임신 30주, 출산 2개월을 앞두고 있습니다.
임신 30주인데 아기를 위해 필요한 물품을 구입하고 준비하느라 바쁩니다!
물론 비용이 많이 들고 도와주셔서 감사합니다.
하지만 신랑과 저는 안도감과 응원에
안심해도 괜찮아요.
그런데 영수증을 보내주실 수 있는지 궁금해서요.
영수증을 보내주실 수 있을까요?
그런데 영수증이 없어요.
시댁에서 100~150달러를 주겠다고 하셨어요.
미리 금액이 정해져 있다고 말씀해 주셨어요.
신랑과 저는 바가지를 씌우는 것 같아서 마음에 들지 않았어요.
그래서 받지 않기로 결정하고 괜찮다고 했어요.
신랑은 영수증을 받지 못했다고 화를 냈어요.
저는 전화로 우리가 무엇을 샀는지, 얼마를 샀는지 말씀드렸어요.
대략 얼마가 들었다고 말했죠.
그러자 그는 "10만 원이든 10만 원이든 상관없어.
상관없으니 영수증은 요구하지 말고 그냥 쓰라고 줘요.
그는 영수증을 보내야만 돈을 주겠다고 했습니다.
영수증 문제로 갈등이 시작되었고 시댁에서는 모든 것은 시댁에서 해야 한다고 했습니다.
남편은 시댁에서 산후조리비 대부분을 부담했는데 왜 시댁에서 부담하지 않느냐고 했어요.
저희가 영수증에 너무 민감한 건가요?
I'm 30 weeks pregnant, two months away from giving birth
I'm 30 weeks pregnant and I've been busy buying and preparing for the baby!
Of course, it's expensive, and I'm grateful for your help.
but both the groom and I don't mind the relief and support
that it's okay to be relieved.
But I was wondering if you could send me a receipt
and how much it cost, and they'll give us money.
but we don't have the receipts.
and my in-laws are willing to give us 100-150 dollars.
They told me in advance that the amount is fixed.
The groom and I felt like we were being charged for something, so we didn't like it.
so we decided not to take it and said it was okay.
He got mad at us for not getting a receipt.
I told him over the phone what we bought and how much it was.
I told him that it was roughly how much it cost.
And he said, "I don't care if it's 100,000 won or 100,000 won.
it doesn't matter, don't ask for a receipt, just give it to me to spend.
He said he would only give me the money if I sent him a receipt.
The conflict started over the receipt, and my in-laws said that everything should be done by the in-laws.
My husband said that my in-laws used to pay for most of the postpartum care, so why aren't they paying for that?
Are we too sensitive about the receipt?
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