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삼성전자 2023년 배당계획


삼성전자 특별 배당금, 주주 환원 정책 2021-2023, 배당일 및 2021년 4분기 배당 기말 배당금
*** 본 자료는 정보 제공만을 목적으로 하며, 투자는 본인의 책임과 재량에 따라 이루어져야 합니다. ***

주식에 투자할 때 많은 사람들이 현금 또는 현물 배당 소식을 반깁니다. 이번 글에서는 삼성전자의 배당금과 특별배당에 대해 알아보겠습니다.

삼성전자는 대한민국을 대표하는 주식 중 하나이며, 주가 상승에 따른 이익뿐만 아니라 배당 수익도 얻을 수 있는 대표적인 주식 중 하나입니다.

삼성전자 특별 배당금 지급 규모
삼성전자는 연말 배당에 더해 2020년 말 주주들에게 특별 배당을 지급한다고 발표했습니다.

2020년 말 기준 주식 보유 주주 대상
- 우선주는 연말 배당금 355원에 특별 배당금 1,578원을 더한 주당 1,933원을 지급합니다,
- 보통주는 주당 354원에 특별배당금 1,578원을 더해 주당 1,932원을 받게 됩니다.
주당 1,578원의 특별배당 금액은 예상보다 높은 수준입니다.

삼성의 특별배당과 관련해서는 최근 3년간 삼성의 당기순이익과 설비투자비, 감가상각비 등을 감안하면 주주에게 환원할 금액이 약 7조~8조 원 정도 남아있는 것으로 알려졌습니다.

배당성향을 보면 삼성의 우선주는 보통주보다 약 1원 정도 더 많은 배당금을 지급하고 있습니다.

또한 삼성전자는 2011년부터 배당을 늘리기 시작하여 배당 증가율이 가장 높은 종목 중 하나입니다.
삼성전자 주가 흐름
삼성전자는 2020년 코로나19 팬데믹으로 인한 글로벌 주가 하락으로 2020년 3월 19일 42,300원으로 최저점을 기록했지만, 이후 주가가 회복되어 2021년 1월 11일 98,800원까지 꾸준히 상승하고 있습니다.

2021년 들어서는 미국 내 게임스탑 주식에 대한 이른바 공매도 저항 움직임으로 인한 글로벌 주가 조정과 지속적으로 상승한 주가에 대한 차익 실현으로 인해 주가가 조정을 받고 있다.
네이버 금융 캡처

삼성전자, 2021~2023년 추가 주주환원 정책 발표
삼성전자는 지난 1월 28일 이사회를 통해 2021~2023년 주주환원 정책을 확정했다.

주요 내용은 지난 3년간과 동일하게 잉여현금흐름(FCF)의 50%를 주주에게 환원한다는 것입니다.
2018년부터 2020년까지 매년 약 9조 6천억 원의 배당금을 주주에게 환원했으며, 향후 3년 동안에도 동일한 금액 이상을 환원할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

2020년 말에는 주당 1,578원의 특별배당으로 약 10조 7,000억 원을 배당하기로 결정했으며, 향후에도 354원을 지속적으로 배당한다고 가정.

Samsung Electronics Special Dividend Payment, Shareholder Return Policy 2021-2023, Dividend Date and Dividend Ex-Dividend for Q4 2021
*** This material is for informational purposes only and investments should be made at your own risk and discretion. ***

When investing in stocks, many people welcome the news of a cash or in-kind dividend. In this article, we will discuss the dividends and special dividends of Samsum Electronics.

Samsung Electronics is one of the most representative stocks in South Korea, and it is also one of the most representative stocks where you can earn dividend income as well as profit from stock price appreciation.

Samsung Electronics Special Dividend Payout Size
Samsung Electronics announced that it will pay a special dividend to shareholders at the end of 2020, in addition to its year-end dividend.

For shareholders holding shares at the end of 2020
- Preferred shares will receive KRW 1,933 per share, which is KRW 355 for the year-end dividend plus KRW 1,578 for the special dividend,
- Ordinary shares will receive KRW 354 per share plus KRW 1,578 for the special dividend, resulting in KRW 1,932 per share.
The special dividend amount of KRW 1,578 per share is higher than expected.

Regarding Samsung's special dividend, it is said that Samsung's net income, facility investment expenses, and depreciation expenses over the past three years indicate that it has about 7 trillion to 8 trillion won remaining to return to shareholders.

