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적어도 지원자들은 50세 이상인데...(저희 회사는 영화 인턴이 아닙니다)
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한달동안 지속된 채용 스트레스에 넉두리 해봐요...

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중소기업 채용이 어렵다고 하소연만 하고 있었어요.
50개의 채용거절에 뭐라고 하셔서 내용을 조금 추가해봐요.

영수증 정리, 등록증 발송, 식당 예약, 항공권 예약, 휴게실 관리 등 현직 직원들이 쉽게 할 수 있는 일을 20~30대에게 부탁했습니다,
저희는 농담 삼아 돈이 많다고 자랑했지만, 50대 분들의 경험을 따라갈 수는 없었습니다.
50대를 모집에서 제외해 불편함을 느끼셨다면 사과드립니다.
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베플ㅇ|2023.05.24 17:54
돈이 없는 회사에 다니지 않는다면 채용 공고에 연봉을 미리 적어두세요. 결과를 얻을 수 있을 겁니다.
Κ Κ Κ Κ|2023.05.24 23:16
직업 탓인 것 같아요... 요즘 애들은 너무 똑똑해서 경력에 전혀 도움이 안 되는 일자리는 지원하지 않아요. 경리카페나 잡카페에 가보세요. 매일 수많은 질문이 올라오는데, 이 일이 제 경력에 도움이 되나요? 좋은 일인지 아닌지 살펴보세요. 이 질문은 항상 끝없이 올라오는 단골 질문입니다. 이런 단순 지원 업무는 앞날이 창창한 젊은이들보다는 자녀 양육에 바빠 일에 신경을 덜 쓰고 싶은 경력 단절자들이 더 선호합니다. 평생 최저임금 받고 일하고 싶은 사람은 아무도 없습니다... 그냥 아르바이트생을 고용하세요.
베플쓰니|2023.05.24 22:11
20, 30대에 자기 일이 아닌 허드렛일을 누가 하나요? 학력을 따지지 않는다면 아르바이트 개념으로 몇 달 일해본 친구들이 있겠지만 월급도 가장 낮을 것이고, 승진 등은 꿈도 꿀 수 없는 일이고.... 하지만 50대는 제외...
베플ㅇ|2023.05.24 17:27
뭐... 요즘은 기업평판이 워낙 좋아서 아무리 취업이 어려워도 알짜, 강소기업을 골라서 취업을 하죠. 만약 돈이 많은 회사라면 어떨까요? 그 돈을 직원에게 쓰지 않을 수도 있고... 잃을 게 없다면 공고에 정확한 초봉을 명시하고...
베플ㅇ|2023.05.25 02:02
급여가 얼마인지는 모르겠지만 업무 자체가 물경이라서 당연히 젊은 사람들은 지원하면 안되겠죠. 차라리 돈을 더 주더라도 유망해 보이는 곳에 지원하겠어요~.... Th

I'm hiring the youngest member of the administrative support team.
The company is not a company without work, not a company without money...
It's a small business with an unfamiliar name, and there are no applicants.
Even if I offer an interview, there is no answer.
At least the applicants are over 50 years old...(Our company is not a movie intern)
If you are contacted and scheduled for an interview, you will dive in that day.
I apologize every time to the executives who missed the schedule...
한달동안 지속된 채용 스트레스에 넉두리 해봐요...

------Continue reading------

I was just complaining that it's hard to recruit small businesses.
50개의 채용거절에 뭐라고 하셔서 내용을 조금 추가해봐요.

We asked for 20-30 year olds whose work is easy for current employees to ask for work, such as organizing receipts, sending out registrations, making restaurant reservations, booking flights, and managing break rooms,
We jokingly bragged that we have a lot of money, but we couldn't match the experience of people in their 50s.
We apologize if you felt uncomfortable by excluding people in their 50s from recruitment.
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베플ㅇ|2023.05.24 17:54
If you're not in a company that doesn't have money, just put your salary up front in the job posting. You'll get results.
κΈ°κΈ°|2023.05.24 23:16
I think the job is to blame... These days, kids are so smart that they don't apply for jobs that don't help their career at all. Try going to Kyungrika Cafe or Job Cafe. There are tons of questions posted every day, does this job help me in my career? Please look at whether it's a good job or not. This is a regular question that comes up endlessly all the time. Simple support work like that is more preferred by career breakers who are busy raising their children and want to pay less attention to work than by young people who have a bright future ahead of them. No one wants to work for minimum wage for the rest of their lives... Just hire part-time students.
베플쓰니|2023.05.24 22:11
In the 20s and 30s, who does behind-the-scenes work that is not their own personal work? If you don't look at academic qualifications, there may be friends who have worked for a few months with the concept of part-time work, but the salary will be the lowest, and promotions and such are tasks that you can't dream of... But 50s are excluded...
베플ㅇ|2023.05.24 17:27
Well... These days, corporate reviews are so good that no matter how hard it is to find a job, no matter how hard it is to find a job, alpha and small companies pick and choose. What if it's a company with a lot of money? Maybe they don't spend that money on employees... If you don't have anything to lose, specify the exact starting salary in the announcement...
베플ㅇ|2023.05.25 02:02
I don't know how much they pay, but the work itself is a water career route, so of course young people shouldn't apply. I'd rather apply to a place that looks promising even if they pay me more money.... They always say there are no people in small and medium-sized companies, but as other commenters said, decent small and medium-sized companies have a lot of young people applying for jobs ㅋㅋ Not all young people are crazy about large public companies.
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