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당신이 임신중이라면

30년 경력의 신생아 집중치료실 간호사의 강의를 모두 적었습니다. 이 글이 저에게 많은 도움이 되었고 다른 엄마들에게도 도움이 되었으면 좋겠어요!

약 한 달을 신생아기라고 합니다.
- 일반 1~2주
- 후기 2-4주

신생아 특징
1. 태아 고통
2. 발열
3. 하얀 딱지 (코)
4. 결막 출혈
5. 몽골 반점 (6-8 세에 사라짐)
6. 울음

한밤중에 울 때 아이를 재우는 방법
그녀가 고통스럽고 병원에 가야하는 것처럼 울고 있습니다.
1. 그녀를 안아
2. 그녀를 가슴에 안고 심장 박동을 듣습니다.
3. 걸어 다니며 자장가를 불러주세요.

아기의 울음소리 (의사소통)
1. 배가 고플 때
2. 트림을 할 수 없을 때
3. 졸릴 때
4. 이유없이

변을 자주 본다 (설사는 아니지만 묽은 변)
*설사 없이 묽은 변을 볼 때
*변을 보지 못하면 하루 이틀 후에 병원에 가야합니다.
*배 마사지를 해보세요

⭐️인상쓰면서 울면 불편해서 울어요.

💩반응 기저귀 (목욕?)에가는 방법 💩
1. 양이 많으면 기저귀로 먼저 닦아주세요.
2. 물티슈로 닦으십시오.
3. 흐르는 물로 닦으십시오 (온도 확인).
4. 물이 들어 가지 않도록 옷을 위로 당깁니다.
5. 한 손으로 양쪽 다리를 잡습니다.
6. 목과 엉덩이를지지합니다.
7. 자녀를 화장실로 데려가십시오.
8. 손수건을 준비하십시오.
9. 물이 따뜻해질 때까지 손에 물을 잡으십시오.
10. 먼저 요로를 닦으십시오.
11. 항문에서 고환 바닥까지 청소하십시오.
12. 준비된 손수건으로 물기를 닦아냅니다.
* 목욕은 반응이 많을 때 사용하고 자주 사용하는 것이 좋습니다X
너무 많이 사용하는 것은 좋지 않습니다

속옷, 배넷 고리 (최대 1 개월)
손톱은 1개월이 지난 날짜에 잘라야 합니다.
1 개월 후 사용

✨속지 포장 방법✨
상단을 5/1 정도로 접습니다.
배꼽의 겨드랑이 부분을 속싸개 끝과 정렬합니다.
기저귀를 채웁니다.
양쪽 사타구니에 손가락 하나가 들어갈 수 있어야 합니다.
커버 아래에서 배꼽을 한쪽에서 다른쪽으로 바꿉니다.
턱받이 고리에 손을 넣어 아기의 손을 잡고 옷을 당깁니다.
(손톱을 가립니다)
겨드랑이 아래에 팔을 넣고 감싸줍니다.
그 밑으로 집어넣습니다.
배와 발을 따뜻하게 유지합니다.

✨포장하는 방법✨
1. 마름모 만들기
2. 안쪽에 큰 삼각형
3. 작은 삼각형을 바깥쪽으로
4. 왼쪽 - 아래 - 오른쪽

포뮬러 1 단계 최대 6 개월 (복용량 및 사용량 확인 필요)
8-12 회 수유

⭐️모유는 소화 시간은 30 분 ~ 1 시간입니다.
⭐️분유는 약 2-3시간 소요

👉🏻아기마다 사람마다 복용량이 다릅니다.
시간을 지켜보고 일기에 먹는 양을 적고 천천히 늘리십시오.
분유는 40도(뜨겁게)까지 가열해야 합니다.

분유를 바꾸는 경우 원래 분유와 혼합하고 반응을 지켜보세요.
비율👉🏻 -8:2 -6:4 -2:8 (시간이 걸리는 경우 5:5)

⭐️모유는 미지근한 상태에서도 수유할 수 있지만 분유는 따뜻해야 합니다.

분유 계량 스푼은 40ml, 20ml입니다.

분유 따르는 방법
1. 분유를 먼저 넣은 후 따뜻한 물을 넣어 계량합니다.
2. 2. 분유를 저어 녹입니다 (거품이 생기면)

I wrote down all the lectures of a 30-year NICU nurse. This article helped me a lot and I hope it helps other moms too!

About a month is called the neonatal period
- Regular 1 to 2 weeks
- Late 2-4 weeks

Neonatal Characteristics
1. fetal distress
2. fever
3. white crusting (nose)
4. Conjunctival hemorrhage
5. Mongolian spots (disappear by age 6-8)
6. crying

How to put your child to sleep when they cry in the middle of the night
Crying as if she is in pain and needs to go to the hospital
1. hold her
2. Hold her to your chest and listen to her heartbeat
3. Walk around and sing her a lullaby

Cries of babies (communication)
1. when they are hungry
2. when they can't burp
3. when they are sleepy
4. for no reason

Stools ~ often (watery but not diarrhea)
*When the stool is watery without diarrhea
*If you can't pass stool, you should go to the hospital after a day or two
*Try a tummy massage

⭐️인상쓰면서 When I cry, I cry because I'm uncomfortable.