In terms of dividend payout ratio, Samsung's preferred stock has been paying about 1 won more in dividends than Samsung's common stock.

In addition, Samsung Electronics began raising its dividend in 2011, making it one of the stocks with the highest dividend growth rate.
Samsung Electronics Stock Price Flow
Samsung Electronics hit a low of 42,300 won on March 19, 2020, due to the global stock price decline caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, but the stock price has since recovered, rising steadily to 98,800 won on January 11, 2021.

In 2021, the stock has been undergoing a correction due to the global stock price correction caused by the so-called short-selling resistance movement against GameStop's stock in the United States and the realization of profit on the stock price that has continued to rise.
@Naver Financial Capture

Samsung Electronics Announces Additional Shareholder Return Policy for 2021-2023
On January 28, 2021, Samsung Electronics confirmed its shareholder return policy for the period 2021-2023 through the BOD.

The main content is that the company will return 50% of its free cash flow (FCF) to shareholders, the same as in the past three years.
From 2018-2020, we returned approximately KRW 9.6 trillion in dividends to shareholders each year, and we expect to return the same amount or more in the next three years.

At the end of 2020, we decided to pay out about KRW 10.7 trillion in a special dividend of KRW 1,578 per share, and assuming that we continue to pay out KRW 354 per share per quarter in 2021 and beyond, you can expect to receive about KRW 1,416 per year in dividends from your Samjung Electronics shares.

Including the year-end 2020 dividend, Samsung Electronics common stock will pay 1,932 won in cash and preferred stock will pay 1,933 won, resulting in a market dividend yield of 2.3% for common stock and 2.6% for preferred stock based on the stock price on December 30, 2020. Combined with the special dividend, the total annual dividend is estimated to be KRW 20.3 trillion in 2020.

For reference, 124 domestic listed companies paid out about 30.2 trillion won in cash dividends, with Samsung Electronics accounting for more than 20 trillion won, or 67%.
Quarterly Dividend Ex-Dividend Dates for 2021
One of the advantages of investing in Samsung Electronics is that it has been paying dividends consistently and the dividend amount is large.
It is also a large-cap stock that pays quarterly dividends.

It would be even better if the dividends could be used for retirement, and it would be great if it could be a source of income after paying taxes. Some people invest in Samsung Electronics for long-term investment purposes.

Let's take a look at the ex-dividend date of Samsung Electronics.

Since 2017, Samsung Electronics has institutionalized quarterly dividends for its shareholders, paying a total of four dividends per year in the first, second, third, and fourth quarters.

Dividends are also expected in 2021, and the table below summarizes Samsung's ex-dividend date, dividend payment date, and ex-dividend date compared to 2020.

How do I receive a dividend from Samsung Electronics?
To receive a dividend, you must own the stock on the ex-dividend date.

For Samsung Electronics, the ex-dividend date is set for each quarter, and the year-end date is December 31. You must be registered on the shareholder list on this ex-dividend date to be eligible to receive dividends. Since the stock market is closed on December 31 every year, the actual ex-dividend date is December 30.

However, if you buy a stock on this day, December 30, you won't receive a dividend.
The reason is that the transaction must be settled by December 30, and it takes two days between the purchase of the stock and the settlement date. Therefore, in order to receive Samsung Electronics dividends, you need to check the ex-dividend date every quarter and make transactions, and in order to receive the year-end dividend and special dividend, as was the case in 2020, you need to buy Samsung Electronics stock on December 28, two days before December 30.
What will the semiconductor market look like in 2021?
The performance of the semiconductor business plays a key role in Samsung's ability to pay a large dividend. We've seen a surge in demand for semiconductors since the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, so we took a look at what the semiconductor market will look like in 2021.

The reason for the increase in demand is that companies are adopting the cloud due to the expansion of non-face-to-face demand, and demand for PCs, laptops, and mobile devices has increased due to telecommuting and remote learning.

In the case of Samsung Electronics, the company is planning to launch new products such as memory semiconductors and expand production in 2021, and is reportedly strengthening its business strategy by overhauling its sales network.
In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic is unlikely to end soon, and the spread of the untact economy is expected to continue, which could lead to a recovery in semiconductor demand and an increase in component unit costs.

Examples of past surges in demand for memory semiconductors include a surge in PC demand and Microsoft's release of Windows
