:35 | Reply
  [* 익명25 *] 0 0
If you hadn't posted that
Have you ever imagined how much you'd be getting paid right now?
2022-12-03 15:36 | Reply
  [* Anonymous26 *] 1 0
If the minimum wage goes up, then the public servants go up too.
2022-12-03 15:37 | Reply
  [* Anonymous31 *] 0 0
무뇌 무식 세뇌 틀딱 주변 할배할매 못배운사람들이 이럼
2022-12-03 15:38 | Reply
  [* Anonymous34 *] 0 0
ㅋㅋㅋ hundred years later, it's still Moon Jae-in's fault?
2022-12-03 15:40 | Reply
  [* Anonymous44 *] 0 0
Next year, Yoon Seok-yeol is also raising the minimum wage, right?
2022-12-03 15:49 | Reply
  [* 익명58 *] 0 0
ㅋㅋㅋ Amol and Moon Jae-in
2022-12-03 16:05 | Reply
  사자2세 0 0
2찍이들은 익명 아니면 말 못하냐?
죄다 샤이이여 ㅋㅋ
2022-12-03 16:09 | Reply
  [* Anonymous69 *] 0 0
'도로 위의 최저임금제' 불리는 안전운임제도 싸질러 놓고감
2022-12-03 16:27 | Comment
[* Anonymous4 *] 4 20
Then you can go into small business, what's the problem?
ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ

2022-12-02 20:39 | Reply
  [* Anonymous8 *] 8 6
Is it normal that a cleaner gets paid more than a full-time employee of a company, but gets paid less for a much bigger responsibility?
2022-12-03 10:09 | Reply
  [* Anonymous27 *] 0 1
Is responsibility the only thing that matters?? lol
You don't understand at all that field workers get paid more than office workers.

2022-12-03 15:37 | Reply
  [* Anonymous32 *] 0 0
Then you should be a janitor with less responsibility and more money.
2022-12-03 15:38 | Reply
  [* 익명39 *] 0 3
That's bullshit...
A full-time employee gets paid less than a cleaner?
Even if you compare the same number of years and compare the subsequent salary, the full-time employee is higher and the subsequent one is lower....
Would you rather have a 25-year-old as a small business manager??? Or do you want to join a large company??? Same as doing...
청소부 30년 하면 연봉 7000될거 같음???? 공무원 30년 하면 연봉 7000 넘게도 가능해요...
Cleaner 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, it's hard to be 5000 let alone 7000....
Why wouldn't people do that good cleaner????

2022-12-03 15:47 | Comments
  [* Anonymous59 *] 0 0
Cleaners get paid more???
Should janitors only be paid minimum wage for the rest of their lives?
It's really disgusting to think about.
2022-12-03 16:23 | Reply
  [* Anonymous46 *] 0 1
If you're jealous, let's make a deal with an indefinite contractor...
2022-12-03 15:50 | Reply
[* 익명5 *] 0 2
It's a good company, but it's also a union, so many people move jobs to raise their salaries.                    
2022-12-02 21:42 | Reply
[* Anonymous7 *] 0 0
It's because this is the title of a lifelong job. Private companies raise their salaries steadily through job changes, but public employees don't do that. Still, I'll get paid mid-level or higher for 10 years from the 40s onward.
2022-12-03 08:33 | Reply
  [* Anonymous8 *] 2 1
How does it make sense that in any job, regardless of the job for life, the main person is paid less than the sub? The responsibilities are different.
And yet they are striking to raise their salaries and be treated like public servants.
2022-12-03 10:14 | Reply
  [* Anonymous9 *] 0 1
Freelancers can also get more... 옆에서 보조여도...  
2022-12-03 13:53 | Reply
  [* 익명18 *] 0 0
Indefinite contractors are not subs
2022-12-03 15:34 | Reply
  [* Anonymous29 *] 0 4
You're showing off here.
There are no core staff and they're all peripheral, don't you see that?
2022-12-03 15:37 | Reply
  [* 익명27 *] 0 0
Freelancers get paid 1.5x more than regular employees, and you're going to ignore them?
2022-12-03 15:38 | Reply
[* Anonymous9 *] 2 2
Originally it was said that contractors are better off getting paid more than regular employees because their position is unstable.

Then it's okay...

And is there any reason why an indefinite contractor should be paid less than a grade 8?

There are so many markets where freelancers get paid more
2022-12-03 13:52 | Reply
  [*anonymous8*] 1 5
If the job is hard to replace and requires the person's skills, then yes, freelancers should get paid more.
But that's not what government employees do.
You're being paid way too much for the work and responsibilities of a high school graduate.
You don't get that kind of pay for that kind of work in the regular job market.
You have to experience it to realize it.
But it keeps coming up because government employees keep striking for government treatment.
Those people


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