💩How to go to a response diaper (bath?)💩
1. If the volume is large, wipe it with a diaper first
2. wipe with a wet wipe
3. wipe with running water (temperature check)
4. pull up your clothes to prevent water from getting in
5. hold both legs with one hand
6. support the neck and buttocks
7. carry your child to the bathroom
8. have a handkerchief ready
9. hold the water in your hand until it is warm
10. wipe the urinary tract first
11. clean from the anus to the base of the testicles
12. wipe dry with the prepared handkerchief
*Bath is good to use when you have a lot of responses and use it oftenX
It is not good to use too much

Underwear, bannet hooks (up to one month)
Nails should be cut on the date after one month
Use after one month

✨How to wrap the inner wrapper✨
Fold the top about 5/1
Align the underarm part of the belly button with the end of the underwear.
Fill the diaper
You should be able to fit one finger in each groin.
Change the belly button from one side to the other under the cover.
Put your hand through the bib loop to hold the baby's hand and pull on the garment.
(cover your nails)
Put your arms under the armpits and wrap them around.
Tuck it in underneath.
Keep tummy and feet warm

✨How to wrap it up✨
1. make a rhombus
2. large triangle inside
3. small triangle outward
4. left - down - right

Formula stage 1 up to 6 months (need to check the dosage and usage)
8-12 feedings

⭐️모유는 Digestion time is 30 minutes to 1 hour
⭐️분유는 It takes about 2-3 hours

👉🏻아기마다 Everyone's dose is different
Watch the time, write down the amount you eat in your journal, and slowly increase it.
Formula should be heated to 40 degrees (hot).

If you are switching, mix it with the original formula and watch the reaction.
비율👉🏻 -8:2 -6:4 -2:8 (5:5 if time consuming)

⭐️모유는 You can feed when lukewarm, but formula should be warm.

Formula measuring spoons are 40ml,20ml

How to pour formula
1. Add the formula first and then add warm water to measure.
2. Dissolve the milk powder by stirring (if bubbly❌)
3. 40 degrees is the right temperature (hot)

(should be fed and bathed)
(30 minutes to 1 hour after feeding, digest and bathe)

❤️준비물: underwear, bib, diaper, moisturizer, navel disinfectant, bath, 2 handkerchiefs, waterproof pad, 2 basins, towel

❤️목욕시간:10 minutes is appropriate

It is good to bathe together with mom and dad

Importance of bathing
⭐️신생아시기때는 Daily bathing is recommended
1. it's best to do it during the day
2. for babies who have trouble sleeping at night, it is also good to do it in the evening
3. once a day is best and moisturizing is essential
4. metabolism will be smoother, so you can eat well and sleep well

Don't bathe on the day you leave the hospital or on immunization days.
If you are not feeling well (runny nose), you can skip a day.
Wash your hands thoroughly and give your child a bath.
Lather your hands and wash them with foam

⭐️에어컨은 꺼야한다⭐️

All bathing supplies should be ready
(the sink is much easier because you can stand up)
👉🏻얼굴은 Rinse only with cold water
👉🏻행구는물 38 degrees
👉🏻씻기는물 40 degrees

Bathing sequence
Wash your face (right hand) and wrap it up.
Wrap your head (right hand) tightly
Back (left hand)
Belly (left hand)

Get into a football stance, hold the back of your neck with your left hand, and wipe your face with your right hand.
Wipe your eyes first and work your way from the inside out.
Mouth, forehead, cheeks, chin, neck, and finally
Wipe the back of your ears because there is a lot of sweat.
Wipe the ears only on the outside.
Gently wipe your face with a pre-made handkerchief.

2.Wash your hair
Wash your hair with water, taking care not to damage the perforations, and use a bath to wash your hair. Wipe it with a fake handkerchief.

3.Washing the body (remove the bannet and diaper and wear only the underwear)
Remove the underwear, put your right hand under the armpit and lean your child's neck against your right hand.
Turn your child over and wet their feet, hands, back, and buttocks one at a time.
Lather and rinse thoroughly.
Rinse with water.

Switch the hand you were holding to the left side of the body and slowly add water to the child's body without alarming them, and slowly lather them up.
(Be careful with the groin)

After bathing, place the child on the prepared waterproof pad and pat him gently and slowly without rubbing like a wipe, then transfer him to the prepared place and cover the underwear. Put on the diaper.
Dress and swaddle

⭐️목욕후 Wake and feed your child before 4 hours have passed.
(If not breastfed/formula before 4 hours, the child may become dehydrated)

⭐After one month of age, you should start to take care of your nails and exercise your arms and legs (steadily).

⭐️배꼽에 If there is pus or blood, disinfect it.
(It should be disinfected for a week after bellyaching)

⭐️보습을 should be done (a real must)

⭐️온도차로인해 Put a diaper on him first because he may urinate.
(You shouldn't take off your clothes all at once to avoid catching a cold)

❤️수유는 Do it whenever the baby wants

1.when you're teething
Usually stops by itself after a while
1. look at the diaper
2. put on a hat
3. offer breast milk or formula
4. hit the bottom of the foot (ringing)

2.Burping (regurgitation)
- Stroke the back from bottom to top
- Do not allow regurgitation
- Do not force it

If you don't burp even if you ask for it
1. lay the baby down
2. tilt the bed so that the head is high
3. Turn the head to keep the airway unobstructed

3.When your baby vomits
* The mother is eating the wrong foods
* Baby eats too much food
The baby eats too much * Regurgitation due to poor burping

*Runny nose aspirator (needs to be sterilized with hot water)

What to do
* If vomiting while lying down, turn to your side and pat your back.
* If vomiting while being held, support the chin and turn the body downward. Turn around and pat your back
* If the child is vomiting and hungry, hold him for about 20 minutes to stabilize him and then feed him.

4.When your baby has a fever
🔥You need to figure out the cause
(If the fever does not go down within an hour and goes up and down, you should go to the hospital immediately)
Do not give fever reducers💧.

1. remove all clothes
2. soak 10 handkerchiefs in lukewarm water and place them under both armpits.
3. tuck it behind the neck
4. wipe your face
5. dip your feet in the water
6. lastly, the stomach and chest.

💉 After vaccination, you should check for fever
if you have a fever after immunization💉
(Check for fever after each vaccination separately)
1. Feel the back of your neck for fever.
2. Prepare lukewarm water and wet a handkerchief.
3. squeeze out the water
4. place the handkerchief in a disposable bag and place it behind your child's neck
5. Place it between both armpits.
6. make sure the room is hot
7. A room temperature of 24 to 25 degrees is ideal.

Food (what to watch out for)
1. from 6 months of age. From the beginning of baby food
2. honey (after 1 year)
3. white milk (after 1 year)

💩When you can't get the milk to come out💩
1. water and powdered milk when the response is thin
2. When the response is stronger, add water and formula.
3. Put baby oil on a cotton ball and put it in the anus and give it back.
4. massage the tummy
5. squeeze the anal sphincter firmly
6. go to the doctor if the child does not have a bowel movement for more than 3 days

⚡️모유를 If your baby hasn't had a stool in 4 days 병원⚡️
⚡️분유를 If your baby hasn't had a bowel movement in 2 days 병원⚡️

🫧Signs to go to the hospital🫧
1. not eating well
2. looks uncomfortable
3. constant whimpering

Doesn't sleep after eating
1. Give more formula (20ml)
2. Hold her and comfort her

🤒How to take your baby's temperature🌡?
1. shake the thermometer and see if the mercury drops below 36.5
2. Take the temperature in the armpit or rectum

1.even if you have symptoms such as fever and diarrhea, you are energetic, have an appetite, and do not show it: not bad condition
2.no severe symptoms, but poor complexion, no appetite, no energy: poor condition
3.consciousness is dazed and hanging, vomiting repeatedly, breathing is rough: critical condition

1.When there are other symptoms (fever, diarrhea, convulsions, etc.) besides vomiting, or when there is no gown and shrinking
2.Vomiting several times a day or at every feeding from the time of birth.
3.Suddenly crying and vomiting violently, having a bad complexion, and having blood in the stool when enemas are given.

Newborns can be startled by small sounds
Occasionally, they may flail their hands, feet, or lower jaw, but if you hold them still, they will stop immediately. This is not a convulsion.

If the twitching doesn't stop, you should call your doctor.
1. move your head back slightly without interfering with your breathing
2. wrap gauze or a handkerchief around a spoon or wooden chopstick and place it in one side of the mouth to gag the person and stop them from biting their tongue to help open the airway.
3. When the spasms stop, turn your baby on his or her side to keep vomit and phlegm from being sucked down the throat.
4. Watch for and describe the appearance of the spasms until you can see them.

!Split soap in half!

👶🏻수건에 fiber-softenerx
(Baby wash has a lot of foam)

⭐️아기 After 3 months 섬유유연제사용가능⭐️

👉🏻열탕소독후 (bottle 3 minutes, pacifier 30 seconds)

Baby constipation
Breastfeeding can cause constipation.
You should eat less chocolate, spicy, salty, and sugary foods.
Eat foods that contain a lot of fiber.
Hydration is essential.
Usually, it's more common with formula.


Postpartum care (Tylenol is fine)

1. when you feel sick (internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology)
2. when the fever has just risen (bleeding, scabbing, cracking, should not be fed or pumped, ointment should be applied)
3. if the area around the chest is red like a pinch, you should go to the hospital (be careful of breast cancer, etc.)
4. need to go to the bathroom a lot (gynecology, urology)
5. Oil clogs the mammary glands (watch out for bone broth, meat, fish, and hot pot)
6. animal fat is not good
7. Avoid eating raw foods

Thank you for reading this long article.
Good luck with the birth of your child
Childbirth!! Don't be depressed!
It's normal to be depressed💕 Cheers!


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